Unruhen in der Ukraine - reloaded
07.11.2014 um 19:45@CurtisNewton
joo ,er sagt aber auch
dialog ist immer besser .
joo ,er sagt aber auch
Of course, the obvious reason of the decline in global oil prices is the slowdown in the rate of economic growth which means energy consumption being reduced in a whole range of countries. Moreover both strategic and commercial oil reserves in developed countries are at their highest levels in history. There is also an impact of innovations in the technology of oil production which led to the new volumes of hydrocarbon entering the regional markets.ihm ist aber auch durchaus bewusst das der ölpreis mitunter gegen ihn verwendet wird/werden kann ....
That is why we support a constant dialogue on this issue with the leading producers and consumers of energy resources.nicht das putin urplötzlich meint er müsst den irak von terroristen befreien ;)
dialog ist immer besser .