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9/11 Allgemein

51.469 Beiträge ▪ Schlüsselwörter: WTC, 911, Truther-karussell ▪ Abonnieren: Feed E-Mail

9/11 Allgemein

01.07.2010 um 13:36

Harrit hat rein gar nichts gefunden. Thread lesen soll helfen!


9/11 Allgemein

01.07.2010 um 13:36

Du hast offensichtlich null Ahnung von der Pyrotechnik bezeichnest aber all dass was @querdenkerSZ geschrieben hat als "totalen Quatsch" ? Mach dich bitte erst einmal Kundig bevor du hier große Spüche kloppst, und erst dann sag was dazu, @felluca !


9/11 Allgemein

01.07.2010 um 13:36
thread lesen, oder link lesen?


9/11 Allgemein

01.07.2010 um 13:44

Lies einfach ab hier WTC Building 7 (Seite 52)


9/11 Allgemein

01.07.2010 um 13:46
oki danke, der ganze thread wäre mir zu heftig :)


9/11 Allgemein

01.07.2010 um 14:03
@felluca schrieb:
was ist eigentlich mit dem fund von nano- thermit am ground zero?
ist das ne ente?
hier ein link:
Es gibt nur die eine einzige Staubanalyse von Harrit die ein angebliches Nanothermit nachweisen soll, die zudem auch noch mehrere Verfahrensfehler beinhaltet:

Dagegen gibt es mehrere Staubanalysen von mehreren Instituten in denen man kein Nanothermit fand: (Archiv-Version vom 31.05.2010) (Archiv-Version vom 14.01.2011)
Wenn man dann noch Harrits Aussage liest, dann frag ich mich wirklich ob dieser Typ nicht doch zu tief ins Reagenzglas geschaut hat:
We do not know if the thermite that we have found is the same thermite which has been used for melting the beams. It’s very, very possible that different varieties were used, and I personally am certain that conventional explosives were used too, in abundance.


9/11 Allgemein

01.07.2010 um 14:34
Zitat von fellucafelluca schrieb:was ist eigentlich mit dem fund von nano- thermit am ground zero?
ist das ne ente?
Ach was, das ist super spannend, das Thema
mind. so spannend und real wie der Fund von Nano-Thermit im Klärschlamm

9/11 WTC1 & WTC2 (Seite 109)


9/11 Allgemein

01.07.2010 um 14:36
Du mußt den nächsten Satz auch noch zitieren ;-)
RT: When you say “in abundance,” how much do you mean?
Niels Harrit: Tons! Hundreds of tons! Many, many, many tons!
Das muß man mal laut lesen, Harrit ist tatsächlich der Meinung man hätte HUNDERTE TONNEN Sprengstoff einbauen können, ohne daß es jemand auffiel. Das klingt schon nach ziemlichem Realitätsverlust...


9/11 Allgemein

01.07.2010 um 14:37
Elektronische Zünder oder Zündung mittels Laserpulse, das ist hier die Frage. Für Letzteres verwendet man wohl Glasfaserkabel hinter der Brandschutzverkleidung.

Immerhin ist die Behauptung von Mark Loizeaux inzwischen widerlegt:
«Mark Loizeaux, Präsident von Controlled Demolition, Inc., zweifelte in einem BBC-Interview die Existenz von Nanothermit an und bezeichnete es als nichtexistente Technologie aus einem Phantasiereich.»

1x zitiertmelden

9/11 Allgemein

01.07.2010 um 14:37
Mit dem Zerlegen meines Beitrags seit ihr aber spät drann...
Ich hätte hier nicht schreiben sollen das mir ein Maulkorb verpasst wurde,obwohl ich ihn
nach meinem letzten Beitrag hier verdient habe.Ich werde versuchen in Zukunft keine undifferenzierten Beitrge zu schreiben obwohl mir das schwer fallen wird angesichts der Tatsache,das ihr oft wegschaut wenns ans Eingemachte geht.(z.B.wie das FBI Unstimmigkeiten korrigierte)
Zitat von BakteriusBakterius schrieb:Für dich vielleicht, für die Meisten jedoch nicht.
Die meisten nicht aber ein Drittel(!)der sonst so patriotischen Amerikaner glaubt an einen Inside Job.Das kommt nicht von ungefähr,zu viele Zufälle lassen für jeden vernünftig denkenden Menschen nur diesen Schluss zu.

Nochmal zu Flug AA77 und Hani Hanjour:
Ich bin im Web auf eine Seite gestossen,die mich entgültig davon überzeugt hat das Hanjour nicht der Todespilot war.
Ich werde jetzt nicht auf alles eingehen,ab der Hälfte der Seite wirds interessant.
1.)Warum dauerte es so lange bis das angebliche Beweisvideo vom Dulles Airport veröffentlicht wurde,auf dem nur 4 der 5 Hijacker zu sehen sind und warum gibt es keinen"Time Stamp"?
Auch sehr aufschlussreich:

"Surveillance video from Washington's Dulles Airport the morning of Sept. 11, 2001, shows four of the five hijackers being pulled aside to undergo additional scrutiny after setting off metal detectors but then permitted to board the fateful flight that later crashed into the Pentagon.
The surveillance video, obtained by The Associated Press, shows an airport screener hand-checking the carryon baggage of one hijacker, Nawaf al-Hazmi, for traces of explosives before letting him continue onto American Airlines Flight 77 with his brother, Salem, a fellow hijacker.
Details in the grainy video are difficult to distinguish. But an earlier report by the commission is consistent with the men's procession through airport security as shown on the video obtained by the AP.
No knives or other sharp objects are visible on the surveillance video. But investigators on the commission have said the hijackers at Dulles were believed to be carrying utility knives either personally or in their luggage, which at the time could legally be carried aboard planes.
The video shows hijackers Khalid al-Mihdhar and Majed Moqed, each dressed conservatively in slacks and collared shirts, setting off metal-detectors as they pass through security. Moqed set off a second alarm, and a screener manually checked him with a handheld metal detector.
The pair were known to travel together previously and had paid cash to purchase their tickets aboard Flight 77 on Sept. 5, 2001, at the American Airlines counter at Baltimore's airport.
Only Hani Hanjour, believed to have been the hijacker who piloted Flight 77, did not set off a metal detector as he passed through Dulles security that morning, according to the video.
The AP obtained the video from the Motley Rice law firm, which is representing some survivors' families who are suing the airlines and security industry over their actions in the Sept. 11 attacks." -ABC (07/21/04)

Auf der Seite gibts noch viel mehr zu den Unstimmigkeiten bzgl.der Ereignisse an den Flughäfen am Morgen des 11.Septembers.Zum Beipiel das Hanjour nicht auf der Bording-Liste steht weil er eventuell gar kein Ticket hatte.

2.)Wenn wir schon von DNA-Spuren sprechen:Was sagt ihr dazu?

► "The remains of five people killed in the terrorist attack on the Pentagon were damaged beyond identification in the massive explosion and fire after a hijacked airliner crashed into the building's west side, officials said.
Investigators have identified remains of 184 people who were aboard American Airlines Flight 77 or inside the Pentagon, including those of the five hijackers, but they say it is impossible to match what is left with the five missing people.
A team of more than 100 workers at a military morgue at Dover Air Force Base in Delaware used several methods to identify remains but primarily relied on DNA testing and dental records. They formally ended their effort Friday after concluding that some remains were too badly burned to identify.
The fifth unidentified victim was a passenger on the hijacked plane. A spokesman for the FBI declined to disclose the name of the victim.
All 64 people aboard the hijacked plane, including six crew members and the five hijackers, were also killed.
Military officials said they had been preparing families for some time for the possibility that there might not be any remains of some victims.
The remains of the five hijackers have been identified through a process of exclusion, as they did not match DNA samples contributed by family members of all 183 victims who died at the site.
The hijackers' remains will be turned over to the FBI and held as evidence, FBI spokesman Chris Murray said. After the investigation is concluded, the State Department will decide what is to be done with the remains." -Washington Post (11/21/01); -Arlington National Cemetary (11/21/01)

► "Dover Air Force Base morticians have isolated the remains they think are the five hijackers in the Pentagon attack and will keep them as evidence for the FBI, a base spokesman said Friday.
Genetic information from the five does not match any DNA samples on file at the Pentagon or obtained from family members of the crash victims, he said.
Unlike those victims, the institute has no DNA samples from the hijackers' relatives to compare with DNA drawn from the remains. This has prohibited them from putting names to the remains.
The remains were flown to Dover from the crash scene in the days following the attack.
Maj. Jon Anderson said the hijackers' remains were identified through a process of elimination." -News Journal (12/15/2001)

► "What some experts have called "the most comprehensive forensic investigation in U.S. history" ended Nov. 16 with the identification of 184 of the 189 who died in the terrorist attack on the Pentagon.
Many of the casualties were badly burned and difficult to identify, an official said. Of the 189 killed, 125 worked at the Pentagon and 64 were passengers on American Airlines Flight 77. Only one of those who died made it to the hospital. The rest were killed on site, and for some, only pieces of tissue could be found.
A board-certified epidemiologist managed the tracking system for data collected during the autopsy process, and tissue samples were collected for DNA identification and further toxicology studies.
Teams of forensic scientists, under the direction of Demris Lee, technical leader of the Nuclear DNA Section, took over the difficult chore of generating a DNA profile of the victims. Their work included not only the Pentagon crash victims, but the victims of the Somerset County crash as well." -DC Military (11/30/01)

► "Unidentifiable remains of victims of the September 11, 2001, attack on the Pentagon will be buried in Arlington National Cemetery, the military said Friday.
The September 12, 2002, ceremony will hold special significance for families of five people whose remains have never been identified, said Colonel Jody Draves, a spokeswoman for the Military District of Washington, which oversees the cemetery.
The Pentagon attack killed 189 people: 125 in the Pentagon and 64 aboard American Airlines Flight 77. Remains of the five hijackers on the flight have been separated from those of the victims.
The five victims whose remains have not been identified include: Retired Army Colonel Ronald Golinski, a civilian Pentagon worker; Navy ET1 Ronald Henanway; Rhonda Rasmussen, a civilian worker for the Army; Jack T. Lynch, a civilian worker for the Navy; Dana Falkenberg, a passenger on Flight 77" -Arlington National Cemetery (08/16/02)

► "Among the human remains painstakingly sorted from the Pentagon and Pennsylvania crash sites of Sept. 11 are those of nine of the hijackers.
The FBI has held them for months, and no one seems to know what should be done with them. It's a politically and emotionally charged question for the government, which eventually must decide how to dispose of some of the most despised men in American history.
In contrast, the remains of all 40 victims in the Pennsylvania crash and all but five of the 184 victims at the Pentagon site were identified months ago.
Little attention has been paid to the terrorists' remains found mingled with those of the Pennsylvania and Pentagon victims.
Four sets of remains in Pennsylvania and five at the Pentagon were grouped together as the hijackers - but not identified by name - through a process of elimination.
Families of the airplanes' passengers and crews and those who died within the Pentagon provided DNA samples, typically on toothbrushes or hairbrushes, to aid with identification. The remains that didn't match any of the samples were ruled to be the terrorists, said Chris Kelly, spokesman for the Armed Forces Institute of Pathology, which did the DNA work. The nine sets of remains matched the number of hijackers believed to be on the two planes.
Without reference samples from the hijackers' personal effects or from their immediate families to compare with the recovered DNA, the remains could not be matched to individuals.
With the one-year anniversary approaching, State Department officials say they have received no requests for the remains. The department would be responsible for handling such a request from any government seeking the return of a citizen's body.
Officials have said that all but one of the nine hijackers recovered had connections to Saudi Arabia. The other was Lebanese.
Officials at the Saudi Embassy in Washington did not respond to requests for comment.
In more typical cases, foreign families also could contact local authorities. But the hijackers' remains are under the control of the FBI.
“To the best of my knowledge, there haven't been any friends or family members to try to claim the remains of these people,” said Jeff Killeen, spokesman for the FBI field office in Pittsburgh. “They are in the custody of the FBI in Washington. They have not been released.” -CBS/AP (08/17/02) (Archiv-Version vom 15.07.2010)

Jetzt seit ihr drann...

1x zitiertmelden

9/11 Allgemein

01.07.2010 um 14:41
Killtown ist also deine Qulle ? *rofl*

Dir ist aber schon klar, das selbst eingefleischte VT-logen mit diesem Rotz nichts zu tun haben wollen oder ? :D :D :D :D

Ohje es wird von Jahr zu Jahr schlimmer ^^

1x zitiertmelden

9/11 Allgemein

01.07.2010 um 14:47
*seid ihr drann


9/11 Allgemein

01.07.2010 um 14:49
Zitat von catharicathari schrieb:Elektronische Zünder oder Zündung mittels Laserpulse, das ist hier die Frage. Für Letzteres verwendet man wohl Glasfaserkabel hinter der Brandschutzverkleidung.
schon vergessen wie die Türme eingestürtzt sind ?
Zuerst dort wo die Flugzeuge rein sind ..............welche Brandschutzverkleidung übersteht denn den Einschlag eines 180 - Tonners ?


9/11 Allgemein

01.07.2010 um 14:50
Zitat von NexusppNexuspp schrieb:Killtown ist also deine Qulle ? *rofl*
Nicht Quellen zerreissen,Antworten geben ;)

1x zitiertmelden

9/11 Allgemein

01.07.2010 um 14:52
Hast du irgendeine dieser Behauptungen überprüft, wenn ja wie, wenn nein wieso glaubst du das einfach so?

1x zitiertmelden

9/11 Allgemein

01.07.2010 um 14:54
na weil die US-Regierung und ihre Geheimdienste darin die Schuld bekommen .


9/11 Allgemein

01.07.2010 um 14:58
Das ist mir schon klar, daß Fiat nur soweit denkt, aber ich schreibe das gerne mal zur Demonstration, wie voreingenommen Fiat ist...


9/11 Allgemein

01.07.2010 um 15:00
Zitat von rambaldirambaldi schrieb:Hast du irgendeine dieser Behauptungen überprüft, wenn ja wie, wenn nein wieso glaubst du das einfach so?
Nein,ich habe nichts überprüft.Aber das mit den Überwachungsvideos ist wohl kein Fake,ebenso das Hanjour nicht auf der ursprünglichen Passagierliste steht.

Das mit den DNA-Untersuchungen ist auch wahr,oder nicht?

1x zitiertmelden

9/11 Allgemein

01.07.2010 um 15:01
Zitat von FiatLuxFanFiatLuxFan schrieb:Nicht Quellen zerreissen,Antworten geben
Gib doch erstmal in eigenen Sätzen wieder, was deine Quelle als Beweise anführt...

1x zitiertmelden

9/11 Allgemein

01.07.2010 um 15:10
Mit anderen Worten, die Wahrheit interessiert dich nicht...

1x zitiertmelden