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My little Pony: Friendship is Magic

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My little Pony: Friendship is Magic

30.03.2014 um 11:36

I also know the English dub. But I think the German one is way better because German is far more suitable for ranting and swearing. :D


My little Pony: Friendship is Magic

30.03.2014 um 11:39
For the most part. There's some pretty good stuff in English too, though.
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My little Pony: Friendship is Magic

30.03.2014 um 11:42
Idk, I think I like R. Lee Ermey's performance better than this dub. I do like this guy's enunciation on "Niggers, Juden, Spaghettis, Latinos" though. XD


My little Pony: Friendship is Magic

30.03.2014 um 11:45

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Sometimes German is just better for certain movies. :D


My little Pony: Friendship is Magic

30.03.2014 um 11:50
Rohan always struck me as more Germanic. Gondor more Anglo.


My little Pony: Friendship is Magic

30.03.2014 um 11:51

And what is Mordor then? xD


My little Pony: Friendship is Magic

30.03.2014 um 11:53
Well I mean, allegorically Mordor was the Nazis. The orcs are basically slave armies, though, and at least in the movie they like to use curved swords. Kinda makes me think of ancient Persia.


My little Pony: Friendship is Magic

30.03.2014 um 11:54

Tolkien always denied that his works had any connection to politics in this world. You could think of Mordor as Nazi Germany or the Soviet Union though.


My little Pony: Friendship is Magic

30.03.2014 um 11:57
He denied it, but I'm not entirely willing to take him at his word. I think he wanted people to consider the writing on its own merits rather than analyzing it as a pseudo-historical work, but subconsciously it's almost impossible to avoid real-world events creeping into your writing.


My little Pony: Friendship is Magic

30.03.2014 um 12:00

I guess so. And I think it far too obvious that the western countries like Gondor and Rohan are the LOTR equivalent of the western allies in WWII. Well, if you exclude the USSR.


My little Pony: Friendship is Magic

30.03.2014 um 12:02
The Dead Men of Dunharrow are the Americans - they beat the shit out of the Corsairs (Japanese) and then show up at the last second to turn the tides against the orcs. XD


My little Pony: Friendship is Magic

30.03.2014 um 12:05

Yeah and I think Rhûn/Mordor are closer to Nazi Germany. If you remember the Mûmakil, (the giant elephants) then they could be some reference to Germany’s badass tanks like the Tiger.


My little Pony: Friendship is Magic

30.03.2014 um 12:07
Well yeah, I did say before the Mordor is like the Nazis. I just also think that Rohan evokes a Germanic feeling, but from an earlier era - more like Visigoths or Vandals than modern Germans.


My little Pony: Friendship is Magic

30.03.2014 um 12:10

And the Elves are France. First they got their asses kicked pretty badly and without the aid of their other allies they would've ceased to exist.


My little Pony: Friendship is Magic

30.03.2014 um 12:17
Idk, I was thinking politically Rohan was more like France - they got taken out of the war early, and Wormtongue was kind of like the Vichy government. Eventually he got kicked out, and the Rohirrim rose up like the Free French. The Elves are maybe more like Poland. They just got screwed over early on and after the war they sailed away to the West - sort of similar to how anything east of the Iron Curtain was totally cut off from the rest of the world after the war.


My little Pony: Friendship is Magic

30.03.2014 um 12:18

Right... That actually makes a lot more sense. :vv:


My little Pony: Friendship is Magic

30.03.2014 um 12:23

And Isengard is like Austria. More or less.


My little Pony: Friendship is Magic

30.03.2014 um 12:24
Speaking of which, crazy bayerisch/österreichisch dialekt
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