Hier mal was nettes zu dem Finsrud Apperat!
In Englisch:
By Hal Fox
One of the world's most prestigious sciencepublications is the 400-year-old Nature magazine. Although Stefan Marinov has submittednumerous publications to Nature, his papers are seldom published. Recently (see report inNew Energy News April 1996) Marinov bought advertising space in Nature to get his messageto their readers.
When Marinov recently learned about the Finsrud perpetualmotion moving sculpture he sent an article to Nature with the offer to place it as anadvertisement if they didn't want to publish the article. Here is the response fromNature's editor:
"I am sorry to have to tell you that I am not willing topublish any of your submitted papers in Nature because in my judgement they will notpersuade readers of the validity of your claims. Finally, we are not willing to publishfurther papers as advertisements. I think it is permissible, very occasionally (less thanonce every two years), to allow somebody with unorthodox views to advertise them to ourreadership. But anything more frequent becomes in effect a policy of systematicallyselling space to people who have failed our usual tests of acceptability, which would bequite unacceptable."
"Yours sincerely, /s/ Dr. Philip Campbell, Editor"
The message is that if you are not following orthodox teachings you will not bepublished nor allowed to advertise in Nature. In case you haven't looked it up recently,orthodox is defined as conforming to established doctrine. It is the nature of truescience to periodically unestablish orthodoxy. Then, of course, after an appropriatenumber of years, we have a new orthodoxy that somehow forgets its radical past andbecomes the conservative line.
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