Nochmals zur Aufklärung, so haben sich früher russische Generäle geschmückt, mit bald mehr Lametta als wie ein Weihnachtsbaum:

Das ist natürlich urprimitiv und wäre heute nur noch lächerlich, aber jetzt kommts, hier das Lametta des Dalai Lama:
June 8, 2007 Doctor Honoris Causa Southern Cross University, Melbourne Australia
May 12, 2007 BILD Award BILD Magazine, Germany Germany
May 9, 2007 Doctor Honoris Causa Smith College, Northampton U.S.A.
December 10, 2006 Order of the White Lotus Republic of Kalmykia, Russian Federation Kalmykia
October 14, 2006 Doctor Honoris Causa University of Rome 3, Rome Italy
September 19, 2006 Doctor Honoris Causa University of Buffalo, New York U.S.A.
September 9, 2006 HonoraryCitizenship Canada Canada
May 4, 2006 Doctor Honoris Causa University of Santiago, Santiago Chile
February 16, 2006 Ben Gurion Negev Award Ben Gurion University, Be’er Sheva Israel
November 6, 2005 Inspiration & Compassion Award American Himalayan Foundation, San Francisco U.S.A.
September 25, 2005 Doctor Honoris Causa Rutgers University, New Jersy U.S.A.
August 12, 2005 Manhae Peace Prize Manhae Foundation South Korea
July 27, 2005 Hessian Peace Prize Parliament of Hesse, Wiesbaden Germany
October 7, 2004 Doctor Honoris Causa Universidad Iberoamericana, Mexico City Mexico
October 5, 2004 The Gold Medal National University of Mexico (UNAM), Mexico City Mexico
September 27, 2004 Doctor Honoris Causa University of Costa Rica, San Jose Costa Rica
September 24, 2004 Doctor Honoris Causa University of Puerto Rico, San Juan Puerto Rico
September 23, 2004 Doctor Honoris Causa University of Miami U.S.A.
September 18, 2004 Doctor Honoris Causa Nova Southeastern University, Miami U.S.A.
May 28, 2004 Humphreys Memorial Award for Services to Buddhism Buddhist Society of U.K. U.K.
April 27, 2004 International Acharya Sushil Kumar Peace Award
University of Toronto Canada
April 27, 2004 Doctor Honoris Causa University of Toronto Canada
April 20, 2004 Doctor Honoris Causa Simon Fraser University, Vancouver Canada
April 19, 2004 Doctor Honoris Causa Univerisity Of British Columbia, Vancouver Canada
April 16, 2004 2nd Citizens Peace Building Award University of California, Irvine U.S.A.
October 9, 2003 Award for Promotion of Human Rights Foundation Jaime Brunet, Madrid Spain
September 19, 2003 Human Right Award International League for Human Rights, New York U.S.A.
September 5, 2003 Doctor Honoris Causa University of San Francisco U.S.A.
June 3, 2003 Manfred Bjorkquist Medal Sigtuna Foundation, Stockholm Sweden
December 5, 2002 Basavashree Award Basavakendra, Sri Murugha Math, Chitradurga India
November 7, 2002 Doctor Honoris Causa Mongolian University of Science & Technology Mongolia
November 7, 2002 Doctor Honoris Causa National University of Mongolia Mongolia
October 14, 2002 Human Rights Prize University of Graz Austria
July 6, 2002 Man of the Year Croatian Academic Society Croatia
May 21, 2002 Peace Award 2000 UN Association of Australia Australia
December 5, 2001 Doctor Honoris Causa University of Tromso Norway
November 26, 2001 Doctor Honoris Causa University of Lusiada Porto Portugal
June 10, 2001 Ecce homo OrderKancelaria Kapituly Orderu Poland
October 16, 2000 Doctor Honoris Causa Comenius University, Bratislava Slovakia
December 12, 1999 Diwaliben Mohanlal Mehta Award for International Peace & Harmony Diwaliben Mohanlal Mehta Charitable Trust India
November 24, 1999 Life Time Achievement Award Hadassah Women's Zionist Israel
October 12, 1999 Boddhi Award American Buddhist Congress U.S.A.
April 16, 1999 Doctor of Theology Florida International University U.S.A.
April 9, 1999 Doctor Honoris Causa University of Buenos Aires Argentina
April 7, 1999 Doctor Honoris Causa University of Brasilla Brazil
November 11, 1998 Doctor Honoris Causa Seton Hill College, Greensburg U.S.A.
May 15, 1998 Doctor of Laws University of Wisconsin, Madison U.S.A.
May 11, 1998 Doctor of Divinity Emory University, Atlanta U.S.A.
May 8, 1998 Doctor ofHumane Letters Brandeis University, Boston U.S.A.
May 8, 1998 Juliet Hollister Award Juliet Hollister Foundation, New York U.S.A.
November 25, 1997 Paulos Mar Gregorious Award Paulos Mar Gregorious Committee India
September 11, 1997 Doctor of International Diplomatic Science University of Trieste, Trieste Italy
June 1, 1997 Doctor Honoris Causa Regis university, Denver U.S.A.
May 31, 1997 Doctor Honoris Causa University of Colorado, Boulder U.S.A.
March 23, 1997 Doctor of Social Sciences National Sun Yat-sen University, Kaohsiung Taiwan
March 23, 1997 Doctor of Honoris Causa Chu San University, Kaohsiung Taiwan
July 26, 1996 The President's Medal for Excellence Indiana University, Bloomington U.S.A.
April 5, 1995 Doctor of Buddhist Philosophy Rissho University, Tokyo Japan
January 2, 1995 Doctor of Letters Nagpur University India
June 4, 1994 Franklin D. Roosevelt, Freedom Medal Franklin & Eleanor Roosevelt Institute U.S.A.
April 27, 1994 World Security Annual Peace Award New York Lawyer's Alliance U.S.A.
April 26, 1994 Doctor of Humane Arts & Letters Columbia University U.S.A.
April 25, 1994 Doctor of Humane Letters Berea College, Berea U.S.A.
March 20, 1994 Fellow of University Hebrew University, Jerusalem Israel
March 14, 1993 International Valiant for Freedom Award The Freedom Coalition, Melbourne Australia
September 17, 1992 Honorary Professor Novosibirsk State University Buriat
September 11, 1992 Honorary Professor Kalmyak State University Kalmyk
June 6, 1992 Doctor Honoris Causa University of Rio de Janeiro Brazil
May 5, 1992 Doctor of Laws University of Melbourne Australia
February 16, 1992 Doctor of Sacred Philosophy LafayetteUniversity, Aurora U.S.A.
October 10, 1991 Wheel of Life Award Temple of Understanding, New York U.S.A.
October 10, 1991 United Earth prize Klaus Nobel United Earth U.S.A.
August 23, 1991 Peace and Unity Award National Peace Conference, Delhi India
April 17, 1991 Advancing Human Liberty Award Freedom House, New York U.S.A.
March 25, 1991 Shiromani Award 1991 Shiromani Institute, Delhi India
April 6, 1991 Distinguished Peace Leadership Award 91 Nuclear Age Peace Foundation U.S.A.
December 8, 1990 Doctor Honoris Causa Karnataka University India
January 14, 1990 Doctor of Divinity Central Institute for Higher Tibetan Studies, Sarnath India
December 10, 1989 The Nobel Peace Prize Norwegian Nobel Committee Norway
December 4, 1989 Prix de la Memoire Foundation Danielle Mitterrand, Paris France
September 23, 1989 Recognition of Perseverance of Times of Adversity World Management Council U.S.A.
June 21, 1989 Raoul Wallenberg Congressional Human Rights Award Human Rights Foundation U.S.A.
June 16, 1988 Leopold Lucas Award University of Tuebingen W. Germany
September 28, 1987 Albert Schweitzer Humanitarian Award Human Behavior Award U.S.A.
January 16, 1984 Honorary Doctor Degree University of Paris France
October 19, 1979 Liberty Torch Gilbert Di Luchia, Friends of Tibet U.S.A.
October 4, 1979 Doctor of Humanities Seatle University U.S.A.
September 27, 1979 Doctor of Buddhist Philosophy University of Oriental Studies U.S.A.
September 17, 1979 Doctor of Divinity Carol College, Waukesh U.S.A.
June 17, 1979 Special Medal Asian Buddhist Council for Peace Mongolia Lakett Award Norwegian Refugee Council Norway
January 23, 1969 Lincon Award ResearchInstitute of America U.S.A.
September 16, 1959 The Admiral Richard E. Byrd Memorial Int'l Rescue Committee U.S.A.
August 31, 1959 Ramon Magaysay Award for Community Leadership Ramon Magaysay Committee Philippines
1957 Doctor of Letters Benaras Hindu University
Sein ganzes Leben besteht eigentlich in nichts anderem als von jeder Regierung, jeder größeren Uni, jeder Kinder, Friedens oder Spendenstiftung etc. irgendeine Auszeichnung entgegen zu nehmen!
Er sammelt sie so wie andere Briefmarken!
Ich glaube er ist die Reinkarnation des Anti-Buddhisten, der weltlichste Götze für den materialistischen Schein und seine Bestseller tun das übrige!
Er ist nur das Kommerzpferd für die Reste des tibetischen Gelugpa-Clans im Exil!
Er ist nur ein lebenes Fossil, das sich mit allerlei westlichen Moralwerten schmückt, Demokratie, Menschenrechte etc. um sich noch gut zu verkaufen!
Er steht aber weder in der Traditionder Freiheit, dafür müsste er erstmal mit der eigenen Geschichte aufräumen noch hat er ein echtes politisches Interesse an irgendeinem Fortschritt, der seine Auflagen gefährden würde!
Seine ganze Weltfrieden und Verständnis Ideologie ist etwa auf dem selben Niveau wie die Friedenstaubenkultur in der DDR, oder die von Nina Ruge: Alles wird gut!
Dieses laufende Bettlaken hilft weder den Tibetern gegen die Ein-Parteien-Diktatur der Chinesen, noch den Buddhisten in der Welt. Die müssen sich doch auch erstmal von der Ikone die selber nichts und niemanden anecken will, emanzipieren!