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Tasmanischer Tiger - - gilt als ausgerottet
24.02.2021 um 14:20@teardrop.
ist schon widerlegt.
ist schon widerlegt.
However, in a statement from TMAG, Mr Mooney rejected Mr Waters' identification of the animals as thylacines.Quelle: https://www.abc.net.au/news/science/2021-02-24/tasmanian-tiger-thylacine-sighting-debunked-pademelon/13186806
"Nick Mooney has concluded that based on the physical characteristics shown in the photos provided by Mr Waters, the animals are very unlikely to be thylacines and are most likely Tasmanian pademelons," the statement said.
"TMAG regularly receives requests for verification from members of the public who hope that the thylacine is still with us.
"However, sadly there have been no confirmed sightings of the thylacine since 1936."