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My Englisch is not the yellow from the egg!

4.184 Beiträge ▪ Schlüsselwörter: Deutschland, Europa, Deutsch ▪ Abonnieren: Feed E-Mail

My Englisch is not the yellow from the egg!

15.01.2013 um 22:32

The sense of the jungle camp is: To laugh about the confused people, to see all the disguisting animals, also these animals as staple food, which the inhabitants must eat or drink.

So kangaroo-balls or some animal cum.

Hm.. No. There is no sin. Its only a broadcast for sensational addicts.


My Englisch is not the yellow from the egg!

15.01.2013 um 22:33
My dear Scholli, what i hear must read; kangaroo-balls and animal cum, let me stand the hairs to the mountain!


My Englisch is not the yellow from the egg!

15.01.2013 um 22:36

Yes sir. :D If only the hairs stand to the mountain, its okay.. :D

We re all great. We can also spoke about this .. hmja.. disguisting themes.

Me personally float it the shameredness in my face.


My Englisch is not the yellow from the egg!

15.01.2013 um 22:36
We kehr for you!

http://www.bsr.de/11888.html (Archiv-Version vom 17.12.2012)


My Englisch is not the yellow from the egg!

15.01.2013 um 22:38

Me personally float it the shameredness in my face. ...and let the sabber come out of my mouth.


My Englisch is not the yellow from the egg!

15.01.2013 um 22:40

Oh.. than you need a schlabberprotector.. :D

like this:


My Englisch is not the yellow from the egg!

15.01.2013 um 22:44
I have a schlabberprotector on a dentist chain...from my schlabber time! I'm advanced!


My Englisch is not the yellow from the egg!

15.01.2013 um 22:46

Black roses sometimes look like pigs while power black outs!


My Englisch is not the yellow from the egg!

15.01.2013 um 22:51

Black ist beautiful. And a permanent black out is my stick-horse. :D


My Englisch is not the yellow from the egg!

15.01.2013 um 22:52
If you want hits for kids, then you have to by a bodybag!

(Willst du Schläge für Kinder, dann kauf einen Leichensack, aber bitte nur im Backshop.)


My Englisch is not the yellow from the egg!

15.01.2013 um 22:52
schlabberprotector how genial is it?


My Englisch is not the yellow from the egg!

15.01.2013 um 22:53

Do you mean horse-stick?:)


My Englisch is not the yellow from the egg!

15.01.2013 um 22:54

Thanks. How could I be so ignorant and never watch it ? Never thought I would laugh about that but you are right, the jungle camp is funny :D


My Englisch is not the yellow from the egg!

15.01.2013 um 22:56
the jungle camp is more than funny, its cult!
all the z-promis who think they are sooo popular ... all the people are laughing about them and her macks :D


My Englisch is not the yellow from the egg!

15.01.2013 um 22:57

I translate: Stecken Pferd :D


Gladly to happen.


My Englisch is not the yellow from the egg!

15.01.2013 um 23:01

It is cult ? Why did I never hear about it :o ? And why I never hear about this z-promis ? Something went terrible wrong :D...




My Englisch is not the yellow from the egg!

15.01.2013 um 23:02
Hmmm, let me guess:
you must live behind the moon :D


My Englisch is not the yellow from the egg!

15.01.2013 um 23:05

No. I bet the people behind the moon knew about the jungle camp :D


My Englisch is not the yellow from the egg!

15.01.2013 um 23:06

But in this jungle camp, they have all water-beds.... when the rain keeps falling...


My Englisch is not the yellow from the egg!

15.01.2013 um 23:07

Can you tell me what's going on JC?

The last time i watched was in a Kebab-grill in Freiburg-Oberlinden, where the muslim woman and her man watched it, the jungle camp, too, people eating rain worms? They really were fascinated.
The time heretherefore, the second last visiting after Adam Riese, i came out of the Kebab-grill but the Kebab felt into a "Bächle". I saved it after 5 seconds in it's staniol and byte into it, but you should not imitate! I voted myself the taste of the watered Kebab with zero points. This was not watched by anyone and so not by the muslim woman and her man, because i think they haded to watch the jungle camp.

That was a little schwank from my life:)
