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My Englisch is not the yellow from the egg!

4.184 Beiträge ▪ Schlüsselwörter: Deutschland, Europa, Deutsch ▪ Abonnieren: Feed E-Mail

My Englisch is not the yellow from the egg!

29.12.2013 um 22:15
Paul Walker was a good showplayer.


My Englisch is not the yellow from the egg!

31.12.2013 um 16:34
I wish you all a good slide into year 2014! Let orderly the pig out!


My Englisch is not the yellow from the egg!

04.01.2014 um 17:40
i hope, you all have slipped good into 2014


My Englisch is not the yellow from the egg!

06.01.2014 um 14:12
I slipped so good into 2014, that i slipped out


My Englisch is not the yellow from the egg!

06.01.2014 um 18:39



My Englisch is not the yellow from the egg!

07.01.2014 um 00:03
i get the crisis, the irish weather makes me behammered


My Englisch is not the yellow from the egg!

07.01.2014 um 10:40
It is opensightly that i one on the Waffle have


My Englisch is not the yellow from the egg!

07.01.2014 um 18:47
I stand with him on warfoot.


My Englisch is not the yellow from the egg!

08.01.2014 um 00:49
i believe that i soon in the bed go


My Englisch is not the yellow from the egg!

08.01.2014 um 10:15
this is me shit-all the same (=scheißegal)


My Englisch is not the yellow from the egg!

08.01.2014 um 16:17
why are the calculations for stream always so high in winter?


My Englisch is not the yellow from the egg!

13.01.2014 um 21:39
I still have a Klausur on the cheek. :(


My Englisch is not the yellow from the egg!

14.01.2014 um 00:17
then look closed, that you get a good note :)


My Englisch is not the yellow from the egg!

14.01.2014 um 18:08
OK, i wrote the Klausur today and the upgift* was really for the cat. :(

*upgift = Aufgabe


My Englisch is not the yellow from the egg!

14.01.2014 um 18:13
then will i hope you bestand it somehow


My Englisch is not the yellow from the egg!

19.01.2014 um 00:30
Yes, somehow will I do. :) Bei dem Weg, I still have to make my leadershine.

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My Englisch is not the yellow from the egg!

19.01.2014 um 02:56
When the snow falls wunderbar
And the children happy are,
When the Glatteis on the street,
And we all a Glühwein need,
Then you know, es ist soweit:
She is here, the Weihnachtszeit

Every Parkhaus ist besetzt,
Weil die people fahren jetzt

All to Kaufhof, Mediamarkt,
Kriegen nearly Herzinfarkt.
Shopping hirnverbrannte things
And the Christmasglocke rings.

Merry Christmas, merry Christmas,
Hear the music, see the lights,
Frohe Weihnacht, Frohe Weihnacht,
Merry Christmas allerseits...

Mother in the kitchen bakes
Schoko-, Nuss- and Mandelkeks
Daddy in the Nebenraum
Schmücks a Riesen-Weihnachtsbaum
He is hanging auf the balls,
Then he from the Leiter falls...

Finally the Kinderlein
To the Zimmer kommen rein

And es sings the family
Schauerlich: "Oh, Chistmastree!"
And the jeder in the house
Is packing die Geschenke aus.

Merry Christmas, merry Christmas,
Hear the music, see the lights,
Frohe Weihnacht, Frohe Weihnacht,
Merry Christmas allerseits...

Mama finds unter the Tanne
Eine brandnew Teflon-Pfanne,
Papa gets a Schlips and Socken,
Everybody does frohlocken.
President speaks in TV,
All around is Harmonie,

Bis mother in the kitchen runs:
Im Ofen burns the Weihnachtsgans.
And so comes die Feuerwehr

With Tatü, tata daher,
And they bring a long, long Schlauch
An a long, long Leiter auch.
And they schrei - "Wasser marsch!",
Christmas is - now im - Arsch ...

Merry Christmas, merry Christmas,
Hear the music, see the lights,
Frohe Weihnacht, Frohe Weihnacht,
Merry Christmas allerseits.


My Englisch is not the yellow from the egg!

19.01.2014 um 11:36
lol :D


My Englisch is not the yellow from the egg!

19.01.2014 um 19:30
Zitat von JoghurtbecherJoghurtbecher schrieb: I still have to make my leadershine.
Therefor needest you an good driveteacher

Rofl :D :D


My Englisch is not the yellow from the egg!

20.01.2014 um 16:48
I press an eye to.

I give my girlfriend nature champagne one.

No matter how close you are. Goethe was closer... If you think this saying makes sense, you are on the woodway.

It's a good Gelayer. :)
