JFK - Attentataufdeckung
10.09.2017 um 14:511961 drängten ihn McNamara, Bundy und andere mehrmals Kampftruppen nach Vietnam zu schicken- wogegen er sich sträubte. Er erhöhte dann als Kompromiss die Anzahl der Militärberter drastischRIPPER3181888 schrieb:Wäre John F Kennedy nicht ermordet wurden hätte sich Amerika aus Vietnam rausgehalten da auch Kennedy gegen eine amerikanische einmischung in Vietnam war.
ab 33:15
oder ausführlich:
Ab April 1962 dachte JFK über Rückzug nach
In April, 1962, Kennedy told McGeorge Bundy to “seize upon any favourable moment to reduce our involvement” in Vietnam. In September, 1963, Robert Kennedy expressed similar views at a meeting of the National Security Council: “The first question was whether a Communist takeover could be successfully resisted with any government. If it could not, now was the time to get out of Vietnam entirely, rather than waiting.”
The decision by John F. Kennedy to withdraw from Vietnam was confirmed by John McCone, the director of the CIA: “... Kennedy, I believe, realized he'd made a mistake because 25,000 US military in a country such as South Vietnam means that the responsibility for the war flows to (the US military) and out of the hands of the South Vietnamese. So Kennedy, in the weeks prior to his death, realized that we had gone overboard and actually was in the process of withdrawing when he was killed and Johnson took over.”
Kennedy told Mike Mansfield in the spring of 1963 that he now agreed with his thinking “on the need for a complete military withdrawal from Vietnam”. After the meeting with Mansfield, John F. Kennedy told Kenneth O’Donnell that when he pulled out of Vietnam in 1965: “I’ll become one of the most unpopular Presidents in history. I’ll be damned everywhere as a communist appeaser. But I don’t care. If I tried to pull out completely now from Vietnam, we would have Joe McCarthy red scare on our hands, but I can do it after I’m re-elected. So we had better make damned sure that I am re-elected.”DIe seit 1992 anhaltende Debatte wird hier schn zusammengefasst:
John Newman, einer der "Urheber" der Debatte, hat sein 1992 eschienenes Buch "JFK and Vietnam" überarbeitet udn neu herausgegeben
https://jfkjmn.com/blog/jfk-and-vietnam-2nd-ed (Archiv-Version vom 20.04.2019)
ein Vortrag von Newman:
Beitrag von bredulino (Seite 1.045)