Riesiges Alien-Raumschiff auf dem Mond entdeckt?
03.06.2012 um 13:31Du bist ja lustig....was meinste wohl was das Fachmagazin "Geokhimiia" ist?
(Geochemistry), the monthly scientific journal of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR, published in Moscow since 1956. Geokhimiia publishes the results of experimental and theoretical research on problems of geochemistry (for example, in mineralogy, crystal chemistry, crystallography, and space chemistry), and articles on geochemical research methods and geochemical methods for prospecting and surveying mineral deposits. Between 1956 and 1960 the journal was issued eight times each year, and in 1961 it began to appear monthly. Its circulation in 1970 was 1,750.
Nun ja, wen man so mit Nachrichten umgeht, wundert es mich auch nicht, wenn solche Infos untergehen.Fedaykin schrieb:naja ich bleib lieber bei echten Fachzeitschriften als bei BLogs