Jeder Stahl verliert bei Erwärmung seine Festigkeit.Und? Was hat diese für sich wahre Aussage mit dem geschmolzenen Stahl zu tun, den man am Ground Zero fand?
Was hat es mit den konkreten Untersuchungen am WTC-Stahl zu tun, die vermeintlich bewiesen haben, dass der Stahl nicht heißer als 250° C wurde?
Most perimeter panels (157 of 160 locations mapped)
saw no temperature T > 250 °C
Paint analyses indicate both columns < 250 °C
Of the more than 170 areas examined on the exterior panels, only
three locations had a positive result indicating that the steel may
have reached temperatures in excess of 250 ºC. ist ein Nullinger. Eine allgemeingültige, wahre Aussage ohne konkreten Bezug zum WTC und 9/11. Ebenso wie "Bürofeuer können 1000° C heiß brennen". Beim WTC gibt es genau null Indizien dafür, dass es eine solche Temperatur im offiziellen Brand gab.
(wie schon gehabt: Die tatsächlich aufgeschmolzenen Träger können schlecht als OVT-Argument für heiße Feuer dienen, wenn selbst NIST genau diesen Passus als unwahr deklariert)
Ihre erste Reaktion wäre abzunehmen, dass Flugzeugbenzin die Feuer so heiß werden ließ, viele Leute hielten das für die Ursache des geschmolzenen Stahls. Aber so war es nicht, der Stahl schmolz nicht.
(Dr. Gayle, NIST, 2005)
Von daher ist auch klar, wo die Inkongruenz liegt: Zwischen "der Stahl schmolz nicht", und diesen Aussagen hier:
1: Ken Holden, who is involved with the organizing of demolition, excavation and debris removal operations at Ground Zero, later will tell the 9/11 Commission, “
Underground, it was still so hot that molten metal dripped down the sides of the wall from [WTC] Building 6.” [9/11 Commission, 4/1/2003]
2: William Langewiesche, the only journalist to have unrestricted access to Ground Zero during the cleanup operation, describes, “in the early days, the streams of molten metal that leaked from the hot cores and flowed down broken walls inside the foundation hole.” [Langewiesche, 2002, pp. 32]
3: Leslie Robertson, one of the structural engineers responsible for the design of the WTC, describes fires still burning and molten steel still running 21 days after the attacks. [SEAU News, 10/2001 ] later retraction!
4: Alison Geyh, who heads a team of scientists studying the potential health effects of 9/11, reports: “Fires are still actively burning and the smoke is very intense. In some pockets now being uncovered, they are finding molten steel.” [Johns Hopkins Public Health Magazine, 2001]
5: Ron Burger, a public health advisor who arrives at Ground Zero on September 12, says that “feeling the heat” and “seeing the molten steel” there reminds him of a volcano. [National Environmental Health Association, 9/2003, pp. 40 ]
6: Paramedic Lee Turner arrives at the World Trade Center site on September 12 as a member of a federal urban search and rescue squad. While at Ground Zero, he goes “down crumpled stairwells to the subway, five levels below ground.” There he reportedly sees, “in the darkness a distant, pinkish glow—molten metal dripping from a beam.” [US News and World Report, 9/12/2002]
7: According to a member of New York Air National Guard’s 109th Air Wing, who is at Ground Zero from September 22 to October 6: [B]“One fireman told us that there was still molten steel at the heart of the towers’ remains. Firemen sprayed water to cool the debris down but the heat remained intense enough at the surface to melt their boots.” [National Guard Magazine, 12/2001]
8: New York firefighters recall “heat so intense they encountered [B]rivers of molten steel.” [New York Post, 3/3/2004]
9: As late as five months after the attacks, in February 2002, firefighter Joe O’Toole sees a steel beam being lifted from deep underground at Ground Zero, which, he says, “[B]was dripping from the molten steel.” [Knight Ridder, 5/29/2002]
Points 1 to 9 from: (Archiv-Version vom 24.02.2010)
10: A report by Waste Age describes New York Sanitation Department workers moving "[B]everything from molten steel beams to human remains."
D-Day: NY Sanitation Workers' Challenge of a Lifetime,, 4/1/02 [cached]
11: A report on the Government Computer News website quotes Greg Fuchek, vice president of sales for LinksPoint Inc. as stating:
In the first few weeks, sometimes [B]when a worker would pull a steel beam from the wreckage, the end of the beam would be dripping molten steel 3
Handheld app eased recovery tasks,, 9/11/02 [cached]
The book American Ground, which contains detailed descriptions of conditions at Ground Zero, contains this passage:
... or, in the early days, the streams of [B]molten metal that leaked from the hot cores and flowed down broken walls inside the foundation hole.
Ground Zero, 12/01 [cached]
Points 9 to 12 from:
13: The physical challenge was the sheer magnitude of the project and its components. A beam 30 feet long and 8 feet wide weighed between 60 and 80 tons—steel so heavy it broke grapples and twisted booms. With ground temperatures reaching in excess of 1,200°F, [B]steel beams were pulled out of the wreckage glowing red.
Mazzocchi Wrecking, (Archiv-Version vom 24.07.2008)
Red Hot Debris. The removal of debris from the collapsed areas requires the safe lifting and maneuvering of very heavy steel beams, often twisted and tangled from the force of the collapse. [B]Some beams pulled from the wreckage are still red hot more than 7 weeks after the attack, and it is suspected that temperatures beneath the debris pile are well in excess of 1,000°F.
One group of beams fell end-first, embedding themselves deeply into the subway system below. The removal of these beams – one of which struck an electrical equipment room – is a delicate operation requiring close coordination
with New York City Transit .
LiRo at Ground Zero, cached: (Archiv-Version vom 18.06.2006)
15: Peter Tully, president of Tully Construction of Flushing, New York, told AFP that he saw pools of "literally[B] molten steel" at the World Trade Center.
16: AFP asked Loizeaux about the report of molten steel on the site. "Yes," he said, "[B]hot spots of molten steel in the basements." These incredibly hot areas were found "at the bottoms of the elevator shafts of the main towers, down seven [basement] levels," Loizeaux said. The molten steel was found "three, four, and five weeks later, when the rubble was being removed," Loizeaux said. He said molten steel was also found at 7 WTC, which collapsed mysteriously in the late afternoon.
15,16, be careful- the AFP or Christopher Bollyn is a source that can be dismissed as antisemetic, maybe that's the cause it shows up there, so to say it is right but can be easily dismissed by debunkers via guilty by association, and the strawmen attack, a layer for real molten steel argument, the same maybe true for Robertsons retraction that he didn't say that.
17: The first accounts of molten steel came just hours after the attack: from the search and rescue teams who were among the first on the scene. Sarah Atlas, a member of New Jersey Task Force One Search and Rescue, was one of these emergency responders. [B]Sarah reported seeing molten steel in the pile even as she searched in vain for survivors
18: One of these, Dr Keith Eaton, Chief Executive of the London-based Institution of Structural Engineers, later wrote in The Structural Engineer about what he had seen, namely: [B]“molten metal which was still red-hot weeks after the event,” as well as “four-inch thick steel plates sheered and bent in the disaster.”
17, 18 from Mark Gaffney "Dead on arrival"
19: An engineer investigating the remains of the World Trade Center sees [B]melted girders and other evidence that the towers experienced extreme temperatures on 9/11. Dr. Abolhassan Astaneh-Asl is a professor of civil and environmental engineering at the University of California, Berkeley. He specializes in studying structural damage done by earthquakes and terrorist bombings.
He notes that steel has bent at several connection points that had joined the floors of the WTC to the vertical columns. He describes the connections as being smoothly warped, saying, “If you remember the Salvador Dali paintings with the clocks that are kind of melted—it’s kind of like that.” He adds, [B]“That could only happen if you get steel yellow hot or white hot—perhaps around 2,000 degrees.”
20: "Bobby Gray: "[B]A 30-foot column carried high above the ground would be cherry red. It wasn't in a molten stage, but it was certainly too hot to put on a truck because the truck beds are all wood. We'd have to leave it on the side to cool. Sometimes the fire trucks would come by and hose them down." (Nine Months at Ground Zero, p. 66)"
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