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SkyWay Capital - neuer Scam auf Raten?
22.10.2019 um 21:37Das hat der Anatoly längst erfunden: siehe bei Yunitskiy vom 18.10.2019 (Archiv-Version vom 30.10.2019) gibt auch Zeichnungen dort.geeky schrieb:Dazu wäre eine externe Energiezufuhr notwendig, und die ist mit dem String-Design unmöglich zu realisieren.
Engineer Anatoly Yunitskiy presented the first description of current collection through wheels in string transport 24 years ago in his first scientific monograph “String transport systems: on Earth and in Space”. Current collection through wheels will allow to refuse both unreliable, nondurable and expensive traditional contact network, especially at high speeds of movement, and also expensive, unreliable and nondurable traditional accumulators of electric energy. The peculiarity of such current collection is that the sliding contact is replaced by a rolling contact in it, in which slippage, wear-out, sparks, radio emissions in a wide range of frequencies and other disadvantages of traditional contact networks are excluded.Aber du hast schon recht, eingesetzt wird das das bis heute nirgends.