Noch schnell was zum Thema Aussagen der Zeugen.
Es hat sich mal jemand die Mühe gemacht und hat mal die "vielen" Zeugen gesucht die laut den VTlern von "Bomben" berichten.
Laut VT sprechen ja alle Zeugen nur von "Bomben" die da explodieren.
Hier erstmal ein "paar" Zeugen und zudem auch noch Feuerwehrleute. davon erwähnen die "Bombs" oder "sound like Bombs" doch wenn man genau hinschaut und den Rest der Aussage betrachtet, sind die Bomben dann doch keine.
hier mal schnell ein paar Beispiele.
Michael Donovan Thought plane was bomb:
We heard the plane briefly, the earth shook, the buildings shook, a tremendous fireball overhead. I thought there was a bomb or an explosion. A tremendous fireball, flaming debris, pieces of the airplane, fuselage, landing gear, pieces of the building.
John McGimpsey
We didn’t actually know what was going on. We weren’t sure if those noises were – sounded like another plane, bomb, something like that, but – it just was a big, we really didn’t know what was going on because we were inside the building and then walking around we knew it was bad, just from looking out.
Gregg Hansson
North tower collapse: Then a large explosion took place. In my estimation that was the tower coming down, but at that time I did not know what that was. I thought some type of bomb had gone off.
Janice Olszewski
I didn’t know what was going on. I didn’t know it was a collapse at that point. I thought it was an explosion or a secondary device, a bomb, the jet --- plane exploding, whatever.
Thomas Spinard
I don’t know what time later a loud rumble – it sounded like an explosion. We thought it was a bomb.
usw. usw.
So bis hier könnte ich es noch verstehen das VTler arge Zweifel hegen da ja in der Tat "Bomben" irgendwie erwähnt werden.
Doch nun lasst uns mal schauen wie das Geräusch der stürzenden Türme noch so beschrieben wurden.
Thrushing noise like a rocket.
Loud whistling noise.
Heard a large fall of something.
Heard the noise of something going on.
A loud noise.
NT: Boom, boom, boom, very loud.
Distinctive sound
Loud Groan
Heard a big boom.
ST: Really loud crackling sound, like a million firecrackers.
NT: Like every floor went chu, chu, chu.
Groaning and grinding
The worst sound of a rolling sound
Like metal clanging on metal
Big boom
Huge noise
Like an incoming missile.
Tremendous noise
A loud noise that I can't even explain.
ST: Sounded like a waterfall almost. NT: Like a plane
Didn't hear anything
NT: Like rushing water.
Like a giant tree branch breaking
Loud noise
A big "Shhhhh," Sounded like a missile coming.
Just a loud noise
The most horrendous noise
Like those rockets they launch the space shuttle with
ST: bangs NT: rumbling
NT/ST: Rushing roar
The two crashes and two collapses all sounded the same
NT: Loud crack.
NT/ST: Terrible noise
Puffing and bouncing
Huge noise
An unusual sound
Like a missile
Incredible noise.
Heard pops, looked like it was blowing on all 4 sides.
NT/ST: Crackling and thundering
High pitched whine.
Loud noise
Didn't seem like an explosion.
boom boom boom, then train roar.
NT: Loud noise
Loud Noise, Cracking
Loud Noise
Like marbles crashing down
Like Steel cutting through steel
"A sound I never heard before"
NT: Another noise
Low sounding boom, big roar.
"A Little bit of noise."
Although on the site, didn't hear collapse at all (!).
Crumbling sound
NT: Waterfall noise
Shh! Like hydrant
"A Noise"
Firecrackers, then a low rumble.
Twisting sound of metal
NT/ST: Shuddering shrilling noise of metal falling
Sound of gasses being compressed
So und nun teilen wir das ganze mal auf, nach der erwähnten Häufigkeit.
Described tower collapses as “Rumble/huge rumbling, etc.” 186 accounts
Described tower collapses as “Explosion/Like an explosion” 55
Described tower collapses as “Sound like a Jet/Jet engine” 42
Described tower collapses as “Roar” 35
Described tower collapses as “Like a train/locomotive” 23
Described tower collapses as “Like thunder/thunderous” 9
Described tower collapses as “Like an earthquake” 7
Described tower collapses using other terms (siehe oben) 75
Gravy aka Mark Roberts (Archiv-Version vom 30.08.2009)bzw. ganze ist sogar noch umfassender , doch bevor ich alles kopiere einfach mal selber nachlesen
;)Doch um das ganze mal eben abschließen zu können, das wohl eindeutige Ergebnis welches den VTler wohl nicht ganz passen wird.
;)# Who said they thought, as of the interview date, that they had actually seen or heard explosives.....0
# Who have claimed in the past 5 years that they believe there were explosive devices in the buildings.....0