Sind Dir die Bedeutungen der Wörter "Zweckbündnis" und "Doppelagent" bekannt?
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Was soll deiner Meinung nach der Zweck eines Bündnisses zwischen Oswald und dem Kreis aus Rechten und Exilkubanern um Ferrie und Banister gewesen sein? Was hätten Anti-Castro-Fanatiker davon gehabt, einen Castro-Anhänger auf die Straße zu schicken?
Für wen soll er Doppelagent gewesen sein? Kontakte zu Kommunisten beschränkten sich bei OSwald auf ein paar Briefe, mehr nicht. Für wen wer sol lOswald denn Doppelagent gewesen sein?
Da Oswald öffentlich prokommunistische und Pro-Castro-Statements gab hätte es keinen Grund für Regierungsbehörden und erst recht nicht Anti-Castro-Kubaner gegeben, Oswald zu vertrauen- es sei denn, sie wusstener spielte nur eine Rolle.
Der Zwischenfall mit den Anti-Castro-Kubanern um Carlos Bringuier, bei dem Oswald auf der Straße bedrängt wurde wegen seiner Pro-Castro-Flyer war inszeniert. Oswald hatte in einem Brief an das FPCC-Hauptquartier einen solchen Übergriff mit anschließender Verhaftung beschrieben, aber wenige Tage VOR dem Zwischenfall mit Bringuier und seinen Kameraden.
Es gibt auch Hinweise, dass diese Gruppe Oswald Flyern versorgte. Ein Mitglied dieser Gruppe, Carlos Quiroga, wurde von Garrison einem Lügendetektortest unterzogen
From The Assassinations, edited by DiEugenio and Pease (pp. 235-37):
When Garrison gave Q a polygraph, DiEugenio found three answers significant:
1. When Q said he didn't know LHO's FPCC activities were a cover, he was deceptive.2. When he said he didn't know if Arcacha Smith knew Oswald, he was deceptive.
3. When he was asked if he saw the guns used on 11/22/63 and said no, he was deceptive. Tätigkeiten in New Orleans halfen, das FPCC zu diskreditieren- besonders als in einer Radiodebatte "aufgedeckt" wurde, dass Oswald in der Sowjetunion gewesen sei. Es liefen auch Operationen, umd das FPCC zu diskredietieren.
Original anzeigen (0,2 MB)Oswald war zusammen mit Ferrie und Banister in einem Trainingslager für Anti-Castrokubaner:
MICHAEL L. KURTZ is professor of history and dean of the graduate school at Southeastern Louisiana University and the author of Crime of the Century: The Kennedy Assassination from a Historian’s Perspective. The University of Tennessee Press 1982. On page 203, Kurtz writes:
One of the most significant eyewitness observations was of Ferrie, Oswald, and numerous Cubans, all dressed in military fatigues and carrying automatic rifles, conducting what appeared to be a "military training maneuver." This event took place near Bedico Creek, a swampy inland body of water near Lake Ponchartrain, about fifty miles north of New Orleans. This occurred in early September 1963, two months after the final government raid on anti-Castro guerrilla camps in the United States.
Kurtz has a reputation as a careful historian; however his only citation for the above is: Author's interview with George Wilcox, 9 Sept. 1979. David Atlee Phillips aka ´Bishop auf dem Film zu sehen war, spricht Bände, da er die Operationen von CIA und FBI gegen das FPCC koordinierte. mit Tanenbaum, er für das HSCA arbeitete
JD: Was it really as you described in the book, with all the people in that film? Bishop was in the film?
BT: Oh, yeah. Absolutely! They're all in the film. They're all there. But, the fact of the matter is the Committee began to balk at a series of events. The most significant one was when [David Atlee] Phillips came up before the Committee and then had to be recalled because it was clear that he hadn't told the truth. That had to do with the phony commentary he made about Oswald going to Mexico City on or about October 1st, 1963.
Bob Groden und L.J. Delsa, beide Mitarbeiter HSCA bestätigten Joe Biles die Existenz dieses Films. Freund Kerry Thornley lernte Oswald 1959 bei den marines kennen und will ihn seitdem angeblich nicht gesehen haben. Es gibt aber Belege, dass 1963 engen Kontakt mit Oswald hatte:
But further, consider Thornley’s rather equivocal denial on the witness stand:
Q: Did she [Barbara Reid] see you with Oswald?
A: I don’t think she did because the next day I started asking people...
Q: You don’t think so?
A: I don’t know whether it was Oswald, I can’t remember who was sitting there with me....
The above statements earned Thornley a perjury indictment from Garrison. But there was much more. Garrison had no less than eight witnesses who said they had seen Oswald and Thornley together in New Orleans in 1963. And some of them went beyond just noting the association between the two. Two of these witnesses, Bernard Goldsmith and Doris Dowell, both said that Thornley told them Oswald was not a communist. This is amazing since, as noted earlier, the Warren Commission featured Thornley as its key witness to Oswald’s alleged commie sympathies. This indicates that Thornley himself 1) knew the truth about Oswald’s intelligence ties and 2) was probably involved in creating a false cover—a "legend," in intelligence parlance—for the alleged assassin. On top of these devastating admissions, there is the information from Mrs. Myrtle LaSavia, who lived within a block of Oswald in New Orleans. She stated that she, "her husband and a number of people who live in that neighborhood saw Thornley at the Oswald residence a number of times—in fact they saw him there so much they did not know which was the husband, Oswald or Thornley." A few weeks ago at the National Archives, Oswald researcher John Armstrong discovered FBI documents which show that other neighbors of Oswald picked out photos of Thornley as a frequent visitor to the Oswald apartment. According to a radio interview Garrison did in 1968, the DA had witnesses who saw Thornley shopping with Marina Oswald. If this is so, not only did Oswald encounter Thornley in New Orleans in 1963, but the two were quite close.
Für wen soll Oswald als "Doppelagent" gearbeitet haben? Alles deutet darauf hin, dass sein linkes öffentliches Profil nur Fake war .
Zu diesem Szenario passt auch der angebliche Attentatsversuch auf Walker- laut OT Oswald, ein gestörter linker Attentäter, der versucht, einen Rechten zu ermorden.
sunlay schrieb am 21.08.2015:Text
The Warren Commission, unable to determine Oswald’s motive for shooting JFK, seized on the attempted shooting of General Walker as evidence of Oswald’s murderous tendencies (see Warren Report, p.183).
With no plausible motive and no substantial grounds for believing that Oswald was involved in the attempted shooting of Walker, and no strong evidence that Oswald was guilty of the JFK assassination,
it seems that the Walker shooting was attributed to Oswald by the FBI and the Warren Commission purely to support the notion that Oswald was a leftist malcontent with a propensity for violence. (Archiv-Version vom 26.08.2015)
Die Beweise gegen Oswald im Fall Walker sind z.T. fingiert.