Lichtquelle am Firmament
18.04.2009 um 18:39@Zero76 Wir sind nicht allein, gewöhn dich dran ;)
oder war es sowas ......17. April 2009

This was taken outside of our house, used with our camera. This film was not altered in any form, only select clips shown. Many people will chock it up to be a satellite, only it was to low and would have fallen to earth. Plus, satellites dont split like that. No matter, we'll let you be the judge.
oder war es sowas ......17. April 2009

UFO? Satellite? Or... ?
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This was taken outside of our house, used with our camera. This film was not altered in any form, only select clips shown. Many people will chock it up to be a satellite, only it was to low and would have fallen to earth. Plus, satellites dont split like that. No matter, we'll let you be the judge.