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Magic and sorcery

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kikuchi Diskussionsleiter
ehemaliges Mitglied

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Magic and sorcery

21.05.2006 um 21:42
Link: en.wikipedia.org (external)

What do you think about magic and sorcery?
Do you believe some people have more powerthan others, using mysterious powers which are beyond our way of understanding?

Kind regards,



Magic and sorcery

14.11.2015 um 22:34
I think something that we can't explain exists.
I have premonitions sometimes and it's really... interesting.
@kikuchi do YOU think, magic exists?


Magic and sorcery

08.05.2018 um 10:18
I wouldn't go as far as calling it 'magic', but yes, I do think some people can experience things we can't (yet) explain.
I have premonitions in dreams from time to time, too! It's thrilling and very interesting.


Magic and sorcery

08.05.2018 um 10:26
Sometimes, I "practice witchraft" in my freetime - I try out a few things that believing witches/wiccans tell me about or do easy things such as working with a pendulum or making moon water for my plants. It's really quite interesting. Some things, such as easy "potions" (like one where you put vanilla and cinnamon into warm milk for happiness), do make a lot of sense! (Warm milk is proved to be calming, while the smell and taste of vanilla and cinnamon actually help getting your serotonin up a bit)


Magic and sorcery

30.06.2018 um 12:25
If only I had the privilege of haveing more leisure, I would like to try out the Ouja-board, even though I heard that it can turn into a very dangerous challenge. After all, it is not nly the lack of time, but also the lack of friends which prevents me from grappling with it. I had to move away from a place where my landlord was strongly interested in paranormal activities, so much so that he even offered me to take me to a séance, which never happened because we were both too busy. According to what that guy told me, there must most certainly be some people who have paranormal powers, just like Nina Kulagina.


Magic and sorcery

04.03.2023 um 22:01
In my opinion, Uri Geller is probably a sorcerer, and he bends spoons or not?
I've read his autobiography that shows he would like to get scientific explanations for the phenomena he witnesses.

1x zitiertmelden

Magic and sorcery

15.03.2023 um 19:41
Uri Geller’s museum is located in a place named Old Jaffa.


Magic and sorcery

19.06.2023 um 12:32


Magic and sorcery

03.08.2023 um 15:50


Magic and sorcery

04.08.2023 um 14:14
There is one aspect in these terms magic and sorcery I do not like: manipulation. It is disgusting trying to manipulate somebody by means of sorcery. I do not believe in sorcery or in special powers of some people.

The universe is mysterious. If you look deep enough into the matter, it is mysterious. Once science has explained one of the mysteries, ten new mysteries arise from this explanation of a single mystery and so on and so forth.
Zitat von BlueBrainBlueBrain schrieb am 04.03.2023:In my opinion, Uri Geller is probably a sorcerer, and he bends spoons or not?
I do not believe in Uri Geller as a sorcerer. Maybe he bends spoons, maybe it is just a trick. Maybe he can produce a strong heat in his body by means of special thoughts. Helen Morrison, an American forensic psychiatrist, found out that the serial killer John Gacy produced blisters in his skin by means of extraordinary thoughts.


Magic and sorcery

07.08.2023 um 11:45
Did you notice that intelligence agencies employ wizards?


Magic and sorcery

07.08.2023 um 21:46
Yes, I did.


Magic and sorcery

16.08.2023 um 19:35
This is just an amendment regarding my post dated 4th August, 2023 / 14:14 hs:

The serial killer who had got blisters due to his thoughts about a fire was Richard Macek. It was not John Gacy.


Magic and sorcery

17.08.2023 um 12:02
Evil old souls do exist, they usually get labeled as demons.

I'm not sure about the accuracy of Solomon's demons, however.


Magic and sorcery

17.08.2023 um 12:03
There may be a good deal of subjectiveness in that unless it's a clear case like a serial killer.


Magic and sorcery

18.08.2023 um 09:56
It is apparently possible for two ghosts to be in one body.
This would be the case if one of the mentioned evil old souls (in ghost state) enters the body of a human.
The result would be a demonic possession.
So, I do think that the phenomenon exists, but I'm not sure how often that might happen.
There are plenty of available bodies for normal reincarnation and a need for possession does not exist.


Magic and sorcery

30.08.2023 um 14:37
Sexual vibe transfer: This is another phenomenon that I think is existent.
This might also include risks for promiscuous people.


Magic and sorcery

01.09.2023 um 20:25
From a technical point of view, it is possible that Moses and Jesus were incarnations of the same soul at different times and both sorcerers. Maybe he shouldn't have been as restrictive on the use of magic?

lofo ehemaliges Mitglied

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Magic and sorcery

05.09.2023 um 07:05
From a realistic point of view... the stories of moses and Jesus were just bloated fairytales.

Or they were like gandalf. Encourage the people to resist against evil and help in times of need.


Magic and sorcery

05.09.2023 um 17:52
Moses was much more professional than Jesus in some respects.
The problem is that Jesus was likely still in his awakening process (estimated 30-33 AD) and somewhat confused.
