"Explosionen" und Fahrstühle
1) Aircraft impact, often described as sounding like a dull thud or a "whump," with a moderate vibration of the building. The aircraft, traveling at very high speeds, cut through the building exteriors easily. The buildings began to sway appreciably after they had absorbed and decelerated the majority of the aircraft mass.
2) After approximately one or two seconds, a strong explosion, often described as a bang or a boom, from jet fuel igniting at the impact zone, accompanied by a strong vibration and damage to windows, walls, ceilings, etc.
3) A fireball traveling down multiple elevator and ventilation shafts bursting onto floors near the impact zones.
4) Swaying back and forth of the building, strong enough to make people lose their balance, lasting 10 seconds or so. Many people thought the building would collapse at this point. The building movement caused further damage to walls, floors, and ceilings. Some people described the building "torquing" (twisting).
5) Some elevators freefalling in their shafts, some elevators near the impact zones trailing or surrounded by jet fuel, causing major damage from impact when stopping and from overpressures from igniting fuel.
6) Jet fuel flowing down shaftways and igniting on lower floors several seconds (up to 30 by one account) after the aircraft impacts.
What we heard was 6 and 7 car free-falling from the 107th floor and they impacted the basement at B-2 Level. And that’s the explosion that filled the lobby within a matter of two or three seconds, engulfed the lobby in dust, smoke.
http://archive.recordonline.com/adayinseptember/jones.htm (Archiv-Version vom 28.08.2008)Hält man sich mal vor Augen wen unser Sibu alles Lügner nennt, durch seine dubiosen Behauptungen und schlechten Übersetzungen, grenzt es schon fast an lächerlich ^^
Sämtliche Zeugen berichten von Kerosin in den Fahrstuhlschächten. (diese waren durchgehend wie ich hier schon mehrfach mit Quellen belegt habe )
Inside the North Tower: Witness Accounts Floors 91-60
http://911stories.googlepages.com/insidethenorthtower%3Awitnessaccounts91-60Inside the North Tower: Witness Accounts, Floors 59-02
http://911stories.googlepages.com/insidethenorthtower%3Awitnessaccounts%2Cfloo2Inside the North Tower: Witness Accounts, Plaza Level & Concourse Lobbies, Basements
http://911stories.googlepages.com/insidethenorthtower%3Awitnessaccounts%2ClobbInside the South Tower: Eyewitness Accounts
http://911stories.googlepages.com/insidethesouthtower%3AeyewitnessaccountsTraction Elevators and the WTC
http://closetextremist.mu.nu/archives/100617.php (Archiv-Version vom 03.10.2009)usw. usw