Keshe Foundation - Betrug und kein Ende in Sicht?
29.04.2013 um 09:08Tja, da hat sich der begnadete Bastler vermessen, oder die Teile aus der Baumarkt-Restekiste waren einfach zu klein.
KF never looked for investors, neither from governments, nor private. All R&D happened with private monies and with income from books, events or other activities. [...] [T]he Belgian government [...] started to block KF, tapped telephones, blocked letters, blocked package deliveries, etc. Probably this all was the result of the paranoid attitude related to the nationality of Keshe, which was organized by a lodge-related liberal politician which initially wanted that Keshe signed an exclusive contract with him personally. Where this corrupt person (Mr. Hans B., a lawyer specialized in technology transfer) was at that time the cabinet-chef of the Minister of internal affaires, controlling all Belgian police forces and Belgian Secret service. From that top-level position Mr. Hans B. was able to create easily, in cooperation with CIA, a fake false flag "terrorist-file" against Keshe and KF. So, one day, the police interrogated me about building an A-bomb together with Keshe.Hinweis für Uneingeweihte: Bei Aussagen aus dem näheren Keshe-Umfeld -- so wie hier -- ist grundsätzlich Skepsis bzgl. des Wahrheitsgehalts angebracht.
(Dirk Laureyssens am 23.04.2013)
Ich bin einer von UNS. WIR nehmen Dich gerne in unseren exklusiven Kreis der BSS (Bezahlte Systemschafe) auf. Leider muss ich Dir für den Bürokratieaufwand eine kleine Aufnahmegebühr berechnen.uatu schrieb: dass einer von IHNEN Kontakt
Das meinte ich mit reich bleiben :trollking:kleinundgrün schrieb:...eine kleine Aufnahmegebühr berechnen.
Quite interesting, what Ca$hes watchdog number 1, Dirk Laureyssens has to say about the necessity for evidence. Quite interesting also the strong words the toy - designer uses when he hopelessly attempts to defend his master:
"Dirk Laureyssens I have no problem you or others being skeptic. I know what I know. ***>In due time hard evidence will be given to the public but for the moment there is no need for you to know.<***
23. April um 01:27
Obviously a serious case of megalomania, Mr. toy - designer. And the clowns performance goes on:
"Dirk Laureyssens Piet De Pauw: Keshe shares essential information with the public, like on his forum with several groups. Keshe shared essential information with governments by the handover of the USB-stick."
Yeah. The italians were at least so polite to have the content of the USB stick checked by well known scientists. Their findings can be found in the web. It is devastating.
"If Keshe' patents are not understandable to you, that's your problem. Maybe they don't correspondent with what you interpret as REALITY, ***>but maybe YOUR REALITY is biased by various strange nonsense ideas, like quantum mechanics.<***
Megalomania again. (or ghost rider syndrome?)
Quantum machanics maybe looks like a strange nonsense idea to a toy designer. To a real physicist these "strange nonsense ideas" are quite clear and they are verified in a vast number of experiments worldwide. That you, Mr. toy - designer, fail to understand them because of your lack of scientific education is your problem. It becomas a problem of all of us, when your and Ca$hes delusions start to become dangerous to gullible people, either costing them money or their health or even their life.
"I think you have a wrong idea (your reality?) about the KF. KF never looked for investors, neither from governments, nor private. All R&D happened with private monies and with income from books, events or other activities."
Yeah. Other activities like sale of never delivered reactors and quack medicine with "processed" water and air - a classical case of health scam. Ca$he has, after we have threated to inform the health authoriries all over Europe about this illegal activities, at least removed the PDF with the "health treatment" offers (priced between 300 and 15000 Euros). Because his Activities still continued, we have now informed the authorities.
"KF always wanted to stay independent from external influences. Over the years KF offered cooperation with several institutes in Belgium. For that KF had direct negotiations with the Belgian and Flemish government on the highest level (i.e. PM) and offered (1) at first level to test the Keshe plasma technology in cooperation with universities or other institutes, and (2) at second level - if successful tested - to build the reactors and other devices in Belgium (creating jobs, export, etc., like in the Antwerp OPEL plant projecting more than 10,000 jobs). KF offered not a step in the dark, but pre-tests by universities and institutes like SCK in Mol. Strange enough the Belgian government didn't agree on this open fair KF's offer, but started to block KF, tapped telephones, blocked letters, blocked package deliveries, etc. Probably this all was the result of the paranoid attitude related to the nationality of Keshe, which was organized by a lodge-related liberal politician which initially wanted that Keshe signed an exclusive contract with him personally. Where this corrupt person (Mr. Hans B., a lawyer specialized in technology transfer) was at that time the cabinet-chef of the Minister of internal affaires, controlling all Belgian police forces and Belgian Secret service. From that top-level position Mr. Hans B. was able to create easily, in cooperation with CIA, a fake false flag "terrorist-file" against Keshe and KF. So, one day, the police interrogated me about building an A-bomb together with Keshe."
Mr. toy - designer, You are looking too many James Bond movies :D
and here we are at the point, where the real crime starts:
"A last remark. If keshe' ideas have in your opinion lack of correspondence with reality, how do you explain that the plasma technology is able to reverse an illness like PARKINSON, where actual medical science consider this illness to be fatal or irreversible ? What about Alzheimer, MS and ALS? So, what Mr. Saam Aryan, Mr. Keith Metz or Mr. Piet De Pauw think about the plasma technology of Keshe has no importance to me, and their hunger for "evidence" will not be satisfied till the moment is considered to be correct by KF."
23. April um 14:48 • 3
Yes, Mr. Laureyssens. The KF is on a steep ramp downwards, just have a look at the Alexa ratings and in two or three years maximum this scam organisation will have ceased to exist. You should know, Mr. Dirk Laureyssens:
You can fool some of the people all of the time, and all of the people some of the time, but you can not fool all of the people all of the time.
(Abraham Lincoln)
KF never looked for investors, neither from governments, nor private.Im Kontrast dazu eine Bildunterschrift im NET-Journal September/Oktober 2012:
(Dirk Laureyssens am 23.04.2013)
Das Team, bestehend aus Ingenieuren, Verlegern, einem Investor und dem Ehepaar
Schröder, welches die Keshe-Foundation am 24. August 2012 besuchte.
(NET-Journal September/Oktober 2012 (pdf), S.21, Hervorhebung von mir)
Sowohl der Investor wie auch dieDas gefällt mir am besten :D
Redaktoren hatten je eine Vorauszahlung
geleistet, um einen 3-4-kW-Generator
von M. T. Keshe zu bekommen.