lol. süßer Versuch:
Koran 4,91: "Greift sie, tötet sie, woimmer ihr sie trefft."
Den Bezug erläutert am besten "compy".
Sehr gernesogar:
Der voll Vers lautet:
"4.91. Ihr werdet andere finden, die vor euchund vor ihren Sippenangehörigen in Sicherheit sein wollen. Sie sind im Irrtum verstricktund kommen nicht heraus, es sei denn, um sich wieder zu verstricken. Wenn sie sich nichtvon euch fernhalten, euch keinen Frieden anbieten und gegen euch zu den Waffen greifen,dürft ihr gegen sie einschreiten und sie überall gefangennehmen oder schlagen, wo ihr siefindet. Wir haben euch recht gegeben und euch eindeutig dazu ermächtigt."
Ichlasse mal dedn Tafsir sprechen:
Tafsir von Maududi für die Ayaat 88 bis 91
How is it with you that there are two opinions among you concerning the hypocrites, (116 ) whereas Allah has turned them back (to their former state) because of the evilsthey have earned? ( 117 ) Do you desire to show guidance to him whom Allah has let goastray? You cannot find a path for him whom Allah has turned away from the right path.They really wish that you should also become disbelievers, as they themselves are so thatboth may become alike. So you should not take friends from among them unless they migratein the way of Allah; and if they do not migrate, then seize them wherever you find themand slay ( 118 ) them and do not take any of them as friends and helpers. However, thosehypocrites are excepted who join a people who are allied to you by a treaty. ( 119 )Likewise, those hypocrites are excepted who come to you and are averse to fighting eitheragainst you of against their own people. Had Allah willed, He would have given them powerover you and they also would have fought against you; therefore if they leave you aloneand desist from fighting against you and make overtures for peace to you, in that caseAllah has left you no cause for aggression against them. You will also find another kindof hypocrites, who wish to be at peace with you and also at peace with their own peoplebut who would plunge into mischief, whenever they got an opportunity for it. If suchpeople do not desist from your enmity nor make overtures for peace nor desist fromfighting against you, then seize them and slay them wherever you find them, for We havegiven you a clear authority to fight against them.
Desc No: 116
This passagedeals with the problem of those hypocritical Muslims who had accepted Islam in Makkah andother parts of Arabia but had not emigrated, to Madinah. They lived as before with theirpeople, and took more or less a practical part in all their hostile activities againstIslam and the Muslims. They had become a very difficult problem for the Muslims who didnot know how to deal with them. Some Muslims were of the opinion that they were after all"Muslim" because they recited the kalimah (the article of the Muslims' Faith), offeredthe Salat, observed the Fast and recited the Qur'an. Then how could they be dealt withlike the disbelievers? Allah in this passage has removed that difference of opinion fromamong the Muslims and told them how to deal with them.
At this place one shouldclearly understand why those Muslims who did not emigrate to Madinah were declared to behypocrites; otherwise one might not be able to interpret correctly this passage and thelike passages of the Qur'an. The fact of the matter is that when the Holy Prophetmigrated to Madinah and conditions were created there for the fulfilment of therequirements of Islam, a general order was given that all those Muslims who wereoppressed in any place and in any tribe or clan and could not freely carry out theirIslamic obligations, should migrate to Madinah, "the Abode of Islam." As a result, allthose who could emigrate but did not do so because they loved their homes, theirrelatives and their interests more than Islam, were declared to be hypocrites. Only suchof those as were really being prevented by impediments were declared to be helpless inverse 97 of this Surah.
It is obvious that the Muslims living in the "abode ofunbelief" may be declared hypocrites for not migrating only if a general invitation isextended to them by the people living in "the Abode of Islam", or at least the doors of"the Abode of Islam" are kept open for them. In such a case all those Muslims who may bedoing nothing to change "the abode of unbelief" into "the Abode of islam", nor emigrateto "the Abode of Islam", even if they could, would be declared hypocrites.
DescNo: 117
Allah turned the hypocrites back to their former unbelief because theyfollowed a double-faced policy and were time-servers. As they preferred the life of thisworld to that of the Hereafter, they had entered the fold of Islam with some mentalreservations. They were not prepared to sacrifice those interests which came intoconflict with the requirements of the Faith and they did not have that firm belief in theHereafter which makes one sacrifice with perfect peace of mind this world for the sake ofthe Next World: It has thus become obvious that the line of demarcation was so clearcutthat there ought not to have been two opinions about hypocrisy.
Desc No: 118
Here the Muslims have been asked to catch hold of those hypocrites who belonged tothe belligerent disbelievers and were actually engaged in hostile activities against theIslamic State.
Desc No: 119
The exception is only concerning the firstpart of the Command. Though the blood of such a hypocrite is lawful, he is not to bepursued and killed, if he has sought asylum in the territory of a non-Muslim State, whichis an ally to the Islamic State. This is not because of the sanctity of the blood of thehypocrite but because of the sanctity of the treaty. "
ich hoffe du kannstenglisch.
So, weil du scheinbar als Hobby hast, quranische Verse im falschenZusammenhang,(oder gar ohne, wie oben), zu posten, will ich mal mit dir spielen:
"Doch meine Feinde, die nicht wollten, dass ich ihr König werde - bringt sie her undmacht sie vor meinen Augen nieder!"
An circa 600 Bibelstellen ist vonder Gewalt unter Menschen die Rede (Krieg, Mord, Vergewaltigung, Folter,Sachbeschädigung, Strafe für Verbrechen, Strafe in der Kindererziehung etc.)..."
Hier extra für dich gemacht:
Wikipedia: Gewalt in der Bibel