UFO? Satellite? Or... ?
@Zero76 Wir sind nicht allein, gewöhn dich dran ;)oder war es sowas ......17. April 2009This was taken outside of our house, used with our camera. This film was not altered in any form, only select clips shown. Many people will chock it up to be a satellite, only it was to low and would have fallen to earth. Plus, satellites dont split like that. No matter, we'll let you be the judge.
Beitrag von sundaze - am 18.04.2009

UFO Bright Star 5th mar 09 part 3 Slough UK
@pandavahoder sowas ? in diese Richtung ?
Beitrag von sundaze - am 16.04.2009

Strange Star Like UFO 09-03-28 NorthEast Qc
Strange Star Like UFO 09-03-28 NorthEast QcOk, last night 3day after daylight sight, i caught on tape this strange " star " on a really low orbit. In the same area.first i have set my tripod and locked on. Zooming with 1000x zoom at trying to see something unusual.After 2-3min film on normal mode, i swtich on Slow Shuttle mode. What i saw are amazing. The light move are almost same on filming on Stephanville Case TX.
Beitrag von sundaze - am 16.04.2009

Star-like Blue UFO - 12 oct 08 in northeast canada
@pandavahoder sieht es eher so ausso i saw a huge bright blinking ufo this night almost the 1/5 of the moon
Beitrag von sundaze - am 15.04.2009

AMAZING EXCLUSIVE FOOTAGE of UFO or ISS in Bendigo. you decide!! 14/04/09 April 2009 HD
@pandavahhi ! Das trifft ziemlich gut auf deine Bechreibung ! sag mal könnte es so etwas gewesen sein ? ich poste auch die Videobeschreibung mit :)WellSightedGentlemanApril 14, 2009Just stepped outside this evening, enjoying a cuppa and this unidentifiable flying thing appears in the sky travelling steadly from N. to S. i instantly ran inside and grabbed the HD videocam and captured what i could. As i was in a hurry, i didnt switch the cam to nightvision mode, it was set to sunny, though it was...
Beitrag von sundaze - am 15.04.2009

Ufo Balloons.com
@pandavahhast du vielleicht sowas hier gesehen? Die Dinger gibts in allen Farben und je nach Windverhältnissen kann das schon mal merkwürdig aussehen@jelenaJuchuu.. die Galaktische Föderation des Lichts sendet wieder! Oh mein Gott!!!Hast du schon was empfangen von "Ashtar Command" ? lolHier eine Botschaft von Diane vom Sirius ;)Viel Spaß!
Beitrag von schmello - am 14.04.2009