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untranslatable phrases are a piece of cake

172 Beiträge ▪ Schlüsselwörter: Schnitzel ▪ Abonnieren: Feed E-Mail

untranslatable phrases are a piece of cake

11.10.2015 um 18:36

Yeah even a blind chicken finds a grain sometimes (off to the YFTE Thread^^)


untranslatable phrases are a piece of cake

11.10.2015 um 19:08



untranslatable phrases are a piece of cake

11.10.2015 um 23:41
Zitat von CurtisNewtonCurtisNewton schrieb:And his ( @FreakySmiley ), too :)
Haha :)
And I thought I'm quite good at it :D


untranslatable phrases are a piece of cake

09.11.2015 um 08:54
pie in the sky = Luftschloss


untranslatable phrases are a piece of cake

14.11.2015 um 11:19
Zitat von GrymnirGrymnir schrieb am 07.10.2015:I wonder what a ,,Siebtrommeltrocknungsanlage" would be called in English
Heyo! Not sure about the particular combination, but Siebtrommel = rotary sieve and trocknungsanlage = drying facility/machine. I found a machine called a Molecular Sieve Dehydration Unit. Does this look like what you're thinking of?
From http://www.wintek-corp.com/dehydration/molecular-sieve-dehydration-units-msdu.html (Archiv-Version vom 02.11.2015)


untranslatable phrases are a piece of cake

16.11.2015 um 19:49
Hey @desparil , good to see you again!

No, the machine i'm talking about is a unit to dry large textile felt blanks and looks kinda like this:


But thank you for your research :Y: :)


untranslatable phrases are a piece of cake

03.01.2016 um 08:45
to beat around the bush

um den heißen Brei herumreden


untranslatable phrases are a piece of cake

03.01.2016 um 08:46
a flash in the pan

eine Eintagsfliege


untranslatable phrases are a piece of cake

13.03.2016 um 08:40
An Oldtimer to a German means a vintage car, not your grandpa.


untranslatable phrases are a piece of cake

17.03.2016 um 12:25
There is but one good mother-in-law and she is dead.


untranslatable phrases are a piece of cake

17.03.2016 um 12:30
Man of independent means.


untranslatable phrases are a piece of cake

19.03.2017 um 17:54
TANSTAAFL ("There ain't no such thing as a free lunch")


untranslatable phrases are a piece of cake

22.03.2017 um 21:06
Cut to the chase!

Komm auf den Punkt!


untranslatable phrases are a piece of cake

10.12.2017 um 21:06
Break a leg!

Usually used to wish „Good luck“ to actors and musicians before they go on stage to perform.


untranslatable phrases are a piece of cake

11.12.2017 um 20:40

But this could be translated to ,,Hals- und Beinbruch" ,or, if you prefer nautic sayings, ,,Mast- und Schotbruch"


untranslatable phrases are a piece of cake

11.12.2017 um 20:59
Tit for tat = Wie du mir, so ich dir



untranslatable phrases are a piece of cake

11.12.2017 um 21:07
Apologise please.
I thought it is here about idioms you cannot translate literally.


untranslatable phrases are a piece of cake

11.12.2017 um 21:16

Well, since this phrase is pretty much the same, it is not the best example for this thread. But dont worry, i still appreciate that you take part in this one :)


untranslatable phrases are a piece of cake

12.12.2017 um 16:38
Up yours : Leck mich am A****


untranslatable phrases are a piece of cake

13.12.2017 um 21:45
I think what he was trying to express was: Lick me at the ass...
