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Michael Jackson noch am Leben?

45.524 Beiträge ▪ Schlüsselwörter: Leben, Verschwörung, Michael ▪ Abonnieren: Feed E-Mail

Michael Jackson noch am Leben?

15.11.2009 um 19:01
und welche Seite meint der jenige da ? die offizielle oder die von Facebook ?


Michael Jackson noch am Leben?

15.11.2009 um 19:02
Habt ihr die Bilder von Enkes Trauerfeier gesehen? So sieht echte Trauer aus!!


Michael Jackson noch am Leben?

15.11.2009 um 19:04

...sorry, ich glaube da will sich jemand wichtig machen.


Michael Jackson noch am Leben?

15.11.2009 um 19:04
Da sind wir ja mal absolut einer Meinung.


Michael Jackson noch am Leben?

15.11.2009 um 19:05
Hat hier zufaellig jemand eine Auflistung ALLER Dinge und Meldungen, die am 25.6.09 rauskamen?


Michael Jackson noch am Leben?

15.11.2009 um 19:05
So isses.Nun stellt euch vor,da wären so Hupfdohlen rumgerannt....


Michael Jackson noch am Leben?

15.11.2009 um 19:05
ja hab ich da war echte trauer


Michael Jackson noch am Leben?

15.11.2009 um 19:07
Ja,war sehr ergreifend!


Michael Jackson noch am Leben?

15.11.2009 um 19:11
Ich wünsche euch noch allen einen schönen Abend und einen erholsamen Schlaf.


Michael Jackson noch am Leben?

15.11.2009 um 19:12
Wünsch ich dir auch!


Michael Jackson noch am Leben?

15.11.2009 um 19:13
danke wünsche ich dir auch
LG iceangel


Michael Jackson noch am Leben?

15.11.2009 um 19:14
Joahh, dir auch;)


Michael Jackson noch am Leben?

15.11.2009 um 19:14
Hat hier jemand Zugriff auf die verlinkten Seiten von TNZ? Ich glaube @pantherlady konnte die oeffenen, bei mir weigert sich die Seite. Es gibt da einen Link, hinter dem sich ein Artikel verbergen soll, der erklaeren soll, dass am 25.6.09 in LA noch drei andere seltsame Dinge geschahen. Leider kann ich auf diesen Artikel nicht zugreifen. Kann das jemand hier? Vielleicht koennte man einen Screenshot von dem Artikel machen oder den Artikel hier reinkopieren?


Michael Jackson noch am Leben?

15.11.2009 um 19:16

Schaut mal durch die Brille....


Michael Jackson noch am Leben?

15.11.2009 um 19:19

welchen genau meinst du


Michael Jackson noch am Leben?

15.11.2009 um 19:19
ich würd mal sagen, dass ist nicht mj.


Michael Jackson noch am Leben?

15.11.2009 um 19:21
oder hier


Michael Jackson noch am Leben?

15.11.2009 um 19:23

Da steht "Eye Witness", zwischen "Going for guinness" und "Branckey Business".

Den Link kann ich nicht oeffnen, kannst du ihn oeffnen?


Michael Jackson noch am Leben?

15.11.2009 um 19:28
Halli, hallo.....ich kann es öffnen

September 24, 2009 - Donnerstag
25 June.

The King of Pop Michael Jackson has formally ‘died’

This event filled all hearts over the world with the sorrow. All the people watched the news from the place of incident and kept eyes out for key persons of the story.

However, two more events have happened in LA all at the same time.

Those events were completely ignored by media.
Event 1.

The fire alarm went off in the Peter Morton building, one of the UCLA Medical
Center's building. One of the patients (who was exactly in the Peter Morton building, cause of leukemia she’s got) wrote the following on her web site:
"Michael Jackson, the King of Pop, was brought to UCLA MedicalCenter by ambulance
in Cardiac Arrest around 1:00. As we walked back to my 1:30 appointment, Brett and I
noticed a helicopter that was hovering the hospital and seemed out of place since it
wasn't landing
And then as we were about to get to some bigger questions, a fire alarm went off.
We had to evacuate the building with the doctors and nurses and stand outside as the
media frenzy was growing regarding Michael Jackson. I think a Paparazzi probably
pulled the alarm as a distraction. Still, we had to wait for the fire truck and the
all clear, within yards of the entrance to the hospital where Michael Jackson was.
In fact, after the little fire alarm, we found out that one of the nurses (the one
who takes my vitals) was approached by a young black man as we were waiting for the
all clear. He told her his name was Jermaine Jackson, Jr. and he needed help finding
the entrance to the hospital, so she escorted him."....

The information above totally contradicts the following statements by media:
- MJ was delivered to Ronald Reagan building but the patient said that MJ was in
Peter Morton.
- What did they want to hide by the alarm?
- How could Jermaine Jackson Jr. get into the building during fire alarm?

Event 2.
LA airport (LAX) terminal was closed two hours after Mr. Jackson ‘death’.....

We’ve found in the internet some comments by a man who knew much more than we did.
"I know for a fact, that he isn't dead. 2 hours after his supposed demise, an area
of LAX airport was secretly shut down to receive an undisclosed person of interest.
Too many bodyguards and "lookouts" were circled around someone as they entered the
closed area, driven in a black SUV. Then the control tower was told to "ignore" the
liar jet taking off on a private runway, headed for an undisclosed destination. It
was reported that the person of interest was wearing a mask or veil over their face,
and the planes "call letters" were covered or taped over.
With the amount of debt Jackson had, and pending or upcoming lawsuits filed on him,
I would have done the same. just disappear, permanently.

Airports are periodically required to run security programs or scenarios to test
their crews and staff. So a "shut down" of an area is not uncommon. I have knowledge
of this particular one because I am a security officer, and was made aware of a few
particulars and oddities after it happened. Usually they are pretty much textbook
run-throughs, but this one was apparently last second, and very guarded' as far as
info getting to those involved. I just happen to be on the "right side of the fence"
on this one, and know someone close to the cause. Deception is sometimes part of the
job, but they went overboard to protect this predicament."

Wow. Too much events for one day!

Obviously, it is no mere chance…
