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Magic and sorcery

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Magic and sorcery

05.09.2023 um 17:59
Christianity does contain some actual dark magic.
Sacrificing Jesus or the sun is a dark ritual.


Magic and sorcery

06.09.2023 um 15:12
New topic: Alister Crowley (Thoth, Hermes, Baphomet)
This is an incarnation of another old soul, that has a somewhat manipulative character.
He has more or less assumed the role of the devil, but had successful other incarnations - it's a mixed picture.


Magic and sorcery

06.09.2023 um 16:47
FhF1DOJXgAEHMuROriginal anzeigen (0,2 MB)


Magic and sorcery

06.09.2023 um 16:53
My symbol is not accurate drawn @BlueBrain, it has to look like that:

Download 1


Magic and sorcery

06.09.2023 um 19:03
It's mainly about the number 5, I think.
Where you place the single tip is a matter of perspective.


Magic and sorcery

06.09.2023 um 19:18
Aleister Crowley was not an incarnation of Osiris.
Osiris has a significantly more trustworthy character.


Magic and sorcery

06.09.2023 um 20:20

It's always a matter of perspective, but as you can see:
the sign is not only perfect, it has also mathematics, graphics and logic accuracy.
That's why i love that symbol. ;)


Magic and sorcery

09.09.2023 um 23:03
Since I mentioned names of Egyptian gods:
AncientEgyptianMagicEleanorLHarrisOriginal anzeigen (0,4 MB)


Magic and sorcery

09.09.2023 um 23:10
The book mentions an entity named Phre.
I know that one.


Magic and sorcery

09.09.2023 um 23:13
I only know "Ptah" - a creator god and patron deity of craftsmen and architects.

But never heard about Phre.


Magic and sorcery

11.09.2023 um 11:37
I know Ptah.
Even his current incarnation.


Magic and sorcery

11.09.2023 um 11:49
Ptah is a Biologist (like me) and has not published his soul identity so far.
I'm not sure how much time he would want to invest in religious and magical topics currently.

1x zitiertmelden

Magic and sorcery

11.09.2023 um 12:05
I have found quite a number of souls from Ancient Egypt.
This includes Thoth, but he is currently sort of unpopular.


Magic and sorcery

11.09.2023 um 12:58
Zitat von BlueBrainBlueBrain schrieb:Ptah is a Biologist (like me) and has not published his soul identity so far.
But you know that, how? Sounds suspicious.


Magic and sorcery

11.09.2023 um 13:03
He is on facebook.

1x zitiertmelden

Magic and sorcery

11.09.2023 um 13:15
I can't say that I like death magic jokes.


Magic and sorcery

11.09.2023 um 13:16
Zitat von BlueBrainBlueBrain schrieb:He is on facebook.
Can u make a screenshot please? I don't use Facebook.


Magic and sorcery

11.09.2023 um 14:18
I have to think about your request.

lofo ehemaliges Mitglied

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Magic and sorcery

11.09.2023 um 17:09
Seriously. A god with Facebookaccount?

Sounds a bit like the series "American gods"


Magic and sorcery

12.09.2023 um 13:51
It depends on the definition of a god, obviously.
Many religions have given that title to human souls, including the religion of Ancient Egypt.
The book that I have mentioned is a bit like a catalog of important souls in Ancient Egypt.
