kurvenkrieger schrieb:In welchem Zusammenhang wurde der unsägliche Spruch "Fuck the EU!" getätigt? Von wem kam das wann und inwiefern stand diese Aussage mit der Ukraine in Verbindung?
Steht doch überall in welchem Zusammenhang die das gesagt hat
Unterhaltung zwischen Nuland und Geoffrey Pyatt zu vernehmen, dem US-Botschafter in der Ukraine. Darin geht es um Überlegungen, wie der Streit zwischen dem ukrainischen Machthaber Wiktor Janukowitsch und der Opposition beigelegt werden könnte. Nuland verweist auf Pläne, einen Uno-Vertreter und Vizepräsident Joe Biden in die Verhandlungen einzubeziehen. "Die Uno könnte eine große Hilfe sein, um eine Einigung wasserdicht zu machen", sagt sie - und findet harsche Worte für die Europäische Union, deren Außenbeauftragte Catherine Ashton derzeit mit Kiew verhandelt. "Weißt du, fuck the EU", sagt Nuland.
Nuland: OK... one more wrinkle for you Geoff. [A click can be heard] I can't remember if I told you this, or if I only told Washington this, that when I talked to Jeff Feltman [United Nations Under-Secretary-General for Political Affairs] this morning, he had a new name for the UN guy Robert Serry did I write you that this morning?
Jonathan Marcus: An intriguing insight into the foreign policy process with work going on at a number of levels: Various officials attempting to marshal the Ukrainian opposition; efforts to get the UN to play an active role in bolstering a deal; and (as you can see below) the big guns waiting in the wings - US Vice-President Joe Biden clearly being lined up to give private words of encouragement at the appropriate moment.
Pyatt: Yeah I saw that.
Nuland: OK. He's now gotten both Serry and [UN Secretary General] Ban Ki-moon to agree that Serry could come in Monday or Tuesday. So that would be great, I think, to help glue this thing and to have the UN help glue it and, you know, Fuck the EU.
Jonathan Marcus: Not for the first time in an international crisis, the US expresses frustration at the EU's efforts. Washington and Brussels have not been completely in step during the Ukraine crisis. The EU is divided and to some extent hesitant about picking a fight with Moscow. It certainly cannot win a short-term battle for Ukraine's affections with Moscow - it just does not have the cash inducements available. The EU has sought to play a longer game; banking on its attraction over time. But the US clearly is determined to take a much more activist role.