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My Englisch is not the yellow from the egg!

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poet ehemaliges Mitglied

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My Englisch is not the yellow from the egg!

09.02.2013 um 17:28
Dialog zwischen einem britischen Gentleman und einem Chinesen in Honkong (vor Jahrzehnten allerdings)

der Brite: "Tomorrow after breakfast I'll go voting for election."

der Chinese: "I see, evely molning aftel bleakfast I have election too..."


My Englisch is not the yellow from the egg!

10.02.2013 um 08:38
ac9489 100 02921Original anzeigen (2,6 MB)

Today the mountain screamed and woked me up!
Get out of your lousy beds, today it' s the international day of metal tongue-testing 2013:

Conditions: Get out of the house and touch your metal fence with your tongue. You will get a really
nice feeling, whom you will remember a long time!


My Englisch is not the yellow from the egg!

10.02.2013 um 08:46
Milk and roast beef and money and lemonade and alexandra stan makes it funny...la la la...


Youtube: Alexandra Stan - Lemonade (OFFICIAL MUSIC VIDEO)
Alexandra Stan - Lemonade (OFFICIAL MUSIC VIDEO)
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This morning you are to make an impotant decision: You' ll leave your bed. You have decided to make a short-time-sabbatical. I advice you to end this deep relationship by SMS, don't make another person unlucky, the time-ghost :)


My Englisch is not the yellow from the egg!

10.02.2013 um 08:52
The wisdom of the morning:

You can' t speak better english than your speak-partner!

(You can only play soccer that good as the opponent allows it to you!)

poet ehemaliges Mitglied

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My Englisch is not the yellow from the egg!

10.02.2013 um 11:02
I observe you, that's my goal,
through a watchhole of my soul.
What I see is awfull, yes,
no behavior, no progress... :D


My Englisch is not the yellow from the egg!

10.02.2013 um 16:01
Now butter by the fishes :D


My Englisch is not the yellow from the egg!

10.02.2013 um 18:11
I am really croggy after this weekend :D


My Englisch is not the yellow from the egg!

10.02.2013 um 19:01
I too. I Feel like a book on two legs :D


My Englisch is not the yellow from the egg!

10.02.2013 um 21:35
make you ready for the landing


My Englisch is not the yellow from the egg!

11.02.2013 um 09:35
I feel like a sip in a curve :D


My Englisch is not the yellow from the egg!

11.02.2013 um 09:35
I am fit like a sneaker :D


My Englisch is not the yellow from the egg!

11.02.2013 um 11:22
good morning everyone :)

I go naked to the carnival, i will get a red head and so I look like a matchstick :D


My Englisch is not the yellow from the egg!

11.02.2013 um 12:21

A matchstick with a black spot in the middle ;)
I think I spider!

Cardinal Diskussionsleiter
ehemaliges Mitglied

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My Englisch is not the yellow from the egg!

11.02.2013 um 12:22
It was in kingswinter,
not therefor and not therehinter,
it was gleich mittendrin,
as I on @TinaMare reingefallen bin ;)

Attention, @TinaMare goes naked to the karnevalstrain, Liveübertragung im Ersten!

1x zitiertmelden

My Englisch is not the yellow from the egg!

11.02.2013 um 12:24
you fall on me rein and I fall on you her :D
Zitat von CardinalCardinal schrieb:Attention, @TinaMare goes naked to the karnevalstrain, Liveübertragung im Ersten!
don´t worry, if your TV will explode! ^^

do you want to go as a hering?


My Englisch is not the yellow from the egg!

11.02.2013 um 12:25

No, I go as a Cork-Puller.

Cardinal Diskussionsleiter
ehemaliges Mitglied

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My Englisch is not the yellow from the egg!

11.02.2013 um 12:25


My Englisch is not the yellow from the egg!

11.02.2013 um 12:27
nice matchstick :D

you have to show us a pic ^^


My Englisch is not the yellow from the egg!

11.02.2013 um 12:28

Only if you show us your pic first ;)


My Englisch is not the yellow from the egg!

11.02.2013 um 12:29
you can see me .... @Cardinal posted the pic from me right before :D
