2016 ging ja das Grücht um, dass die britische Regierung Nissan öffentliche Mittel gegeben hat, um sie zumindest noch etwas länger in Sunderland zu halten und so zu zeigen, dass es Autobauer gibt, die trotz Brexit das UK nicht verlassen. Der Brief dazu wurde aber nie veröffentlicht.
Jetzt ist der damalige Brief endlich in der public domain. ES ging dabei um Geld für Forschung und Entwicklung, neue Techniken, v.a. aber für den Ausbau der Infrastruktur, um Lieferketten aus dem Ausland nach den Wünschen von Nissan aufrecht erhalten zu können. Auszüge daraus:
As a demonstration of the UK Government’s commitment, we are already working with your UK team on a package of support in areas such as skills, R&D and innovation. Work continues but I understand this could amount to additional support of up to £80m.
I am delighted that in September we were already able to confirm offers to Nissan UK totalling up to £22m, for the Sunderland foundry to be established as the European Development Centre for Alliance casting, to upgrade your paint shop and deliver improved efficiency and skills. This builds on £40m other support provided in recent years.
I know that increased localisation of supply chains is a key issue for Nissan. We will work closely with you to boost that for Sunderland. As you know, Government has already provided £5 million to support the initial planning phase of the advanced manufacturing supplier park in Sunderland. The North East Local Enterprise Partnership has put forward a bid for further financial support for the Manufacturing Park as part of their Growth Deal proposals. Government will announce the outcomes of this in the next few months. Together with the additional £80 million provided for a new bridge over the Wear, and Enterprise Zone extension for land adjacent to the Nissan plant from April 2017, this will continue to support a more efficient supply chain, closely attuned to Nissan’s business needs. We will also ensure that Nissan’s interests are fully reflected as other local infrastructure is developed, including the major improvements planned for the A19 road junction, as well as working with the Local Enterprise Partnership in the implementation of their existing growth deals of £330 million.In addition, the UK’s Automotive Investment Organisation will work with Nissan UK to design and deliver a targeted programme to attract and incentivise new suppliers to the area.
https://assets.publishing.service.gov.uk/government/uploads/system/uploads/attachment_data/file/776095/Letter-from-BEIS-Secretary-of-State-to-Carlos-Ghosn-October_2016.pdfI note that the letter made a reference to continuing work by UK Government on apackage of support in areas such as skills, R&D and innovation. As a result of thiswork, an offer of grants totalling £61m was made on 21 June 2018. lndeed, theseamounts have already been published on the European Commission's database
https://assets.publishing.service.gov.uk/government/uploads/system/uploads/attachment_data/file/776097/Letter-from-BEIS-Secretary-of-State-to-Rachel-Reeves-February_2019.pdfDas wäre ja lustig, wenn Nissan zunächst soviele Millionen an Steuergeldern kassiert, und dann sagt: Ätsch, bätsch, selbst schuld, Ihr habt uns damals versprochen, dass sich nach dem Brexit nichts für uns ändert, und statt dessen haben wir jetzt den no deal.
Immerhin hat Sunderland dann eine neue Brücke, welche Wohnraum für die neuen Arbeitslosen bieten könnte.