Mondlandung der U.S.A.
12.09.2006 um 11:52
und hier ein paar Publikationen zum Thema Mondgestein:
Anderson, A. T., Bunch,T. E., Cameron, E. N., Haggerty, S. E., Boyd, F. R., Finger, L. W., James, O. B., Keil,K., Prinz, M., Ramdohr, P. and El Goresy, A. (1970): Armalcolite, a new mineral from theApollo 11 samples. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta 34, Supplement 1, 55-63. - AmericanMineralogist (1970), 55, 2136 (abstract).
Lind, M. D. and Houseley, R. M.(1972): Crystallization studies of lunar igneous rocks: Crystal structure of syntheticarmalcolite. Science 175, 521-523.
Haggerty, S. E. (1973): Ortho andpara-armalcolite samples in Apollo 17. Nature 242, 123-125.
Lindsley, D. H.,Kesson, S. E., Hartzman, M. J., and Cushman, M. K. (1974): The stability of armalcolite:Experimental studies in the system MgO-Fe-Ti-O. Proceedings of the 5th. Lunar ScienceConference, Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta 61, Supplement 1, 521-534.
Smyth, J.R. (1974): The crystal chemistry of armalcolite from Apollo 17. Earth and PlanetaryScience Letters 24, 262-270.
Wechsler, B. A. (1977): Cation distribution andhigh-temperature crystal chemistry of armalcolite. American Mineralogist 62, 913-920.
Pedersen, A. K. (1981): Armalcolite-bearing Fe-Ti oxide assemblages ingraphite-equilibrated salic volcanic rocks with native iron from Disko, central westGreenland. Contributions to Mineralogy and Petrology 77, 307-324.
Bowles, J. F.W. (1988): Definition and range of composition of naturally occurring minerals with thepseudobrookite structure. American Mineralogist 73, 1377-1383.
Hayob, J. L. andEssene, E. J. (1995): Armalcolite in crustal paragneiss xenoliths, central Mexico.American Mineralogist 80, 810-822.
Anthony, J. W. et al. (1997): Handbook ofMineralogy, Vol. 3, 22.