Woher stammt die Anti-Haltung zum Westen?
01.10.2011 um 00:18Ziegler hat sich von Gaddafi eindeutig distanziert, dass Ziegler Gaddafi persönlich getroffen hat bedeutet noch lange keine Unterstützung Gaddafis.
Dann das andere, was du hervorgehoben hast:
Among the many donor nations helping Haiti, Cuba and its medical teams have played a major role in treating earthquake victims.
Public health experts say the Cubans were the first to set up medical facilities among the debris and to revamp hospitals immediately after the earthquake struck.
However, their pivotal work in the health sector has received scant media coverage.
"It is striking that there has been virtually no mention in the media of the fact that Cuba had several hundred health personnel on the ground before any other country," said David Sanders, a professor of public health from Western Cape University in South Africa.
The Cuban team coordinator in Haiti, Dr Carlos Alberto Garcia, says the Cuban doctors, nurses and other health personnel have been working non-stop, day and night, with operating rooms open 18 hours a day.
During a visit to La Paz hospital in the Haitian capital Port-au-Prince, Dr Mirta Roses, the director of the Pan American Health Organisation (PAHO) which is in charge of medical coordination between the Cuban doctors, the International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC) and a host of health sector NGOs, described the aid provided by Cuban doctors as "excellent and marvellous".
La Paz is one of five hospitals in Haiti that is largely staffed by health professionals from Havana.
Haiti and Cuba signed a medical cooperation agreement in 1998.
Before the earthquake struck, 344 Cuban health professionals were already present in Haiti, providing primary care and obstetrical services as well as operating to restore the sight of Haitians blinded by eye diseases.
More doctors were flown in shortly after the earthquake, as part of the rapid response Henry Reeve Medical Brigade of disaster specialists. The brigade has extensive experience in dealing with the aftermath of earthquakes, having responded to such disasters in China, Indonesia and Pakistan.
"In the case of Cuban doctors, they are rapid responders to disasters, because disaster management is an integral part of their training," explains Maria a Hamlin Zúniga, a public health specialist from Nicaragua.
Dann die Sache mit der Ausreise. Restriktionen gibt es da durchaus, aber ein generelles Ausreiseverbot ist pure Fitktion, ich war dieses Jahr ein paar Monate in Ecuador, dort gibt leben mittlerweile viele Kubaner, nein, keine "Exilkubaner", wie jene Klasse ehemals privilegierter KUbaner während des Batista-Regimes, die nun in Miami residieren, sondern ganz einfach Kubaner, die sich dort wegen den besonderen Beziehungen zwischen den ALBA-Staaten aufhalten, darunter viele kubanische Ärzte, aber auch ganz normale kubanische Arbeiter.
Ich stimme Ziegler völlig zu, auch wenn in Kuba das Meinungsmonopol der Partei herrscht und sicherlich nicht totale Freiheit herrscht, Kuba wird von den US- und europäischen Medien zynisch diffamiert, siehe die nicht beachteten Hilfeleistungen der Kubaner in der Dritten Welt allgemein und in Katastrophengebieten im Spezifischen.
Dann das andere, was du hervorgehoben hast:
Was stimmt daran nicht? Kuba hat in den vergangenen Jahren die Bestätigung der UNO bekommen, dass es das einzige Land in Zentralamerika und der Karibik sei, indem es keine hungernden Kinder gibt. Zum Gesundheitswesen, kubanische Doktoren haben in der Dritten Welt einen äußerst guten Ruf, siehe die Operación Milagro, die kubanische Augenärzte in alle Welt schickt. Kubanische Ärzte helfen in anderen Staaten Lateinamerikas beim Aufbau einer medizinischen Infrastruktur, dort wo keine Ärzte vorhanden sind. Kubanische Ärzte haben damals bei dem verheerenden Erdbeben auf Haiti als erstes geholfen.libertarian schrieb:Kubas Politik lobt er im Hinblick auf Ernährung, Gesundheit und Bildung der Bevölkerung. Er bestreitet, dass Kubaner generell an der Ausreise gehindert würden und dass Kuba ein Spitzelstaat sei. Das Land werde vielmehr von einer von Amerikanern beherrschten Mediengesellschaft permanent in einer völlig zynischen Art diffamiert.
Among the many donor nations helping Haiti, Cuba and its medical teams have played a major role in treating earthquake victims.
Public health experts say the Cubans were the first to set up medical facilities among the debris and to revamp hospitals immediately after the earthquake struck.
However, their pivotal work in the health sector has received scant media coverage.
"It is striking that there has been virtually no mention in the media of the fact that Cuba had several hundred health personnel on the ground before any other country," said David Sanders, a professor of public health from Western Cape University in South Africa.
The Cuban team coordinator in Haiti, Dr Carlos Alberto Garcia, says the Cuban doctors, nurses and other health personnel have been working non-stop, day and night, with operating rooms open 18 hours a day.
During a visit to La Paz hospital in the Haitian capital Port-au-Prince, Dr Mirta Roses, the director of the Pan American Health Organisation (PAHO) which is in charge of medical coordination between the Cuban doctors, the International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC) and a host of health sector NGOs, described the aid provided by Cuban doctors as "excellent and marvellous".
La Paz is one of five hospitals in Haiti that is largely staffed by health professionals from Havana.
Haiti and Cuba signed a medical cooperation agreement in 1998.
Before the earthquake struck, 344 Cuban health professionals were already present in Haiti, providing primary care and obstetrical services as well as operating to restore the sight of Haitians blinded by eye diseases.
More doctors were flown in shortly after the earthquake, as part of the rapid response Henry Reeve Medical Brigade of disaster specialists. The brigade has extensive experience in dealing with the aftermath of earthquakes, having responded to such disasters in China, Indonesia and Pakistan.
"In the case of Cuban doctors, they are rapid responders to disasters, because disaster management is an integral part of their training," explains Maria a Hamlin Zúniga, a public health specialist from Nicaragua.
Dann die Sache mit der Ausreise. Restriktionen gibt es da durchaus, aber ein generelles Ausreiseverbot ist pure Fitktion, ich war dieses Jahr ein paar Monate in Ecuador, dort gibt leben mittlerweile viele Kubaner, nein, keine "Exilkubaner", wie jene Klasse ehemals privilegierter KUbaner während des Batista-Regimes, die nun in Miami residieren, sondern ganz einfach Kubaner, die sich dort wegen den besonderen Beziehungen zwischen den ALBA-Staaten aufhalten, darunter viele kubanische Ärzte, aber auch ganz normale kubanische Arbeiter.
Ich stimme Ziegler völlig zu, auch wenn in Kuba das Meinungsmonopol der Partei herrscht und sicherlich nicht totale Freiheit herrscht, Kuba wird von den US- und europäischen Medien zynisch diffamiert, siehe die nicht beachteten Hilfeleistungen der Kubaner in der Dritten Welt allgemein und in Katastrophengebieten im Spezifischen.