Und Achmedi hat aktuell ganz andere Gründe, dem geht es wie mal vor einigen Jahren Clinton. Das böse Wort "Impeachment" in Farsi macht de Runde in Teheran. Ist halt schwierig, Währungswert halbiert, einen der grössten Finanzskandale der Geschichte Irans mit einer Bankgeschichte über 2.6 Milliarden $ die seine Günstlinge gschnappt haben, etc, etc...
By NASSER KARIMI; Associated Press
Published: 02/07/12 I
Iran's parliament on Tuesday decided to summon President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad for questioning over a long list of accusations, including that he mismanaged the nation's economy.
The summons was the first of its kind for an Iranian president since 1979. .......
Ahmadinejad will also be asked why he "hesitated for 11 days" to act on a demand Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei to reinstate intelligence minister, Heidar Moslehi, who was sacked by Ahmadinejad in 2011, and to elaborate on his snap dismissal of former foreign minister, Manouchehr Mottaki, during a trip to Africa. .....
Other questions that will be put to the president include those about Iran's slacking economic growth, and why his administration failed to promote the Islamic dress code that calls for women to wear the traditional veil. Lawmakers behind the initiative allege Ahmadinejad promoted Iranian nationalism instead of Islamic values.
http://www.thenewstribune.com/2012/02/07/2015785/irans-parliament-summons-ahmadinejad.htmlEs wird so langsam eng für ihn.