This is a partial list of possible Proto-Semitic deities.
(Ac. Accadian-Babylonian; Ug. Ugaritic; Pp. Phoenician; Ib. Hebrew; Ar. Arabic; OSA Old South Arabian; Et. Ethiopic)
*ʔIlu "god" (Overgod: Ac. Ilu, Ug. il, Pp. ʔl/Ēlos, Ib. Ēl/Elohim, OSA ʔl).
*ʔAṯiratu (Ilu's wife: Ug. aṯrt, Ib. Ašērāh, OSA ʔṯrt). The meaning of the name is unknown.
She is also called *ʔIlatu "goddess" (Ac. Ilat, Pp. ʔlt, Ar. Allāt).
*ʕAṯtaru (God of Fertility: Ug. ʕṯtr, OSA ʕṯtr, Et. ʕAstar sky god).
ʕAṯtartu (Goddess of Fertility: Ac. Ištar, Ug. ʕṯtrt, Pp. ʕštrt / Astarte, Ib. ʕAštoreṯ). The meaning of the name is unknown and not related to ʔAṯiratu.
*Haddu/*Hadadu (Storm god: Ac. Adad, Ug. hd, Pp. Adodos). The meaning of the name is probably “thunderer”.
This god is also known as *Baʕlu "husband, lord" (Ac. Bel, Ug. bʕl, Pp. bʕl/Belos, Ib. Baʕal).
*Śamšu "sun" (Sun goddess: Ug. špš, OSA: šmš, but Ac. Šamaš is a male god).
*Wariḫu "moon" (Moon god: Ug. yrḫ, Ib. Yārēaḥ, OSA wrḫ).
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die semiten scheinen eben einfach einen anderen hochgott gehabt zu haben dieser ist wohl der mond..