The Last Of Us
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The Last Of Us
18.07.2013 um 23:47Ich fand das Spiel eher durchschnittlich. Hab mich leider vom ganzen Hype anstecken lassen. Hab deshalb was besseres erwartet. Bleibt nur noch GTA V, aber da mach ich mir keine Sorgen.
The Last Of Us
19.07.2013 um 13:13Die NPD Juni Stats sind da.(USA)
The Last Of Us ist nach GodOfWar3 das erfolgreichste 1st Party Party Spiel, dass Sony je released hat. Hat in seinem ersten Monat also mehr verkauft als Uncharted2 und 3, LBP1+2, Killzone, GranTurismo und wie sie alle heißen.
“The Last of Us was the top selling game at retail in the month of June. To put this in context, it had the second highest first-month sales of a PS3 first-party game, after God of War 3 in March 2010. The Last of Us was also the third highest game to launch during the month of June since NPD began tracking sales in 1995.”
The Last Of Us ist nach GodOfWar3 das erfolgreichste 1st Party Party Spiel, dass Sony je released hat. Hat in seinem ersten Monat also mehr verkauft als Uncharted2 und 3, LBP1+2, Killzone, GranTurismo und wie sie alle heißen.
“The Last of Us was the top selling game at retail in the month of June. To put this in context, it had the second highest first-month sales of a PS3 first-party game, after God of War 3 in March 2010. The Last of Us was also the third highest game to launch during the month of June since NPD began tracking sales in 1995.”
The Last Of Us
22.07.2013 um 18:476. Wochen in Folge Platz 1 in England, damit stellt TLoU den Run von FIFA und COD ein, die auch beide jeweils 6 Wochen in Folge Platz 1 schafften.
Impressively, the PS3 exclusive has now topped the chart for six consecutive weeks, the same unbroken run enjoyed by multiplatform releases Call of Duty: Black Ops 2 and FIFA 12.
The Last Of Us
23.07.2013 um 03:58Ellies Witze tun echt weh. :D
The Last Of Us
23.07.2013 um 11:56The Last Of Us
23.07.2013 um 12:50@CthulhusPrison
Natürlich, COD ist immer lange auf Platz 1.
Dabei verkauft COD auch noch mehr als TLoU, denn im Herbst, wenn COD released wird, sind die Verkäufe genrell stärker als im Juni/Juli.
Wir haben zwar keine konkreten Zahlen, aber ich denke mal so mit 20.000 die Woche geht man in UK zur Zeit auf Platz1.
Im Herbst brauchste mindestens das doppelte.
CODs verkaufen sich weltweit um die 10-15 Mio. mal.
Natürlich, COD ist immer lange auf Platz 1.
Dabei verkauft COD auch noch mehr als TLoU, denn im Herbst, wenn COD released wird, sind die Verkäufe genrell stärker als im Juni/Juli.
Wir haben zwar keine konkreten Zahlen, aber ich denke mal so mit 20.000 die Woche geht man in UK zur Zeit auf Platz1.
Im Herbst brauchste mindestens das doppelte.
CODs verkaufen sich weltweit um die 10-15 Mio. mal.
The Last Of Us
01.08.2013 um 15:24@1.21Gigawatt weltweit ist tlou nur noch nr 2 diese woche, mario und die japaner haben schuld.
und das obwohl es für den 3ds rauskommt, eine konsole die DU schon abgeschrieben hattest.
und das obwohl es für den 3ds rauskommt, eine konsole die DU schon abgeschrieben hattest.
9000 würden dafür schon reichen...1.21Gigawatt schrieb am 23.07.2013:Wir haben zwar keine konkreten Zahlen, aber ich denke mal so mit 20.000 die Woche geht man in UK zur Zeit auf Platz1.
The Last Of Us
01.08.2013 um 15:29@25h.nox
Es gibt gar keine Weltweiten Zahlen.
Wir haben nur Zahlen aus England und da war TLoU 6 Wochen PLatz1 und in der 7. Woche Platz 3.
Platz 1 war Minecraft. Pikmin3 ist auf Platz 2 eingestiegen.
Und welches Mario Game ist überhaupt erscheinen?
Es kam doch nur der Pikmin3 Flop.
PS: Ich hab den 3DS nie abgeschrieben. Woher hast du den Unsinn?
Das hat du schonmal behauptet :D
Es gibt gar keine Weltweiten Zahlen.
Wir haben nur Zahlen aus England und da war TLoU 6 Wochen PLatz1 und in der 7. Woche Platz 3.
Platz 1 war Minecraft. Pikmin3 ist auf Platz 2 eingestiegen.
Und welches Mario Game ist überhaupt erscheinen?
Es kam doch nur der Pikmin3 Flop.
Jetzt vielleicht, aber nicht vor zwei Wochen als AnimalCrossing noch frisch war.25h.nox schrieb:9000 würden dafür schon reichen...
PS: Ich hab den 3DS nie abgeschrieben. Woher hast du den Unsinn?
Das hat du schonmal behauptet :D
The Last Of Us
01.08.2013 um 15:38@1.21Gigawatt Mario & Luigi: Dream Team ist für den 3ds rausgekommen.
und pikmin3 verkaut sich doch ganz ordentlich dafür das es kein spiel für den massenmarkt ist
und pikmin3 verkaut sich doch ganz ordentlich dafür das es kein spiel für den massenmarkt ist
The Last Of Us
01.08.2013 um 15:55@25h.nox
Ähm. Ne. Pikmin verkauft vllt. 300k Einheiten weltweit.
Das galt als kleine Hoffnung für die WiiU.
Und wenn Pikmin nicht für den Massenmarkt ist, dann ists TLoU genauso wenig.
Und dass Mario & Luigi: Dream Team weltweit auf Platz1 ist bezweifle ich sehr stark.
Wie gesagt, es gibt keine Weltweiten Zahlen, nur die aus England und aus Japan.
In England war, fals es da schon erschienen ist, nicht in den Top3.
In Japan ists in der zweiten Woche schon auf Platz 5 abgestürzt.
01./00. [3DS] Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney - Dual Destinies (Capcom) {2013.07.25} - 250.216 / NEU
02./00. [PS] Dragon's Crown (Atlus) {2013.07.25} - 104.359 / NEU
03./00. [PSV] Dragon's Crown (Atlus) {2013.07.25} - 71.083 / NEU
04./00. [PS] The Witch and the Hundred Knights {2013.07.25} - 49.209 / NEU
05./01. [3DS] Mario & Luigi: Dream Team # (Nintendo) {2013.07.18} - 43.721 / 143.694 (-56%)
Ace Attorney 5 ist da ein viel größeres Release als Mario&Luigi, das hat über 100.000 Units mehr verkauft in seiner ersten Woche.
Übrigens hat Nintendo gestern seine Quartalszahlen gebracht.
160.000 WiiUs wurden in den letzten 3 Monaten Weltweit verkauft.
90.000 in Japan
60.000 in US
10.000 in EU
Zum Vergleich:
1,1Mio Ps3s in der gleichen Zeit.
640.000 PsVitas in der gleichen Zeit.
Sogar die Wii hat sich mit 210.000 Einheiten noch deutlich öfter verkauft als die WiiU.
1,03 Mio WiiU Softwaretitel wurden in diesen 3 Monaten insgesamt verkauft. Es wurden also mehr Ps3 Konsolen verkauft als WiiU Spiele.
TLoU alleine verkaufte sich in den ersten 3 Wochen 3,4Mio mal.
Die Wii hat übrigens die 100Mio Marke geknackt.
Die Ps3 steht bei 82Mio.
Xbox360 bei 80Mio.
Ähm. Ne. Pikmin verkauft vllt. 300k Einheiten weltweit.
Das galt als kleine Hoffnung für die WiiU.
Und wenn Pikmin nicht für den Massenmarkt ist, dann ists TLoU genauso wenig.
Und dass Mario & Luigi: Dream Team weltweit auf Platz1 ist bezweifle ich sehr stark.
Wie gesagt, es gibt keine Weltweiten Zahlen, nur die aus England und aus Japan.
In England war, fals es da schon erschienen ist, nicht in den Top3.
In Japan ists in der zweiten Woche schon auf Platz 5 abgestürzt.
01./00. [3DS] Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney - Dual Destinies (Capcom) {2013.07.25} - 250.216 / NEU
02./00. [PS] Dragon's Crown (Atlus) {2013.07.25} - 104.359 / NEU
03./00. [PSV] Dragon's Crown (Atlus) {2013.07.25} - 71.083 / NEU
04./00. [PS] The Witch and the Hundred Knights {2013.07.25} - 49.209 / NEU
05./01. [3DS] Mario & Luigi: Dream Team # (Nintendo) {2013.07.18} - 43.721 / 143.694 (-56%)
Ace Attorney 5 ist da ein viel größeres Release als Mario&Luigi, das hat über 100.000 Units mehr verkauft in seiner ersten Woche.
Übrigens hat Nintendo gestern seine Quartalszahlen gebracht.
160.000 WiiUs wurden in den letzten 3 Monaten Weltweit verkauft.
90.000 in Japan
60.000 in US
10.000 in EU
Zum Vergleich:
1,1Mio Ps3s in der gleichen Zeit.
640.000 PsVitas in der gleichen Zeit.
Sogar die Wii hat sich mit 210.000 Einheiten noch deutlich öfter verkauft als die WiiU.
1,03 Mio WiiU Softwaretitel wurden in diesen 3 Monaten insgesamt verkauft. Es wurden also mehr Ps3 Konsolen verkauft als WiiU Spiele.
TLoU alleine verkaufte sich in den ersten 3 Wochen 3,4Mio mal.
Die Wii hat übrigens die 100Mio Marke geknackt.
Die Ps3 steht bei 82Mio.
Xbox360 bei 80Mio.
The Last Of Us
01.08.2013 um 16:00The Last Of Us
01.08.2013 um 16:06@25h.nox
Der 3DS wird böse abgehen wenn Pokemon, Zelda und MH4(Japan) erscheinen.
Aber so Sachen wie Mario&Luigi schlagen nicht ein.
Die WiiU ist jetzt übrigens deutlich unter Dreamcast Niveau.
Der 3DS wird böse abgehen wenn Pokemon, Zelda und MH4(Japan) erscheinen.
Aber so Sachen wie Mario&Luigi schlagen nicht ein.
Die WiiU ist jetzt übrigens deutlich unter Dreamcast Niveau.
The Last Of Us
01.08.2013 um 16:10nintendo kann das aber im gegensatz zu sega aushalten1.21Gigawatt schrieb:Die WiiU ist jetzt übrigens deutlich unter Dreamcast Niveau.
The Last Of Us
01.08.2013 um 16:22@25h.nox
Nintendo schon, aber die WiiU wird sich nicht mehr erholen.
Und ehrlich gesagt kann ich mir nicht vorstellen wie Nintendo jemals wieder relevant werden kann im Heimkonsolen Markt.
Ohne 3rd Party Support geht es nicht.
Dafür brauchen sie Top Notch Hardware und damit hat Nintendo Probleme, da sie keine Hardwarecompany sind wie Sony und nicht so viele Mittel haben wie Microsoft.
Ausserdem hat Nintendo es verpasst eine Onlineinfrastruktur aufzubauen.
Sony und MS haben Kunden mit dem PSN und XBL an sich gebunden. Die haben ihre Friendlists da, ihre Gamerscores und Trophys. Das lassen die nicht einfach zurück und wechseln zu Nintendo.
Die 3rd Party Crowd ist also fest bei Sony und MS, aber ohne diese Crowd kann man keine erfolgreiche Heimkonsole mehr betreiben.
Wie Nintendo an diese Kundschaft rankommen soll, weiß ich nicht. Ich glaube nicht, dass Nintendo das schaffen kann.
Gestern gabs ein Reddit AMA (Ask Me Anything) mit dem Creative Director(Neil Druckman) und dem Game Director(Bruce Straley)
What are your plans for the future of The Last of Us?
Currently working on single-player DLC. Talking about other ideas.
Can we please have some more?
DLC is going to amazing! Just wait! We’re happy with what we’ve come up with.
Was The Last of Us ending controversial internally? How many possible ideas did you have for it?
Initially, yeah… ending we ultimately went with didn’t sit well with some members of the team. Once it was more fleshed out, it became an easier sell. We went through about 3 or 4 ideas before finding the ending that worked best for the story we wanted to tell.
What were some of the other endings?
We had a happier ending at one point… where Ellie & Joel were driving completely contented & satisfied with their adventures off into a glorious sunset… but that didn’t feel right. It just wasn’t honest to the world or the characters we created. This ending felt right for us.
Can you elaborate on the alternate endings?
We’ll share some of them at a panel Bruce and I are doing at PAX. More info to come.
I’ve heard that, according to the Japanese instruction manual, Joel and Ellie’s last names are Miller and Williams. Is this true?
Those were names that were used in early docs, but we decided to remove all last names for main characters pretty early in development — no sure how they made it to any released manuals. So no, Ellie’s and Joel’s last names aren’t revealed. The only main character who’s last name you can find is Riley’s.
How difficult was it bringing this new IP to the PS3 so late in its life cycle and where’s UnKarted?
1) It was surprisingly much easier that we thought It’d be. Sony has a lot of trust with us.
2) UnKarted: Train Combat Racing X is on it’s way.
Is it difficult to fully immerse yourself and enjoy the game after you’ve spent years making it?
Well, it’s always hard playing a game that we’ve been so ‘attached at the hip’ to for so long without seeing the flaws. I mean, “art is never finished, just abandoned”, right? And with video game development it’s even worse. But I can say when playing through the game more strung together, I teared up at moments that I KNEW were actually going to happen. That was cool! I think some of it was the relief of 3+ years and a lot of blood, sweat & tears manifest on the joystick. What a relief!
If you’d made the game for PS4, what would you have done differently? Who is sexier, Troy Baker or Nolan North?
1. Memory wouldn’t be as much of an issue. we had to jump through so many hoops to get this game streaming (no load screens in our games still. YAY!)
2. Ashley Johnson
Will there ever be more story content from the universe that Ellie and Joel live in centering around the two characters?
It’s possible. We’re playing with some ideas, but no direction has been set yet for the next game.
What was the biggest challenge Naughty Dog as a team had to go through?
Growing to become a multi-project company has been extremely difficult.
Do you plan on making more comics after The Last of Us: American Dreams?
Don’t know yet. Entertaining some ideas, though.
Do you guys plan on making a big entrance into next-gen with your next game?
We always make a big entrance.
When can we expect any DLC news?
News is on the way about the first DLC drop. Should hear about it this month [Ed. he probably means August].
Why weren’t there any 3 way fights between Joel, hunters, and infected in the single player? Was it a technical issue?
Not a technical issue. We actually had the tech to do it, it just never fit with the story.
Was any sequence cut from the game that either of you wish could have made the final cut?
Infected vs humans would’ve been awesome, and there were 3 (I think? hard to remember right now) areas in the game we had it slated, but as we got deeper in production & animations & models started getting fleshed out, it came down to such a huge memory hit that we couldn’t afford it without rather large re-jiggering… so we opted to cut it. Yeah… I know
Why would the Firefly’s not give Joel an opportunity to talk to Ellie? Why rush the surgery? Why not give Ellie the choice to have the surgery?
All off screen, so we’re leaving all this for your interpretation… BUT you COULD say Marlene was weary of Joel and/or you don’t reeeeally know how long Joel was unconscious for.
And regarding the choice – 1. it’s just the story we wanted to tell and 2. it’s not a story-choice-based game, so to cram a major choice in at the last, final, epic set-up would’ve felt forced (to us).
What is your guys’ favorite games?
Neil: Ico, Resident Evil 4, and Monkey Island 2 (best ending for a videogame).
Bruce: In no order: ICO RE4 Yoshi’s Island hmmm… Fatal Frame II (only because no game has scared me like that ever before) what else… why are all these old japanese games? I just played Hotline Miami. That was some good fun! Not on the all-time list, but on a 2013 best of for sure OH! Limbo was awesome… ’nuff…
Would you rather fight 1 Joel sized Ellie, or 2 Ellie sized Joels?
Bruce: 2 Ellie-sized Joels.
Did story come before gameplay?
The concept of structuring an entire game around a relationship between two characters came first and was always at the heart of development.
Is there any truth to the rumors of the film?
Were there any scenes that you guys wrote that later on that you decided were too brutal or intense and had them removed?
No. We were shocked no one ever asked us to tone down or censor any scenes.
What made you want to use Joel for the main character of a post-apocalyptic tale, as opposed to more ‘rugged’ names?
His original name was Ethan, but we felt it was too close to Nathan. I’m sure that can lead you to find out where the name Joel came from.
Is there anything you would change about the game if you could or do you still believe it is as good as it can be?
With the time/resources we had… I truly believe we made the best game possible. Are there things we could’ve iterated on with more time/budget? Of course.
Can you talk about some of the hurdles and/or compromises the team had to make in order for the AI to help or challenge the player? How do you see this system evolving over time with regards to newer technology?
1. AI is fucking hard. 2. Our programmers are amazing. 3. AI is STILL reeeally fucking hard even with amazing programmers
All sorts of trials & tribulations with our adventure in making great AI. maybe too many to get into here – but a couple things… having an Ally with the player in stealth encounters is probably the most difficult problem we could have tried to solve, and “we” (the royal industry we) need time to implement, iterate, and find solutions to the problems that will only come up by having actual set-ups in the game to help steer the tech direction… dunno if I’m answering this well… another early goal for the enemies what we had to create a “dynamic front” due to the flexibility we wanted the players to be able to take with our more wide-linear layouts. it meant the AI had to be able to recognize a new “front” where they’d be safe – and analyze the environment & collision to create new dynamic flanks based on wherever the player was… ok I’m rambling. Max Dyckhoff did an AMA earlier, maybe he said something smart about the AI! haha
Was it easier to create a completely fictional world like Jak & Daxter or was it easier to create a world based on real life like in The Last of Us?
AREYOUKIDDINGME?!?! haha. Jak and Daxter would be a luxury to design in that world again. Story would be hard to have depth though. Those characters are who they are now – it’s hard to infuse them with the motivations & choices we’d need them to have to make a compelling story (we tried early before we decided to make TLOU). A grounded world is a difficult solution space to design in though. But nothing good comes for free…
Can we please get Jak 4?
We tried and failed. Maybe in the future we’ll try again.
What was the most emotional moment in the game for you?
I usually tear up during the giraffe sequence. I’m really proud of what we accomplished with that moment.
When you first played the game when you where finished with development, how many of the doctors did you kill at the end?
Neil: I kill all three every time. >
Whatever happened to the concept art of Joel and Ellie laughing there asses off by a fire? Or Joel teaching Ellie to fire a gun at a nearby farm?
They were inspirational images for the tone we were after. They were never meant to be specific moments in the story.
Did you shape the world around Joel and Ellie as characters or was it the world you created that formed the characters?
Ellie and Joel were first. Then came story genre and world.
As female Hunters/cannibals/Fireflies/military exist in concept art and in the multiplayer mode, why do we only fight male humans in the game?
Development time & memory prevented us from seeing the female hunters to completion.
What were some infected concepts and stages that you cut from the game?
Fungus growing on the environments that shot poison darts at the player were at one point in the game.
Why are there no pictures of Sarah’s mother in Joel’s house? Is it because even before he lost Sarah, Joel wasn’t one for holding onto the past?
The backstory was that she left Joel after Sarah was born. Not someone he looked up to to keep a picture around.
Did David always have such tastes or was that just a byproduct of post-pandemic lawless living conditions?
David’s cannibalism came after the outbreak. His other traits (both good & bad) were always there.
What made you decide to keep the original ending for The Last of Us even though it did not necessarily test well with your focus groups?
It felt honest. Anything else felt like we were pandering.
Any chance of patching the censored multiplayer in England and the rest of Europe?
The censorship came from standards in Europe. Nothing we can do about it. Sorry.
What made you guys decide to switch from the more upbeat tone of Uncharted to the gritty, realistic and emotionally draining The Last of Us?
We’re fans of the genre and felt we could create a good character driven experience in that tackled more mature themes.
Was there anything you wanted to put into The Last of Us that was too dark or morbid for the game?
Nope. We got a lot of morbid out of our systems. We did tone down some of Ellie’s deaths during the David boss fight as they felt like too much to us.
Do you think your team can make a game of this quality again?
We always try to top our last game. So that’s the plan.
What was the hardest thing to program in the game?
Ellie. All of Ellie. and more specifically ally AI in stealth combat.
Do you have any plans on expanding Ish’s story?
Not yet, but we really liked what we found with that story-within-a-story concept.
Have you considered adding any infected game mode in multiplayer?
We’ve considered it…
What game was better to work on, The Last of Us or Uncharted?
Bruce: Shit. Both have their ups and downs (in production terms). For me [Uncharted 2] was my first time stepping into the Game Director role, so that was a fresh & exciting (maybe naive but super open) time, but [The Last of Us] was something special, and challenging. I saw a video of [Uncharted 2[ the other day and had some pleasant feelings of nostalgia bubble up, and seeing the fan art and people's reactions to [The Last of Us] has been extremely exhilarating. They both win!
How come the cover system and running while crouched ended up being removed from the final game?
Design decisions. We wanted the game to be as fluid as possible & a cover button just wasn’t flowing with the stealth. Regarding crouch-sprint, it just complicated the controls too much & people just ended up crouching around the entire game. It looked funny, and there wasn’t any risk-reward to the decision to either crouch, stand, or sprint… so being more discreet made it clearer for the players what the consequences of their choices were going to be.
Bruce, is it true that you draw power from those around you with your beard?
Neil: It was true, until he slayed the demon that inhabited his beard. Now I have to look at his bare face every day. Yuk.
Bruce: Yes. All true. Though since the game shipped I felt I had TOO MUCH POWER, so I shaved it.
Do you think your team can make a game of this quality again?
Funny thing, is we really just make games that we think would be fun to us. Sure, there’s a gap we saw in the industry, that there hasn’t been a really good character-driven story in the survival genre done yet, but when kicking around the ideas for the game with Neil, it just sounded awesome. So we made that.
That’s all we should hope for any developer! Make what you want to play!
Nintendo schon, aber die WiiU wird sich nicht mehr erholen.
Und ehrlich gesagt kann ich mir nicht vorstellen wie Nintendo jemals wieder relevant werden kann im Heimkonsolen Markt.
Ohne 3rd Party Support geht es nicht.
Dafür brauchen sie Top Notch Hardware und damit hat Nintendo Probleme, da sie keine Hardwarecompany sind wie Sony und nicht so viele Mittel haben wie Microsoft.
Ausserdem hat Nintendo es verpasst eine Onlineinfrastruktur aufzubauen.
Sony und MS haben Kunden mit dem PSN und XBL an sich gebunden. Die haben ihre Friendlists da, ihre Gamerscores und Trophys. Das lassen die nicht einfach zurück und wechseln zu Nintendo.
Die 3rd Party Crowd ist also fest bei Sony und MS, aber ohne diese Crowd kann man keine erfolgreiche Heimkonsole mehr betreiben.
Wie Nintendo an diese Kundschaft rankommen soll, weiß ich nicht. Ich glaube nicht, dass Nintendo das schaffen kann.
Gestern gabs ein Reddit AMA (Ask Me Anything) mit dem Creative Director(Neil Druckman) und dem Game Director(Bruce Straley)
What are your plans for the future of The Last of Us?
Currently working on single-player DLC. Talking about other ideas.
Can we please have some more?
DLC is going to amazing! Just wait! We’re happy with what we’ve come up with.
Was The Last of Us ending controversial internally? How many possible ideas did you have for it?
Initially, yeah… ending we ultimately went with didn’t sit well with some members of the team. Once it was more fleshed out, it became an easier sell. We went through about 3 or 4 ideas before finding the ending that worked best for the story we wanted to tell.
What were some of the other endings?
We had a happier ending at one point… where Ellie & Joel were driving completely contented & satisfied with their adventures off into a glorious sunset… but that didn’t feel right. It just wasn’t honest to the world or the characters we created. This ending felt right for us.
Can you elaborate on the alternate endings?
We’ll share some of them at a panel Bruce and I are doing at PAX. More info to come.
I’ve heard that, according to the Japanese instruction manual, Joel and Ellie’s last names are Miller and Williams. Is this true?
Those were names that were used in early docs, but we decided to remove all last names for main characters pretty early in development — no sure how they made it to any released manuals. So no, Ellie’s and Joel’s last names aren’t revealed. The only main character who’s last name you can find is Riley’s.
How difficult was it bringing this new IP to the PS3 so late in its life cycle and where’s UnKarted?
1) It was surprisingly much easier that we thought It’d be. Sony has a lot of trust with us.
2) UnKarted: Train Combat Racing X is on it’s way.
Is it difficult to fully immerse yourself and enjoy the game after you’ve spent years making it?
Well, it’s always hard playing a game that we’ve been so ‘attached at the hip’ to for so long without seeing the flaws. I mean, “art is never finished, just abandoned”, right? And with video game development it’s even worse. But I can say when playing through the game more strung together, I teared up at moments that I KNEW were actually going to happen. That was cool! I think some of it was the relief of 3+ years and a lot of blood, sweat & tears manifest on the joystick. What a relief!
If you’d made the game for PS4, what would you have done differently? Who is sexier, Troy Baker or Nolan North?
1. Memory wouldn’t be as much of an issue. we had to jump through so many hoops to get this game streaming (no load screens in our games still. YAY!)
2. Ashley Johnson
Will there ever be more story content from the universe that Ellie and Joel live in centering around the two characters?
It’s possible. We’re playing with some ideas, but no direction has been set yet for the next game.
What was the biggest challenge Naughty Dog as a team had to go through?
Growing to become a multi-project company has been extremely difficult.
Do you plan on making more comics after The Last of Us: American Dreams?
Don’t know yet. Entertaining some ideas, though.
Do you guys plan on making a big entrance into next-gen with your next game?
We always make a big entrance.
When can we expect any DLC news?
News is on the way about the first DLC drop. Should hear about it this month [Ed. he probably means August].
Why weren’t there any 3 way fights between Joel, hunters, and infected in the single player? Was it a technical issue?
Not a technical issue. We actually had the tech to do it, it just never fit with the story.
Was any sequence cut from the game that either of you wish could have made the final cut?
Infected vs humans would’ve been awesome, and there were 3 (I think? hard to remember right now) areas in the game we had it slated, but as we got deeper in production & animations & models started getting fleshed out, it came down to such a huge memory hit that we couldn’t afford it without rather large re-jiggering… so we opted to cut it. Yeah… I know
Why would the Firefly’s not give Joel an opportunity to talk to Ellie? Why rush the surgery? Why not give Ellie the choice to have the surgery?
All off screen, so we’re leaving all this for your interpretation… BUT you COULD say Marlene was weary of Joel and/or you don’t reeeeally know how long Joel was unconscious for.
And regarding the choice – 1. it’s just the story we wanted to tell and 2. it’s not a story-choice-based game, so to cram a major choice in at the last, final, epic set-up would’ve felt forced (to us).
What is your guys’ favorite games?
Neil: Ico, Resident Evil 4, and Monkey Island 2 (best ending for a videogame).
Bruce: In no order: ICO RE4 Yoshi’s Island hmmm… Fatal Frame II (only because no game has scared me like that ever before) what else… why are all these old japanese games? I just played Hotline Miami. That was some good fun! Not on the all-time list, but on a 2013 best of for sure OH! Limbo was awesome… ’nuff…
Would you rather fight 1 Joel sized Ellie, or 2 Ellie sized Joels?
Bruce: 2 Ellie-sized Joels.
Did story come before gameplay?
The concept of structuring an entire game around a relationship between two characters came first and was always at the heart of development.
Is there any truth to the rumors of the film?
Were there any scenes that you guys wrote that later on that you decided were too brutal or intense and had them removed?
No. We were shocked no one ever asked us to tone down or censor any scenes.
What made you want to use Joel for the main character of a post-apocalyptic tale, as opposed to more ‘rugged’ names?
His original name was Ethan, but we felt it was too close to Nathan. I’m sure that can lead you to find out where the name Joel came from.
Is there anything you would change about the game if you could or do you still believe it is as good as it can be?
With the time/resources we had… I truly believe we made the best game possible. Are there things we could’ve iterated on with more time/budget? Of course.
Can you talk about some of the hurdles and/or compromises the team had to make in order for the AI to help or challenge the player? How do you see this system evolving over time with regards to newer technology?
1. AI is fucking hard. 2. Our programmers are amazing. 3. AI is STILL reeeally fucking hard even with amazing programmers
All sorts of trials & tribulations with our adventure in making great AI. maybe too many to get into here – but a couple things… having an Ally with the player in stealth encounters is probably the most difficult problem we could have tried to solve, and “we” (the royal industry we) need time to implement, iterate, and find solutions to the problems that will only come up by having actual set-ups in the game to help steer the tech direction… dunno if I’m answering this well… another early goal for the enemies what we had to create a “dynamic front” due to the flexibility we wanted the players to be able to take with our more wide-linear layouts. it meant the AI had to be able to recognize a new “front” where they’d be safe – and analyze the environment & collision to create new dynamic flanks based on wherever the player was… ok I’m rambling. Max Dyckhoff did an AMA earlier, maybe he said something smart about the AI! haha
Was it easier to create a completely fictional world like Jak & Daxter or was it easier to create a world based on real life like in The Last of Us?
AREYOUKIDDINGME?!?! haha. Jak and Daxter would be a luxury to design in that world again. Story would be hard to have depth though. Those characters are who they are now – it’s hard to infuse them with the motivations & choices we’d need them to have to make a compelling story (we tried early before we decided to make TLOU). A grounded world is a difficult solution space to design in though. But nothing good comes for free…
Can we please get Jak 4?
We tried and failed. Maybe in the future we’ll try again.
What was the most emotional moment in the game for you?
I usually tear up during the giraffe sequence. I’m really proud of what we accomplished with that moment.
When you first played the game when you where finished with development, how many of the doctors did you kill at the end?
Neil: I kill all three every time. >
Whatever happened to the concept art of Joel and Ellie laughing there asses off by a fire? Or Joel teaching Ellie to fire a gun at a nearby farm?
They were inspirational images for the tone we were after. They were never meant to be specific moments in the story.
Did you shape the world around Joel and Ellie as characters or was it the world you created that formed the characters?
Ellie and Joel were first. Then came story genre and world.
As female Hunters/cannibals/Fireflies/military exist in concept art and in the multiplayer mode, why do we only fight male humans in the game?
Development time & memory prevented us from seeing the female hunters to completion.
What were some infected concepts and stages that you cut from the game?
Fungus growing on the environments that shot poison darts at the player were at one point in the game.
Why are there no pictures of Sarah’s mother in Joel’s house? Is it because even before he lost Sarah, Joel wasn’t one for holding onto the past?
The backstory was that she left Joel after Sarah was born. Not someone he looked up to to keep a picture around.
Did David always have such tastes or was that just a byproduct of post-pandemic lawless living conditions?
David’s cannibalism came after the outbreak. His other traits (both good & bad) were always there.
What made you decide to keep the original ending for The Last of Us even though it did not necessarily test well with your focus groups?
It felt honest. Anything else felt like we were pandering.
Any chance of patching the censored multiplayer in England and the rest of Europe?
The censorship came from standards in Europe. Nothing we can do about it. Sorry.
What made you guys decide to switch from the more upbeat tone of Uncharted to the gritty, realistic and emotionally draining The Last of Us?
We’re fans of the genre and felt we could create a good character driven experience in that tackled more mature themes.
Was there anything you wanted to put into The Last of Us that was too dark or morbid for the game?
Nope. We got a lot of morbid out of our systems. We did tone down some of Ellie’s deaths during the David boss fight as they felt like too much to us.
Do you think your team can make a game of this quality again?
We always try to top our last game. So that’s the plan.
What was the hardest thing to program in the game?
Ellie. All of Ellie. and more specifically ally AI in stealth combat.
Do you have any plans on expanding Ish’s story?
Not yet, but we really liked what we found with that story-within-a-story concept.
Have you considered adding any infected game mode in multiplayer?
We’ve considered it…
What game was better to work on, The Last of Us or Uncharted?
Bruce: Shit. Both have their ups and downs (in production terms). For me [Uncharted 2] was my first time stepping into the Game Director role, so that was a fresh & exciting (maybe naive but super open) time, but [The Last of Us] was something special, and challenging. I saw a video of [Uncharted 2[ the other day and had some pleasant feelings of nostalgia bubble up, and seeing the fan art and people's reactions to [The Last of Us] has been extremely exhilarating. They both win!
How come the cover system and running while crouched ended up being removed from the final game?
Design decisions. We wanted the game to be as fluid as possible & a cover button just wasn’t flowing with the stealth. Regarding crouch-sprint, it just complicated the controls too much & people just ended up crouching around the entire game. It looked funny, and there wasn’t any risk-reward to the decision to either crouch, stand, or sprint… so being more discreet made it clearer for the players what the consequences of their choices were going to be.
Bruce, is it true that you draw power from those around you with your beard?
Neil: It was true, until he slayed the demon that inhabited his beard. Now I have to look at his bare face every day. Yuk.
Bruce: Yes. All true. Though since the game shipped I felt I had TOO MUCH POWER, so I shaved it.
Do you think your team can make a game of this quality again?
Funny thing, is we really just make games that we think would be fun to us. Sure, there’s a gap we saw in the industry, that there hasn’t been a really good character-driven story in the survival genre done yet, but when kicking around the ideas for the game with Neil, it just sounded awesome. So we made that.
That’s all we should hope for any developer! Make what you want to play!
The Last Of Us
01.08.2013 um 16:40und was war die wii?1.21Gigawatt schrieb:Die 3rd Party Crowd ist also fest bei Sony und MS, aber ohne diese Crowd kann man keine erfolgreiche Heimkonsole mehr betreiben.
außerdem was bringt einem netter support von 3rd party entwicklern wenn man die teuer bezahlen muss, wenn irgendwas auch nur kurz zeitexklusiv sein soll, natürlich, cod verkauft konsolen, einmal...
aber mit konsolen wird nicht das große geld verdient, das verdient man mit spielen.
nintendo hat ne marge von knapp 10% immoment, und das trotz sich extrem schlecht verkaufender wii u. davon können ms und sony nur träumen.
The Last Of Us
01.08.2013 um 16:51@25h.nox
Die Wii war ein Glückstreffer in die Casualcrowd.
Aber der Markt ist weg. Der hat sich aufgelöst bzw. auf Sony und MS verteilt die mit Move und Kinect beide besseres Motiongaming bieten.
Nintendo hat operativen Verlust gemacht, zum zweiten mal in Folge. Im letzten Quartal war das das erste mal in der Firmengeschichte. Nintendo hat seit seinem Börsengang in den 70ern in keinem Quartal Verlust gemacht, ausser in den letzten beiden. Das sollte zeigen wie sehr es bergab geht.
Einzig auf dem Papier haben sie minimalen gewinn gemacht wegen dem Kurs des Yen.
Selbst der 3DS ist um 25% eingebrochen im Vergleich zum Vorjahr, obwohl es letztes Jahr zu der Zeit keine großen Releases gab und dieses Jahr mit Animal Crossing und LuigisMansion2 gleich zwei.
Sony hingegen hat in diesem Quartal Gewinn gemacht, obwohl die Verkäufe der Ps3 sinken, die Softwareverkäufe traditionell gegen Ende einer Gen zurück gehen und die Kosten hoch sind da die NextGen entwickelt werden muss und produziert werden muss.
Nintendo wird sich nicht mehr lange im Heimkonsolenmarkt halten können.
Die Wii war ein Glückstreffer in die Casualcrowd.
Aber der Markt ist weg. Der hat sich aufgelöst bzw. auf Sony und MS verteilt die mit Move und Kinect beide besseres Motiongaming bieten.
Nintendo hat operativen Verlust gemacht, zum zweiten mal in Folge. Im letzten Quartal war das das erste mal in der Firmengeschichte. Nintendo hat seit seinem Börsengang in den 70ern in keinem Quartal Verlust gemacht, ausser in den letzten beiden. Das sollte zeigen wie sehr es bergab geht.
Einzig auf dem Papier haben sie minimalen gewinn gemacht wegen dem Kurs des Yen.
Selbst der 3DS ist um 25% eingebrochen im Vergleich zum Vorjahr, obwohl es letztes Jahr zu der Zeit keine großen Releases gab und dieses Jahr mit Animal Crossing und LuigisMansion2 gleich zwei.
Sony hingegen hat in diesem Quartal Gewinn gemacht, obwohl die Verkäufe der Ps3 sinken, die Softwareverkäufe traditionell gegen Ende einer Gen zurück gehen und die Kosten hoch sind da die NextGen entwickelt werden muss und produziert werden muss.
Nintendo wird sich nicht mehr lange im Heimkonsolenmarkt halten können.
The Last Of Us
01.08.2013 um 17:05ich bin mit nicht wirklich sicher ob obwohl nicht besser durch weil ersetzt worden wäre. ob die ps3 gewinn abwirft ist schwer zu sagen die rabattschlacht ist voll am toben.1.21Gigawatt schrieb:Sony hingegen hat in diesem Quartal Gewinn gemacht, obwohl die Verkäufe der Ps3 sinken
hat man bei der wii genauso gesagt...1.21Gigawatt schrieb:Nintendo wird sich nicht mehr lange im Heimkonsolenmarkt halten können.
The Last Of Us
01.08.2013 um 17:11@25h.nox
Die Ps3 wirft seit 2010 Gewinne ab.
Bis dahin wurde mit jeder verkauften Konsole Verlust gemacht.
Und von welcher Rabattschlacht redest du?
Die Ps3 hält ihren Preis sehr konstant ist nachwievor teurer als die Xbox360.
Während bei der Box schon ein 99€ Modell angekündigt ist, hat Sony noch keinen Pricecut angekündigt. Die Ps3 hatte vor 3 Jahren glaube ich den letzten Preiscut.
Jedenfalls gabs keinen als die SuperSlim kam.
Es gab nur dieses 12GB Modell, dass günstiger ist als das 500GB Modell.
Die Ps3 wirft seit 2010 Gewinne ab.
Bis dahin wurde mit jeder verkauften Konsole Verlust gemacht.
Und von welcher Rabattschlacht redest du?
Die Ps3 hält ihren Preis sehr konstant ist nachwievor teurer als die Xbox360.
Während bei der Box schon ein 99€ Modell angekündigt ist, hat Sony noch keinen Pricecut angekündigt. Die Ps3 hatte vor 3 Jahren glaube ich den letzten Preiscut.
Jedenfalls gabs keinen als die SuperSlim kam.
Es gab nur dieses 12GB Modell, dass günstiger ist als das 500GB Modell.
The Last Of Us
01.08.2013 um 17:12@25h.nox
Bei der Wii wärs es auch schlimm ausgegangen wenn Nintendo nicht die Casualserobert hätte.
Aber was soll bei der WiiU der Rettungsanker sein?
Bei der Wii wärs es auch schlimm ausgegangen wenn Nintendo nicht die Casualserobert hätte.
Aber was soll bei der WiiU der Rettungsanker sein?
The Last Of Us
01.08.2013 um 17:18aber ps360 verkauft doch auch fast nur casualgames wie cod und bf. von core kann bei auf leicht getrimmten spielen die sehr nahe ans pay to win gerückt sind nun wirklich nicht reden.1.21Gigawatt schrieb:Bei der Wii wärs es auch schlimm ausgegangen wenn Nintendo nicht die Casualserobert hätte.
The Last Of Us
01.08.2013 um 17:24@25h.nox
Das ist der normale Markt.
Der Casualmarkt ist das was mit Wii Sports, Wii Party, Wii Fit, Just Dance usw. erobert wurde.
Wegen diesen Spielen hat sich die Wii verkauft.
Das ist der normale Markt.
Der Casualmarkt ist das was mit Wii Sports, Wii Party, Wii Fit, Just Dance usw. erobert wurde.
Wegen diesen Spielen hat sich die Wii verkauft.
The Last Of Us
01.08.2013 um 17:35wo ist den der unterschied zwischen wii sports und cod spielern?1.21Gigawatt schrieb:Der Casualmarkt ist das was mit Wii Sports, Wii Party, Wii Fit, Just Dance usw. erobert wurde.