9/11 Allgemein
26.08.2010 um 22:15@all
Ein Twoofer im JREF - Forum:
Ein Twoofer im JREF - Forum:
It should be obvious considering that WTC7 was already pre-rigged with explosives/incendiaries just ike the Twin Towers were that it was slated to become the target for a third plane.Endlich mal was Neues - die Shanksville - Maschine war für WTC7 bestimmt. Und da sie nicht ankam musste WTC7 eben so gesprengt werden. Tja, immer wenn man glaubt, dümmer geht's nicht mehr....
Just think how much neater it all would have been to have three planes and three buildings instaed of two planes, three buildings, a highly suspicious controlled demolition and the pointless crashing of a plane in a field in rural Pennsylvania.