Falls es euch interessiert, wie der erste Armenische Ministerpräsident über den "Genozid"denkt, dann kann ich nur folgende Seite empfehlen:
http://www.tallarmeniantale.com/1923Manifesto-Hovhannes.htm (Archiv-Version vom 26.11.2006)http://www.tallarmeniantale.com/1923Manifesto-FULLrecord.htm (Archiv-Version vom 11.09.2006)Auszug (istleider alles auf Englisch):
"We overestimated the ability of the Armenian people, itspolitical and military power, and overestimated the extent and importance of the servicesour people rendered to the Russians. And by overestimating our very modest worth andmerit we were naturally exaggerating our hopes and expectations.
Thedeportations and mass exiles and massacres which took place during the Summer and Autumnof 1915 were mortal blows to the Armenian Cause. Half of historical Armenia—“ the same half where the foundations of our independence would be laidaccording to the traditions inherited by European diplomacy —“ that half wasdenuded of Armenians: the Armenian provinces of Turkey were without Armenians. The Turksknew what they were doing and have no reason to regret today. It was the most decisivemethod of extirpating the Armenian Question from Turkey.
Again, it would beuseless to ask today to what extent the participation of volunteers in the war was acontributory cause of the Armenian calamity. No one can claim that the savagepersecutions would not have taken place if our behavior on this side of the frontier wasdifferent, as not one can claim the contrary, that the persecutions would have been thesame even if we had not shown hostility to the Turks."
Durch die Vereinigung ArmenischerTruppen mit Russland sieht selbst der Ministerpresident die Handlungen der Türken alslogisch konsequent.