Na dann wollen wir doch mal sehen welche Spreng-Fetischisten die Feuerwehrmänner, welche übrigens zu den Hauptzeugen gehören was den Einsturz angeht, Lügner nennen wollen oder von der Regierung bezahlt oder wie auch immer beleidigen wollen
FAKT sind z.B. folgende Aussagen:
FDNY Assistant Chief Joseph Callan: "Approximately 40 minutes after I arrived in the lobby, I made a decision that the building was no longer safe. And that was based on the conditions in the lobby, large pieces of plaster falling, all the 20 foot high glass panels on the exterior of the lobby were breaking. There was obvious movement of the building, and that was the reason on the handy talky I gave the order for all Fire Department units to leave the north tower."
Quelle: "For me to make the decision to take our firefighters out of the building with civilians still in it, that was very tough for me, but I did that because I did not think the building was safe any longer, and that was just prior to 9:30."
Quelle: Division Chief John Peruggia: "I was in a discussion with Mr. Rotanz and I believe it was a representative from the Department of Buildings, but I'm not sure. Some engineer type person, and several of us were huddled talking in the lobby and it was brought to my attention, it was believed that the structural damage that was suffered to the towers was quite significant and they were very confident that the building's stability was compromised and they felt that the north tower was in danger of a near imminent collapse.
NYPD Aviation Units: Minutes after the south tower collapsed at the World Trade Center, police helicopters hovered near the remaining tower to check its condition. "About 15 floors down from the top, it looks like it's glowing red," the pilot of one helicopter, Aviation 14, radioed at 10:07 a.m. "It's inevitable."
Seconds later, another pilot reported: "I don't think this has too much longer to go. I would evacuate all people within the area of that second building."
Quelle: (Archiv-Version vom 05.03.2008)According to Shyam-Sunder, the concave bowing of the steel was seen on the sides of the towers opposite where the planes hit them. At 10:06 a.m. that morning, an officer in a police helicopter reported that ``it's not going to take long before the north tower comes down.'' This was 20 minutes before it collapsed. In another radio transmission at 10:21 a.m., the officer said he saw buckling in the north tower's southern face, Shyam-Sunder said
Quelle: Mike Cancel, Ladder 10:We could feel the building starting to twist above us. I called Ladder 10 three times, Ladder 10 roof to Ladder 10. There was no answer. I said we have to evacuate, the building's coming down. Again, there was no response
Quelle: (Archiv-Version vom 20.04.2022)On the 56th floor, an architect believes the building was failing structurally.
Architect Bob Shelton had his foot in a cast; he'd broken it falling off a curb two weeks ago. He heard the explosion of the first plane hitting the north tower from his 56th-floor office in the south tower. As he made his way down the stairwell, his building came under attack as well. "You could hear the building cracking. It sounded like when you have a bunch of spaghetti, and you break it in half to boil it." Shelton knew that what he was hearing was bad. "It was structural failure," Shelton says. "Once a building like that is off center, that's it."
Quelle:,8599,174655-1,00.htmlDer liebste Zeuge der VTler, William Rodriguez, bestätigt vor seiner Karriere als "VT-Loge" sogar diese Aussagen !!
William Rodriguez,
Chunks of the building were falling down all around them and they could literally hear the creaking in the building.
The stairs were cracking. The sheet rock, when I went up opening the doors, was falling on top of me and on top of the firemen constantly. And the swaying of the building made it easier for that to come off.
Quellen: Water was pouring down the stairwell, and all the while the building was creaking and cracking, and it felt like it was coming apart.
Quelle: O. Ronningen : I remember how calm and orderly the descent in the stairwells was… and how smoky… accompanied occasionally with the snapping sounds of tortured pipes and walls stressed beyond endurance.
Quelle: Gonzales: "All the way down it felt like the ground was falling out from under you. I knew the building had been severely damaged, and all the way down you could feel that it was about to collapse."
Quelle: Sergeant Quentin DeMarco: While forming teams and assembling equipment to make entries into the WTC, Captain Whitaker informed the undersigned that no one is to enter the buildings, they were structurally compromised and could collapse. A short time later I observed tower 2 collapse into West St.
FDNY Firefighter Richard Banaciski: So I was kind of looking around over there, up and down West Street and looking on Vesey and I just remember there was a police officer standing there and he just started saying, it's starting to lean, it's starting to lean. I remember looking up, looking at the second building and just seeing it starting to move. I just started running back down Vesey towards the water again to where I had come from. That's -- the second building came down there.
FDNY Lieutenant Robert Bohack: With that as soon as I said that the building [north tower] made a groan like steel twisting. I didn’t have to tell those guys twice. We just started making line for West Street or the western side, the entrance we came in.
With that we ran out the front. There was, I think, a Chief’s aide sort of as a lookout saying “come on come on come on.” we stopped at the entrance as soon as he waved us on we go. We get to him. He was maybe 50 yards ahead of us, in front of us. On West Street I get to him and he says, “look at the building, Lou. The other one collapsed and this one is collapsing.” He showed me, about 20 stories up you see crack in the building. I look, “holy shit, the other buildings gone.”
FDNY Lieutenant George DeSimone: After that, I got out of there as quick as I could because the building was decaying. I mean, there was fire coming out of it, fire dropping down, and at that point I think we started to notice bodies dropping from the buildings.
FDNY Firefighter Dennis Fischer: Guys, get the fuck out of here that building is going to come down. It's coming down. That building is coming down. We looked at each other. We kind of looked around, we didn't really think it was going to happen. Maybe 15, 20 seconds after he said that, we heard the rumbling. We looked up, that I remember as plain as day. I looked up and I saw from the top, I actually watched it with my own eyes, I saw the top start to pancake down.
FDNY Firefighter Paul Bessler: Just at that point, my radio came clear as day, "Imminent collapse. This was a terrorist attack. Evacuate." That's exactly what I heard. I think that was Chief Picciotto that was giving the order. We relayed that again, hoping that the brothers would hear it above us, and I remember the look on Andy's face, like apprehension that we were going to leave this building.
FDNY Firefighter Frank Sweeney: I remember when we heard abandon the site, I said, wow, this would be really good to keep with us. So I started pushing this cart, and I got stuck in the doorway with it, when we started hearing this rumble. I can remember -- I specifically remember this like twisting sound of metal. We were probably about half a block away from the complex at this point.
You heard a big boom, it was quiet for about ten seconds. Then you could hear another one. Now I realize it was the floors starting to stack on top of each other as they were falling . It was spaced apart in the beginning, but then it got to just a tremendous roar and a rumble that I will never forget.
Thomas Bendick, FDNY EMT: At that point I could actually visually see the top floors of the north tower starting to give way and that began to collapse. At that point we all began to run north.
FDNY Supervising Fire Marshal Brian Grogan: "At that point I looked up, and it was Joe Pasquarello grabbed me, and he gave me a pull on my arm. He said, "Get the fuck out of there." I looked up –"
Quelle: Chief Joseph Dunne: Another ten or 15 minutes or so later, one of my guys said to me, "listen, the north tower is making noise, we're not safe here, that building is going to come down too.”
Achja und eine Schule wollte der böse J.W.B auch direkt noch sprengen. (Video: Bomb scare in high school on 9/11 - 'Pulling')Bomben über Bomben.
Na wenn das kein gefundes Fressen für VT-logen ist. ^^
Ich möchte an dieser Stelle NOCHMAL auf folgendes hinweisen.
Von allen ZEUGEN die von "sounds like Bombs" oder "Explosionen" berichtet haben, bleibt folgendes übrig :
# Who said they thought, as of the interview date, that they had actually seen or heard explosives.....0
# Who have claimed in the past 5 years that they believe there were explosive devices in the buildings.....0
Ich verweise mal wieder auf Mark Roberts