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Soon we will show the full flight.
(Keshe am 20.12.2012 (Archiv-Version vom 25.01.2014))
I have a direct telephone line to the minister who's resonsible for the Fukushima disaster.
(Keshe am 28.11.2013 -- im Audio @3:44:59)
Our approach to Japanese government [concerning Fukushima] has been blocked and left unanswered.
some information I mentioned when I was fortunate to talk with Mr Keshe teh other day on the 7th public health workshop. I am very keen to share this as its symbiotic with the aims and practice of the institute. http://www.emrojapan.com/monthly-message/content/584.html (Archiv-Version vom 19.12.2013)Da es keinen "7th public health workshop" gibt, vermute ich, dass er den 1st Public Health Teaching Workshop vom 17. Dezember meint. Den habe ich mir aus Zeitgründen bisher nicht angetan, was ich jetzt aber vielleicht noch nachhole.
(Paul Exall am 21.12.2013)
In this website I have often discussed the use of EM™ in dealing with radiation, and the actual conditions of the use of EM™ in Fukushima. Solid proof that supports the results we have had can also be found in the joint research conducted with the Institute of Radiobiology, National Academy of Sciences of Belarus, one of the countries affected by the Chernobyl nuclear power plant accident.Am 23. Dezember (also 6 Tage, nachdem er wahrscheinlich von EM erfahren hat) startete Keshe nun seine Fukushima-Initiative (Archiv-Version vom 30.12.2013). Es bleibt abzuwarten, wie das geheimnisvolle Material aussieht, das er anwenden will. Die Ähnlichkeit zwischen seinen Versprechungen und der Beschreibung auf der EM-Webseite (möglicherweise hat er die Informationen über die Wirkung von EM zusätzlich überinterpretiert, oder glaubt, sie verbessern zu können) lässt den massiven Verdacht aufkommen, dass er drauf und dran ist, eine Idee zu klauen.
First of all, as we have already made public, the application of EM Technology™ has brought about a remarkable decrease in damage caused by radiation exposure. Secondly, the use of EM™ has greatly suppressed the absorption of radioactive cesium and radioactive strontium by crops.
Further, experiments conducted in Fukushima have clearly demonstrated that EM™ fermented compost can suppress the absorption of radioactive cesium, and that it can successfully be used as a countermeasure in dealing with environmental and internal radiation exposure.
Through this site and DND I have confidently been presenting information regarding the use of EM™ in dealing with radiation, and in Fukushima Prefecture over forty successful cases have been verified.
1. Thorough use of EM™ (using 1-2 tons per 10a per year), will lead to crops either not absorbing any radioactive cesium at all, or a tremendous reduction in the amount absorbed.
2. Places where Activated EM™ 1 has been thoroughly sprayed (5-10 tons per 10a per year) have shown a remarkable reduction in the amount of radioactive cesium.
3. Cultivated fields in farms that have been using EM™ for many years have very low levels of radioactive cesium, and the area in a radius of approximately fifty meters shows low levels of radioactive cesium.
(emrojapan.com - The Background to EM Not Being Employed by Public Institutions to Deal with Radiation (Archiv-Version vom 19.12.2013))
amad2010 schrieb:... so das der verdacht der abzocke (mir) unbegründet scheint.Ich glaube auch nicht, dass Keshe hier eine Abzocke im finanziellen Sinn plant. Es scheint mir eher, dass er (falls sein Verfahren tatsächlich in irgendeiner Weise etwas mit EM zu tun hat -- das ist ja bisher noch nicht bekannt) ein EM-ähnliches Verfahren als "sein" Verfahren ausgeben will. Er will sich wichtig machen, da er seine zunehmende Bedeutungslosigkeit nicht ertragen kann.
We had this material in the foundation for nearly seven, eight years. It's not something we're jumping in new. I've run tests with these. I have even sections of my own garden over seven, eight years testing this material. It's not that we think it's going to be, we know what's going to be, because I physically nourished it, I physically developed it. So what I say is not theoretical. Maybe within next day or two we start specific tests.
So what do you do? You mix this material in the soil, you allow it to stay in the soil for 10 or 15 days, you can even turn the soil 2 or 3 times [...]. And then -- because of the structure of the material we developed -- you can more or less extract 90% of it from the ground, and then you have all the cesium which is in that area [...].
[T]his material has a property to work in that way to become like a natural fertilizer.
So what do you do? You absorb all the radiation, doesn't matter what it is. This is the property of this material. And they can produce it locally. I think it costs a thousand Euros per farm with a few hectars.
The same thing is -- this is what we're trying to explain to TEPCO -- is that ... all these huge tanks with active liquids ... you mix this material in the tank and you let it ... like a ... just to mix and to settle. And in the process of the settling it will take all the tritium with itself down. It will go down, it will be absorbed.
(Keshe am 26.12.2013 -- im Video @00:35:07)
uatu schrieb:The same thing is -- this is what we're trying to explain to TEPCO -- is that ... all these huge tanks with active liquids ... you mix this material in the tank and you let it ... like a ... just to mix and to settle. And in the process of the settling it will take all the tritium with itself down. It will go down, it will be absorbed.Großartige Dekontamination. Tritium (überschwerer Wasserstoff) ist das geringste Problem das die dort haben - es existiert in dem kontaminierten Wasser nur in sehr geringen Spuren. Ein "Reactor Engineer" _muss_ das wissen.
The whole nation by 5 or 10 Euro are sponsoring two scientists. So, let's say they have [...] 5 or 10,000 ... what you call it ... strong Keshe foundation team in Bulgaria and the two scientists cost 100,000, each one of them are paying 10 dollars a year.Nach ca. 3 Wochen tatsächlich eingegangene Summe für die beiden designierten bulgarischen Teilnehmer des "Spaceship Institutes" (lt. der entsprechenden Webseite): 200 BGN = ca. 102 EUR.