Der Iran hat Atomwaffen
06.06.2007 um 20:07
das hat der iran wirklich gesagt..
In the Name of God
The Compassionate theMerciful
Honorable Guests,
Distinguished Participants,
Ladies adGentlemen,
I wish to begin by appreciating your presence in theIslamic Republic of Iran and thanking you for positively responding to the invitation ofthe Institute for Political and International Studies (IPIS) to participate in theInternational Conference on Review of the Holocaust, Global Vision. One of the issues ofconcern today to the researchers of the world history is the analysis of some historicalevents from the perspective of the West which seeks to dominate all researches conductedin this field and pretend that the only authentic reading, analysis and interpretation ofsuch events is the ones produced by them and any skepticism towards this formalistic,clinched interpretation of such events would be scientifically objectionable.
Today, terms such as “World War I” and “World Wad II” havebecome so entrenched in the world public mind that every body has come to believe thatall nations of the world were engaged in such wars. This tends to ignore the reality thatthese wars were, first, waged by some European states and, than, other states weredragged into them. The big western states created and ended these wars and called them“World Wars”.
Parallel to the formalistic interpretation ofthese historical events in the western state, some scientific currents began to emerge inthe post-war period which pursued a critical approach to the events of the “WorldWar II” and the subsequent developments. The critics of the formalisticinterpretation of these historical events, believing that history is written by thevictors, sought to write the contemporary world history on the basis of actual evidenceand documents. They criticize the writing of history on the basis of an analyticalinterpretive method. In this context, criticism of the holocaust as a historical eventconstitutes part of the critical approach to the contemporary history.
The new approach to the contemporary world history and analysis of the related historicalevents through a critical method is a reality which exists today. In this context, thosewho took for granted the previous interpretations of such events as unquestionable factsare now skeptical about their reality and take this skepticism as the basis of their newinquiry about this event in an effort to discover the truth.
Thereiteration of the necessity for the review and reexamination of the holocaust from ahistorical and scientific perspective is taking place in the same context. However, thosewhose political interests are tied to this formalistic interpretation do not tolerate thescientific skeptical approach of scholars and researchers and seek to prevent anyindependent research on the holocaust by whatever excuse they can make and accusationsthey can level against them.
Why should interest in researching andquestioning different aspects and dimensions of a historical event such as the holocaustbecome politicized and become an ideological taboo. And why the affirmation, rejection orcriticism of the holocaust should be based on political and ideological rather thanscientific criteria. How can pro-Nazism and anti-Semitism accusations against theresearchers of history who whish only to know more about the historical events and theholocaust be justified.
Distinguished Participants,
Racism and racial superiority in any form including Nazism are in conflict with humannature and common sense. And Islam which is based on pure human nature and common senseis seriously against Nazism and racist ideologies. Zionism, too, lies in the samecategory and is, thus, rejected as a political, racist ideology.
Today,many of those who claim to be against Nazism have themselves a track record of racist andcolonial activism. And what colonialists have done against the local people in their owncolonies is no less horrible than the crimes committed by the Nazis. Why should, then,only one form of such crimes be condemned and other forms of them be condoned.
Distinguished participants,
Mankind was witness to manydisasters during and after World War II including vast destruction of towns and cities,mass killing of millions of people, merciless extermination of the vanquished by thevictors, and displacement of millions of people from their lands, use of phosphoric,chemical, incendiary and cluster bombs against civilians particularly women and childrenwho were fleeing the war theatres. Use of nuclear bombs against civilians, fragmentationand division of states and nations, military occupation and domination of differentstates and waging tens of small and big wars against other nations from Korea and Vietnamup to Africa, Latin America and the Middle East are some examples of the scourge of warin the contemporary history.
What difference did it make for theinnocent people who were killed in these horrible hostilities whether they were beingkilled by the fire of Nazis or others? Crime is crime no mother what. And it made nodifference to those innocent people who lost their lives whether they were killed by theNazi army or others. What is the difference between the people who were killed in Koreaand Vietnam and the Palestinians who are drenched in their blood every day by theZionists?
Distinguished researchers,
In the long historyof Iran, both in the pre-and- post Islamic eras, no single evidence had been found toindicate the racism in general and anti-Semitism in particular have every been practicedin the vast Iranian territory. Iran has always been acclaimed as a land where divinereligions have been respected.
I declare explicitly that anti-Semitismis a Western phenomenon, which is peculiar to the Western states. This phenomenon hasnever existed in Islamic lands. However, we see today that the Islamic Republic of Iranand all those who think that scientific research about a historical event is necessaryare subject to some unfounded accusations.
When the President of theIslamic Republic of Iran asked if the holocaust were a historical phenomenon why, then,it should not be allowed to be investigated in the context of history; a wave ofunfounded accusations was launched against Iran. Those who were behind this smearcampaign did not even bother to provide a sensible response to this rational question.They just raised dust to avoid answering this question since they knew that if theholocaust with this clinched interpretation of it is questioned, then, the very existenceand identity of the Zionist entity will be questioned.
Even if the provethat the holocaust is a historical fact, the, they should answer if they are notchallenging their own claims to promote freedom of expression by arresting scholars andresearchers who maintain views different from theirs about the holocaust and also why theMuslim people of this region particularly the Palestinians and the original inhabitantsof Palestine should pay dearly for the crimes committed by the Nazis.
The unfounded philosophy of the land without a people and the people without a landpostulated at the time of president John F. Kennedy to justify the existence of theZionist entity is entirely wrong on both sides, since this land has never been withouta people and the survivors of the Nazi crimes were not without a land rather they werethe citizens of the European states.
Ladies and gentlemen,
This conference is basically neither seeking to deny nor to prove the holocaust.Rather, it is meant to provide an opportunity for free expression of views for thinkersand researchers who are not allowed to freely express their views about a historicalevent in the European which professes to promote freedom and where any scientificcritique of the clinched interpretation of the holocaust would cost clearly. And theaccusations of pro-Nazism and pro-fascism leveled against such thinkers and researchersare the least price they should pay for their views; these accusations have no scientificbasis since many of the critics of the holocaust have been themselves victims ofracism.
Among the critics of the holocaust, both those who deny it andthose who criticize its dramatization, the followers of all divine religions includingMuslims, Christians and Jews and also followers of all political currents can be seen.Therefore, they can not be dismissed with the label of being rightist or leftist as theyinclude all parties in the political spectrum. Besides, it should be noted that levelingfalse accusations against independent researchers and thinkers is a legacy left by theNazis. The accusers by leveling such accusations try not to allow the truth of suchhistorical events is independently investigated.
The political security conditions in the Middle East andIran’s neighboring countries are currently so complex and difficult. There is nowan undeclared war going on against the peoples of the region from Afghanistan to Iraq andPalestine. And the presence of the outside powers and their interference in the internalaffairs of the regional states has caused predictable dangers and threats in ourregion.
In this region where the conditions are becoming more and morecomplicated, unfortunately, the big powers are not paying attention to the root-cause fthe problems, that is, the Palestinian question and do not wish to concede that many ofthe plagues currently besetting the Middle East region including terrorism and extremismare the failure of such powers to find a just solution to the Palestinian question and toend occupation and racism in the Palestinian lands.
The peoples of thisregion who have, for many years, been witness to the Zionist atrocities in thePalestinian lands keep asking what is the reason behind the unsparing US support for theZionist regime; why the United States has so far vetoed over 60 UN Security Councilresolutions against the Zionist regime.
The people of the region alsoask if the Western states know why the tensions and hostilities in the region areescalating in spite of all the support they are providing for the Zionist regime; ordon’t they know that governments can not be sustained and propped up throughcriminal acts including the slaughter of women and children? Don’t the US andEuropean governments know that the age of colonialism is over.
Unfortunately, none of these questions are answered and the domineering powers like theirlike-minded bullies at other junctures of history are of the view that military might beable to ensure their survival. This is while history teaches us a different lesson andthat is oppression and injustice does not last.
Like it or not, God haswilled that history will move towards the realization of justice, freedom and humandignity.
Distinguished audience,
At the end, I wouldlike, once again, to thank you for your participation in this conference and wish furthersuccess for all of you.
I do hope that your scholarly deliberations andexchanges in this conference can help those who are interested in independent research onhistorical events including the holocaust and will lay down the groundwork for moreprofound investigations into the unexplored fields of the contemporary history of theworld.
Thank You