Ist die kalte Fusion doch möglich?
24.04.2016 um 07:03Es gibt anscheinend einige Informationen über den "geheimen" Kunden, bei dem die Anlage getestet wurde, und der angeblich drei weitere kaufen will. Diese Informationen tragen nicht unbedingt zur Glaubwürdigkeit bei. Besucher berichten, der E-Cat Container stände in einem separaten Raum aus dem ein Rohr vom E-Cat durch eine Mauer führt. Das sollte wohl das Rohr für den erzeugten Dampf oder Heisswasser sein. Es durfte nicht hinter diese Wand geschaut werden. Eine Person sagte, durch einen Türspalt hätte man wohl so etwas wie eine Produktionsstätte sehen können. An der fraglichen Adresse befindet sich eine Firma, die anscheinend chemische Produkte herstellt, allerdings findet man im Netz praktisch keine näheren Informationen über diese Firma namens "JM Products". Adresse ist
7861, 46th Street, Doral, Fl 33166
I know some intresting things regarding the one megawat-container and the secret custumer. I heard from people that was there Swedish physics and one journalist. The thing is that the container realy was in operation, and Rossi was the one runing it. The tricky part is that the containers heat was konected by a hose to a hole in the wall. Nobody that visited the container knowd whar was on the other side of the wall. I my self think it sounds very surealistisct like an episod from the TV-serie Lost or something like that. This information is for me first information and second information and I'm convinced that this is how it looked for all visitors at the customer... sorry for any miss spellings...
Those people I talked to, who visited the plant, said exactly this. The steam output was led in a tube going through a wall where the customer's production supposedly was being run. The door to that space was closed and they never opened it. One of them, however, claims to have gleaned when the door opened for a moment, and saw what seemed to be production activity
'I have been talking to people having visited the 1MW plant and meeting with the customer during first half of 2015, showing them pictures taken at the registered address for the customer JM Products—7861, 46th Street, Doral, Fl 33166. They say that it looks very much like the place they visited, noting details such as the stairs leading up to the entrance at the back of the building—an area where trucks can load and unload cargo. I and other persons have tried to call the telephone number listed for JM Products, (786) 631-4676, a number that was also written on a business card I have seen, but there was no answer.'
Celladoor schrieb am 18.04.2016:Text