Occupy Wall Street
20.03.2012 um 22:39Wenn 99 % einen bestimmten Typen namentlich auf den Wahlzettel, dann gibt es da glaube ich die Moeglichkeit der Direktwahl, zumindest meine ich mich an so eine Option erinnern zu koennen.
Wie oft willst du diese Falschaussagen eigentlich noch anbringen? Er ist gegen Todesstrafe. Und den Fall Abtreibung will er den Bundesstaaten überlassen.Warhead schrieb:Ansonsten ist er ein erzreaktionärer,ultrakonservativer alter Sack,pro Todesstrafe,klar positioniert gegen Abtreibung,gegen Sozialhilfe,staatliche Krankenversicherung uswusw
As the invaluable Democracy Now! reported this morning, New York City police arrested seventy-three Occupy Wall Street activists in Zuccotti Park on Saturday where hundreds had gathered to mark six months since the launch of OWS. Many people reported excessive use of force by officers; several cases were caught on camera and video. This is the latest in a pattern of police abuse against Occupy protesters.http://occupycolleges.org/2012/03/21/investigate-nypd-violence-against-ows-peter-rothberg-the-nation/ (Archiv-Version vom 25.03.2012)
Consequently, a coalition of community activists is calling for a full, independent investigation by the state Attorney General into the active suppression of the Occupy movement by the New York Police Department, including, but not limited to:
1. The use of taxpayer funds to infiltrate and monitor peaceful Occupy protest planning
2. Departmental practices that lead to, or allow for, the violent dispersal of crowds and the violent arrest of protestors
3. Civil rights violations of protestors by the police.