Nexuspp schrieb:Dir ist aber auch klar, das Flugschreiber mit einem " Delay" arbeiten ja ?
Dieser "Delay" scheint auch bei den Kampfjets aktiviert gewesen zu sein,die Triebwerke liefen dadurch auf durchschnittlich 25% der vollen Leistung.
Ganz praktisch,wenn man mit aller Gewalt NICHT abfangen will.
Die Leute von "9/11 Research" haben mal nachgerechnet,die Bilanz ist erschütternd.
Failures to Intercept
Even though the interceptors were not dispatched from the most logical bases, the ones that were scrambled still had adequate time to reach their assigned planes. Why didn't they? Because they were only flying at a small fraction of their top speed. That is the conclusion implicit in NORAD's timeline.
Otis to the WTC
The first base to finally scramble interceptors was Otis in Falmouth, Massachusetts, at 8:52, about a half-hour after Flight 11 was taken over. This was already eight minutes after Flight 11 hit the North Tower, and just 9 minutes before Flight 175 hit the South Tower.
According to NORAD, at the time of the South Tower Impact the two F-15s from Otis were still 71 miles away. Otis is 153 miles east-northeast of the WTC. That means the F-15s were flying at:
(153 miles - 71 miles)/(9:03 - 8:52) = 447 mph
That is around 23.8% of their top speed of 1875 mph.
At 9:11 the F-15s finally reached the World Trade Center. Their average speed for the trip was:
153/(9:11 - 8:52) = 483 mph
That is around 25.8% of their top speed.
Langley to the Pentagon
The F-16s from Langley reached the Pentagon at 9:49. It took them 19 minutes to reach Washington D.C. from Langley AFB, which is about 130 miles to the south. That means the F-16s were flying at:
130 miles/(9:49 - 9:30) = 410.5 mph
That is around 27.4% of their top speed of 1500 mph.
Andrews to the Pentagon
Andrews Air Force Base, located on the outskirts of the capital, is just over 10 miles from the Pentagon. One would have expected interceptors to be scrambled to protect the capital within a few minutes of the 8:15 loss of contact with Flight 11. Instead, no fighters from Andrews reached the Pentagon until 9:49, several minutes after the assault.
mensch schrieb:ich frage mich wieso du so wässrige beweise lieferst darüber,dass 9/11 ein inside job war?
Weil die richtigen Beweise vernichtet wurden und man 3 Mal seine Story gewechselt hat bzgl. der NORAD-"Versäumnisse".
Erst die ach so blöden Truther haben das ans Licht gebracht und den CR zum Umschreiben der militärischen 9/11 Geschichte gebracht.
Die"NORAD-Tapes" sind wahrscheinlich gefälscht,aber das lässt sich nicht beweisen.