hier sieht man so nen paar lokale traktorfahrer , die im grunde die bevölkerung im donbass als geisel halten
nen artikel dazu ...
http://mashable.com/2015/02/21/russian-conscripts-ukraine/?utm_cid=mash-com-Tw-main-link (Archiv-Version vom 23.02.2015)Human rights groups have received dozens of complaints in the past month from Russian conscripts who say they have been strong-armed or duped into signing contracts with the military to become professional soldiers. The conscripts are then sent to participate in drills in the southern Rostov region bordering Ukraine.
Because only contract soldiers can legally be dispatched abroad, worries are spreading among families that inexperienced young conscripts could be sent to fight in eastern Ukraine alongside pro-Russian separatists. Many soldiers contend that's already happened.
derweil scheinen sich die kämpfe auf donetsk zu konzentrieren , also von waffenruhe kann wohl nicht wirklich die rede sein .
ist wieder buisness as usual , das ist bedenklich ...
alex thomson @alextomo · 1 Std. Vor 1 Stunde
Occasional shelling heard all through the day in Donetsk - sounds like incoming Grads as I write this #Ukraine
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alex thomson @alextomo · 6 Std. Vor 6 Stunden
Shelling continuing in outskirts of Donetsk #Ukraine
oder ...
Paul Brennan @paulrbrennan · 10 Min. Vor 10 Minuten
From sounds I can hear right now, there's another nocturnal artillery duel underway in northern #Donetsk city. Flared up in last 20 mins.
artillerie duell ..
es gibt wohl auch nach wie vor noch rund 500 ukrainer die ihre stellugen rund um debaltseve halten