lesenswerter artikel.
http://www.bbc.com/news/world-middle-east-29685830"Then Washington went ahead and did just that, dropping weapons to Kurdish fighters around Kobane,
quite possibly with tacit Turkish approval during a phone call that took place between the two presidents.And a day later, Ankara admitted it was helping Peshmerga enter Syria.
This is most likely realpolitik by the Turkish government, saying one thing for domestic consumption, to ward off criticism by Turks that it's helping the Kurds, and another to the White House, agreeing to help Kurdish fighters in a way that is acceptable back home.->
doppeltes spiel betreibt die tuerkische regierung hier. scheint wohl im moment das einzig machbare zu sein, um die verfahrene situation einigermassen wieder ins lot zu bekommen.
aktueller frontverlauf in kobane(?). das schaut nicht unbedingt aus, als waere der is aus der stadt "vertrieben"...
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und die ypg entgegnet der offerte/hilfe seitens der peschmerga/tuerkei recht kuehl! kaempfer haette man genug, nur an waffen mangelt es (da liegt der verdacht doch nahe, dass die medienaufrufe zur oeffnung der grenzen wohl nichts weiter als eine miesmache der tuerkischen haltung dsbzgl. war.)
http://www.dailysabah.com/politics/2014/10/20/pyd-frown-on-peshmerga-joining-fightund aus dem bbc-artikel:
"But a senior Kurdish official responsible for defence in Kobane, Ismet Hesen, told the BBC that his forces already had the initiative against IS and they needed heavy weapons rather than extra manpower.
"If any force would like to come to fight with us here, forces on the ground doing the fighting here should be consulted first," he said."