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We are the first official Islamic marriage institute withindividual service and the base for international connections in order to find the rightMuslim wife or husband. It is our aim to find inschallah the right partner for life forMuslim people: For a little sum of money you´ll get the possibility to look up in ourdata bank in an uncomplicated and unbureaucratic way for the right partner.
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Just handle your happiness by yourself and find the ideal partner by Allahshelp. Register now!
For reasons of data protection your details will not be publishedon-line, but only forwarded to potential partners with a high degree of concordance withyour own profile. The Islamic Marriage Institute is not some kind of advertising space,but instead sees itself as a serious institute for introducing partners to one another.It serves the same purpose for men and women, Shia and Sunni, of all ages.
Meetattractive single Muslim men and women looking for marriage. The most serios popularMuslim Partnership marriage & matrimonial site on the net.
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