9/11 Allgemein
17.08.2015 um 23:01@ER_win
Sag mal - willst Du mich veräppeln?
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Sag mal - willst Du mich veräppeln?
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ER_win schrieb:und jetzt kommst Du damit:
es handelt sich um "Produkte" durch stark exotherme Reaktionen und zum (geringen) Teil um unreagierte so genannte "rot/graue Chips" !
ER_win schrieb:In the sample provided by collector J. MacKinlay the
fraction of red/gray chips was roughly estimated. Fifteen
small chips having a total mass of 1.74 mg were extracted
from a 1.6 g sample of dust from which readily identifiable
glass and concrete fragments had been removed by
hand. Thus the fraction of red/gray chips was approximately
0.1% by weight in the separated dust Another sampling
showed 69 small red/gray chips in a 4.9 g sample of separated
dust. Further samples are being analyzed to refine this
estimate. The fall of the WTC Towers produced enormous
clouds of dust whose total mass is difficult to ascertain; but
clearly the total mass of red/gray chips in the WTC dust
must be substantial given the fraction observed in these samplings.