@nebukad: Als Kriegsgründe hätten wir vor 9/11:
1993 Anschlag aufs WTC (6Tote, ca. 1000 Verletzte)
1996 Anschlag auf Luftwaffenkomplex der USA in SaudiArabien (19 Tote, ca. 240 Verletzte)
1998: Anschlag auf US- Botschaften in Kenia undTansania (240 Tote, davon 19 Amerikaner)
Und, wenige Monate vor 9/11: 12.10.2000:Anschlag auf die USS Cole (17 Tote)"
Richtig, aber nicht aureichend um daszu tun was man jetzt tut.
"Alle Anschläge wurden mit Bin Laden in Verbindunggebracht. Und spätestens mit dem Angriff auf die USS Cole hätten die USA die Taliban sounter Druck setzen können, wie sie es nach 9/11 getan haben. Wenn ein Krieg gegenAfghanistan geplant gewesen wäre, dann hatte der 12.10.2000 als Auslöser vollkommengereicht."
Offiziell ja. Ok, gehen wir mal davon aus das es Bin Laden war, wieerklärt sich dann die Tatsache das der CIA sich mit ihm trifft?
" PARIS, Nov.1 (UPI) -- Radio France International offered additional details Thursday of allegationsthat terrorist suspect Osama bin Laden met with a CIA officer in the United Arab Emiratesin July.
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The CIA has dismissed as "total absurdity" a reportcarried Wednesday by Radio France and by France's Le Figaro newspaper, alleging that aCIA agent met with bin Laden at a Dubai clinic, where the suspected terrorist wasreportedly treated for kidney problems.
The clinic, said to be the AmericanHospital in Dubai, also denied bin Laden had been a patient. The American Embassy inParis has not commented on the report.
The Paris-based International HeraldTribune suggested the erroneous information may have been leaked by opponents in Franceto the U.S. military campaign in Afghanistan.
"Disinformation may have beenplanted ... to suggest a continuing covert linkage between the CIA and bin Laden," aFrench intelligence source told the Herald Tribune.
Nonetheless, Radio FranceInternational, for one, said it stood by its report. In a follow-up Thursday, the Frenchradio station identified the alleged CIA agent as Larry Mitchell, "a connoisseur of theArab world and specialist of the (Arab) peninsula."
Mitchell's business cardidentified him as a "consular agent," the radio said. In fact, RFI alleged, he was a CIAagent and a prominent fixture in Dubai's expatriate community. According to both theradio and Le Figaro, Mitchell was recalled to the CIA's headquarters in McLean, Va., onJuly 15.
The radio also gave the precise date of Mitchell's supposed encounterwith bin Laden -- July 12, two days before the Saudi dissident reportedly checked out ofthe hospital.
Neither the Figaro, nor Radio France offered independentconfirmation of the report. The radio station also cited no source for its latestallegations. Earlier, the Figaro said its story was leaked by a partner of the hospital'smanagement.
In an interview published Thursday in Le Figaro, Arab specialistAntoine Sfeir said he was not surprised on the alleged CIA-bin Laden ties.
"BinLaden maintained contacts with bin Laden until 1998," Sfeir said. "Those contacts didn'tend after bin Laden moved to Afghanistan. Until the last minute, CIA agents hoped binLaden would return to U.S. command, as was the case before 1998."
Sfeir alsomaintained the information about the CIA-bin Laden connection had been in circulation forthe past 15 days."
...und weiter...
"CIA agent 'met Bin Laden in July'
by Toby Rose
Le Figaro today claimed that a CIA agent met Osama binLaden in a Gulf hospital as recently as last July and received "precise information"about an imminent attack on the US.
According to the French daily,the agent met Bin Laden while he was being treated at the American Hospital in Dubai fora kidney infection. The agent was subsequently recalled to Washington.
Thehospital today vigorously denied the report, which is based on a number of sources,including French secret services and a hospital administrator.
Bin Laden is saidto have arrived in the UAE from the Pakistan city of Quetta, accompanied by his personalphysician, four bodyguards and an Algerian nurse. He was visited by family members andleading Saudis. The paper claims he was treated in the urology department headed by DrTerry Callaway.
Bin Laden is said to have severe medical problems and "thekidney infection has spread to his liver". Le Figaro claims a mobile dialysis machine wasdelivered to his Kandahar hideout in Afghanistan last year.
In a further twist,French secret service operatives are said to have met officials from the US embassy inParis last August after the arrest of Algerian Djamel Beghal in the UAE.
AFrench secret service report on 7 September warned of possible attacks, and that theorder to act would come from Afghanistan. Le Figaro says very precise information ontargets for attack was communicated to the CIA."
"CIA Rejects Claim ItSought Osama Deal Before 9/11
PARIS (Reuters) - The CIArejected as fantasy claims in a new book that it tried to negotiate a non-aggression pactwith Osama bin Laden just two months before the September 11, 2001 airliner attacksagainst the United States.
Richard Labeviere, author of "The Corridors ofTerror," released on Thursday, says the CIA's Dubai station chief approached bin Ladenwhile the al Qaeda leader was being treated for a serious kidney complaint in the UnitedArab Emirates.
He said the meeting took place in the American Hospital in Dubaion July 12, barely eight weeks before al Qaeda militants slammed fuel-laden hijackedairliners into the Pentagon and New York's World Trade Center, killing almost 3,000people. "Such an allegation is sheer fantasy, no such thing occurred," CIA spokesman MarkMansfield said, echoing an earlier rebuttal by the U.S. Central Intelligence Agency ofFrench media reports in October 2001 about the alleged Dubai meeting.
Labevieresaid he learned of an encounter from a contact in the Dubai hospital, and said the eventwas confirmed in detail during a separate interview in New York with a Gulf prince whopresented himself as an adviser to the Emir of Bahrain.
The prince, who theauthor met in a Manhattan hotel in November 2001, appeared very well-informed about theCIA-bin Laden meeting.
Labeviere said the second contact told him theface-to-face had been arranged by Prince Turki al-Faisal, the head of the Saudi GeneralIntelligence Department.
He quoted the second contact as saying:
"Byorganizing this meeting...Turki thought he could start direct negotiations between theSaudi millionaire (bin Laden) and the CIA on one fundamental point: that bin Laden andhis supporters end their hostilities against American interests."
In exchange,the CIA and the Saudi (intelligence) services undertook to allow bin Laden to return tohis native country, even though he was stripped of his Saudi nationality in July 1994.The Dubai meeting was a failure, Labeviere said.
The Saudi intelligence chiefwas sacked in the wake of the September 11 attacks.
Labeviere named LarryMitchell as the CIA station chief who met bin Laden, describing him as a colorful figurewell-known on the Dubai social circuit.
Mitchell left the Gulf state on July 15,2001 and Labeviere said CIA headquarters in Langley, Virginia, had told him the operativewas unavailable for interview because he was on his honeymoon.
At the time, binLaden had a multi-million dollar price on his head for his suspected role in the 1998bombings of two U.S. embassies in East Africa that killed 224 people.
Bin Ladenwas treated between July 4 and July 14 in the urology department of a kidney specialistat the American Hospital, Labeviere said, adding that the hospital denied this."
Wie erklärst Du Dir das? Der CIA entführt illegal deutsche Bürger und verschleppt sienach Guantanamo wegen angeblicher Kontakte zu Al- Quaida, aber Osama besuchen sie nur imKrankenhaus, machen ein bischen Hatschibatschi und fahren dann wieder, obwohl er in dieAnschläge verwickelt sein soll, die Du angeführt hast und es obendrein ein hohes Kopfgeldfür ihn geben würde?!
@Jeara"Ich habe drüben im Parallel-Thread schonerklärt, dass es gerade bei diesen Themen wichtig ist, korrekte, logischeSchlussfolgerungen zu ziehen.
Jeder kann Dir noch folgen, wenn Du sagst, dass derAnschlag ausgenutzt wurde, um einen besseren Rückhalt zu haben für alles, was danach sokam. "
Ich habe auch schon erklärt....dann nimm Dir Deine Erklärung mal zuHerzen.
Dann les mal das Stanley Hilton Interview oder bau Dir endlich mal neSoundkarte in Deinen Rechenschieber ein, dann könntest Du´s im Original hören. Das würdewahrscheinlich mal wieder Dein Dictionary sprengen, aber es ist nur eines von vielenIndizien und Beweisen die diesen Rückschluss zulassen. Und wie gesagt es gibt etlichesehr gut recherchierte und sortierte Archive, die Du nur mal einsehen müsstest. Ende derDiskussion.
„Eine Lüge ist bereits dreimal um die Erde gelaufen, bevor sich die Wahrheit die Schuhe anzieht!“ (Mark Twain)