Die Majestic 12 - Beweis für die Echtheit von UFOs?
13.04.2007 um 23:42
Und das ist von en.wiki (sry für copy paste aber damit wäre dasabgehakt)
Arguments against:
To recapitulate, the original MJ-12 documentsare the 1947 Truman memo establishing MJ-12, the 1952 Eisenhower briefing document, andthe 1954 Cutler/Twining memo from the National Archives.
Below are a number ofarguments against the authenticity of various MJ-12 documents:
The FBI investigatedthe matter, and quickly formed doubts as to the documents' authenticity. FBI personnelcontacted the U.S. Air Force, asking if MJ-12 had ever existed. The Air Force reportedthat no such committee had ever been authorized, and had never been formed. The FBIpresently declares that "The investigation was closed after it was learned that thedocument was completely bogus."[15]
Critics note that the documents are of suspiciousprovenance. Shandera and Good both received documents from anonymous senders, and mostsubsequent MJ-12 documents have surfaced under equally questionablecircumstances.
Though Good initially thought the documents were genuine, he has since,according to Philip Klass, expressed "suspicions about the new ... documents" due to"some factual anomalies in their content."[16]
UFO researcher Jerome Clark discussesthe MJ-12 documents in the "Hoaxes" section of his The UFO Book, and strongly favors ahoax interpretation. He notes that as of 1998, a mere "handful" of ufologists support thedocuments' authenticity.
Another bit of evidence--which argues against Menzel'smembership, at least--is that in 1949, he reported a UFO encounter to the U.S. Air Force.It is argued Menzel would have no reason to send a "confidential" UFO report to the AirForce two years later when he witnessed two aerial lights he described as "exceptional."Furthermore, Menzel's 1949 report makes no mention of any such group as MJ-12. See themain Donald Menzel page for more information and a counterargument.
Briefingdocument and Truman letter
Much evidence has been found, leading skeptics to arguethat the briefing document and Truman letter are fake.
The typewriter used
Thetypewriter used for the Truman letter was a Smith Corona model which did not exist until1962 - fifteen years after the document was allegedly written.
The typewriter ribbonwas worn and the keys were dirty. Truman documents from the period that are known to beauthentic used fresh ribbons and clean keys.
The Truman signature
The signature ofHarry Truman on the alleged letter to Forrestal is identical to the one known to beauthentic on a letter to Vannevar Bush on October 1, 1947. The one on the briefingdocument is 3-4% larger and bolder, but this is explained by the fact that photocopiersdo not reproduce things at exactly the same size. They match when the size is correctedand one is laid over the other.
Both signatures show a unique slip of the pen whenstarting the "H".
The "T" in the October 1, 1947 signature intersected the final "s"in "Sincerely yours". The same point on the Forrestal letter is slightly thinner, as ifthe intersection with the "s" had been modified with liquid paper or the like beforephotocopying.
Since two different signatures from one person will always differ, thisshows that the authentic Truman signature from the letter to Bush was copied onto thebogus letter to Forrestal, which was then photocopied.
Date format and name format inthe briefing document
The dates have a superfluous comma after the month, e.g. "18November, 1952". A comma is not used after the month in this date format. Every date inthe briefing document has this error.
No known authentic letters or memos fromHillenkoetter has the error of the superfluous comma and none used the prependedzero
All known authentic Hillenkoetter letters and memos use "R. H. Hillenkoetter" asthe author's name, whereas the briefing document uses "Roscoe H. Hillenkoetter".
The "TOP SECRET/MAJIC EYES ONLY" stamped on the document used a rubber stampwith movable letters, unlike actual classification stamps. The "I" was raisedslightly.
Authentic Top Secret documents have a page count and page numbering: "Page__ of __ pages". The briefing document does not have this.
The warnings againstcopying do not match the wording of actual documents from the period of 1952.
Thedocument uses "media" instead of "press", "extra-terrestrial" instead of "alien", anduses "impacted" as a verb--these words were not in common use until the 1960s.
JamesMosley, who personally knew alleged MJ-12 member Menzel found evidence that Menzel andalleged co-member Hillenkoetter did not know each other.
Record searches. Other thanthe questioned Cutler memo, no other document mentioning MJ-12 has been found (not eventhe original briefing document).
The National Archives found no record of a NSCmeeting on July 16, 1954. A search of all NSC meetings for July 1954 did not find anymention of MJ-12 or Majestic.
A branch of the National Archives searched NSC recordsfor any listing of MJ-12 or Majestic and found none.
The CutlerMemo
The NARA has issued a detailed list of problems which calls the Cutler memo'sauthenticity into question.
The document was located in Record Group 341, entry 267.The series is filed by a Top Secret register number. This document does not bear such anumber.
The document is filed in the folder T4-1846. There are no other documents inthe folder regarding "NSC/MJ-12."
Researchers on the staff of the National Archiveshave searched in the records of the Secretary of Defense, the Joint Chiefs of Staff,Headquarters U.S. Air Force, and in other related files. No further information has beenfound on this subject.
Inquiries to the U.S. Air Force, the Joint Chiefs of Staff, andthe National Security Council failed to produce further information.
The Freedom ofInformation Office of the National Security Council informed the National Archives that"Top Secret Restricted Information" is a marking which did not come into use at theNational Security Council until the Nixon Administration. The Eisenhower PresidentialLibrary also confirms that this particular marking was not used during the EisenhowerAdministration.
The document in question does not bear an official governmentletterhead or watermark. The NARA conservation specialist examined the paper anddetermined it was a ribbon copy (i.e. not a carbon copy) prepared on "dictationonionskin." The Eisenhower Library has examined a representative sample of the documentsin its collection of the Cutler papers. All documents in the sample created by Mr. Cutlerwhile he served on the NSC staff have an eagle watermark in the bond paper. The onionskincarbon copies have either an eagle watermark or no watermark at all. Most documents sentout by the NSC were prepared on White House letterhead paper. For the brief period whenMr. Cutler left the NSC, his carbon copies were prepared on "prestige onionskin."
TheNational Archives searched the Official Meeting Minute Files of the National SecurityCouncil and found no record of a NSC meeting on July 16, 1954. A search of all NSCMeeting Minutes for July 1954 found no mention of MJ-12 nor Majestic.
The Judicial,Fiscal and Social Branch searched the indices of the NSC records and found no listingfor: MJ-12, Majestic, unidentified flying objects, UFO, flying saucers, or flyingdiscs.
NAJA found a memo in a folder titled "Special Meeting July 16, 1956" whichindicated that NSC members would be called to a civil defense exercise on July 16,1956.
The Eisenhower Library states, in a letter to the Military Reference Branch,dated July 16, 1987:
"president Eisenhower's Appointment Books contain no entry for aspecial meeting on July 16, 1954 which might have included a briefing on MJ-12. Even whenthe President had 'off the record' meetings, the Appointment Books contain entriesindicating the time of the meeting and the participants ...
"The Declassificationoffice of the National Security Council has informed us that it has no record of anydeclassification action having been taken on this memorandum or any other documents onthis alleged project ..."
Robert Cutler, at the direction of President Eisenhower, wasvisiting overseas military installations on the day he supposedly issued this memorandum− July 14, 1954. The Administration Series in Eisenhower's Papers as Presidentcontains Cutler's memorandum and report to the President upon his return from the trip.The memorandum is dated July 20, 1954 and refers to Cutler's visits to installations inEurope and North Africa between July 3 and 15. Also, within the NSC Staff Papers is amemorandum dated July 3, 1954, from Cutler to his two subordinates, James S. Lay and J.Patrick Cone, explaining how they should handle NSC administrative matters during hisabsence; one would assume that if the memorandum to Twining were genuine, Lay or Conewould have signed it."
In addition, although the Cutler memo was supposedly acarbon copy, it was folded as if it had been in a shirt pocket, which would be unusualfor a carbon copy put in a file. The memo is in the National Archives; the question ishow it got there, and if it is authentic.
A document entitled "SOM1-01:Extraterrestrial Entities and Technology, Recovery and Disposal" (ref. and found on www.majesticdocuments.comcontains paragraphs with subheads set in the sans serif "Helvetica" typeface. Thedocument purports to be from 1954 yet the typeface in question was first designed in 1957by the swiss graphic designer, Max Miedinger. The capitalized sans serif letter "R" (andothers) found on many pages confirms that this typeface is not the much earlier AkzidenzGrotesk sans serif typeface. This evidence seems to strongly suggest that this documentis a fabrication.