for me, as än ostrian, its easy to speak english! so long (^^) a man, like Arnold Sworzeneger, in question came to be the President of the united States of America... so long will they me and my englisch understanding!
wäl you might sink i have a shrink inse dish but, my dear Mister singing-club, eiäm heavy on se wire - what be hit speak english! Dont think i not have not all cups in the board!
'[autourl ([/autourl]'title='hallervordendiewanneistvoll-Video']hallervorden die wanne ist voll) von '[autourl ([/autourl]'target='_blank']Clipfish)
it so old ey downhe, then ones day whothen se austrians backgreed se world! ..( sollte ).. ( aber ).....................(werden)..................(regieren)