Russisches Militär sieht Bedrohung durch Ufos !?
20.09.2014 um 10:59Wie wär's mit einfach mal Stichworte wie Fars, whatdoesitmean, Snowden, Alien in die Suchmaschine deines geringsten Misstrauens reinzuwerfen?Phoenix73 schrieb:Ach ja? Wer ist diese verdammt Zeitungsente und wie findet man diese? (Archiv-Version vom 12.10.2014)
Du bist für mich kein unabhängiger UserEcht @Phoenix73 , entweder du kommst aus ner russischen Web-Brigade oder direkt von Krautchan.
Auch lustig wie du dich über Diffarmierung beklagst, gleichzeitig aber jedem anti-US-Regierungs-Gerücht glauben schenkst, sei es vom Iran oder irgendwelchen dubiosen russischen Sekten gestreut.
Was hältst du denn von folgender Studie:
Dead and Alive: Beliefs in Contradictory Conspiracy Theories
Conspiracy theories can form a monological belief system: a self-sustaining worldview comprised of a network of mutually supportive beliefs. The present research shows that even endorsement of mutually incompatible conspiracy theories are positively correlated. In Study 1 (n=137),the more participants believed that Princess Diana faked her own death, the more they believed that she was murdered. In Study 2 (n=102),the more participants believed that Osama Bin Laden was already dead when U.S.special forces raided his compound in Pakistan, the more they believed he is still alive. Hierarchical regression models showed that mutually incompatible conspiracy theories are positively associated because both are associated with the view that the authorities are engaged in a cover-up (Study 2).The monological nature of conspiracy belief appears to be driven not by conspiracy theories directly supporting one another, but by broader beliefs supporting conspiracy theories in general.