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Luka Magnotta

630 Beiträge ▪ Schlüsselwörter: Luka Magnotta ▪ Abonnieren: Feed E-Mail

Luka Magnotta

29.08.2012 um 13:44

Lieber Herr @KirkTrammel,

ich hätte zu LM auch Kontakt aufgenommen, allerdings nicht weil ich Geldgeil bin, sondern weil ich auf ihn geil bin.

Na komm, jetzt mach mich wieder fertig dafür, daß ich so krank bin =)


Luka Magnotta

29.08.2012 um 16:55
naja so geht es wohl mehreren, wie dir


Luka Magnotta

29.08.2012 um 17:56

haha, genial :D


Luka Magnotta

29.08.2012 um 18:06
und ne ehrliche Aussage


Luka Magnotta

29.08.2012 um 18:39



Luka Magnotta

29.08.2012 um 18:40
bist du männlich oder weiblich?


Luka Magnotta

29.08.2012 um 18:41

irgendwie beides


Luka Magnotta

29.08.2012 um 18:43
wie Bi?


Luka Magnotta

29.08.2012 um 18:44
Ja, so könnte man es auch nennen


Luka Magnotta

29.08.2012 um 18:46
ja aber du musst ja irgend ein Geschlecht haben?


Luka Magnotta

29.08.2012 um 18:46


Luka Magnotta

29.08.2012 um 18:49


Luka Magnotta

29.08.2012 um 18:58

denk' ich auch


Luka Magnotta

29.08.2012 um 18:59
wie alt bist du, wenn man fragen darf


Luka Magnotta

29.08.2012 um 21:07


und du, wenn ich fragen darf?


Luka Magnotta

30.08.2012 um 07:19


Luka Magnotta

30.08.2012 um 21:00
Thursday, 30 August 2012

Another Animal Rights Trap?

Between March 2007 and April 2012 there were 15 Flickr Photostreams with pictures of Luka Magnotta uploaded to them; which it was presumed were set up by Luka himself.

As of today, there are now 14 Flickr Photostreams!

You may not think that is unusual, but I compiled my list of Luka's Flickr accounts some time after Luka's arrest, when I personally verified that each account was still active before I added the links.

So, that means whomever set up that account only deleted it very recently since Luka has been in prison. Therefore, the person who set up the account and deleted it cannot have been Luka Magnotta!

The Flickr account that has been deleted was the most recent of the Flickr Photostreams, set-up in April 2012 with 8 images of Luka uploaded.

I do not believe this account was deleted by Flickr, otherwise why would the other 14 still remain?

I think the Flickr web address of the deleted account might give the answer:

I shall be keep a watching brief to see what else mysteriously disappears over the coming weeks and months!
Posted by Marc Pether-Longman at 19:11


Luka Magnotta

30.08.2012 um 21:07
Wikipedia: Articles for deletion/Luka Rocco Magnotta!3923


Luka Magnotta

30.08.2012 um 21:20

Below is a basic Timeline of events, articles and webpages that I feel may be of relevance to gaining an insight into Luka Magnotta leading up to the murder of Jun Lin. The files are listed in chronological order detailing the originating website, author and synopsis of the contents. I decided to archive copies of these webpages on my Hotmail SkyDrive in PDF and/or JPEG formats. The direct download link to the individual files is included after the synopsis.

I have written separate pages with biographical details about Luka Magnotta's life and career and a more comprehensive list of Luka's Web activities. I also decided not to go into great detail about the kitten killing saga and ensuing hate campaign against Luka Magnotta, save for a couple of recent revelations. Instead I wrote a blog about it here.

NB: The websites listed here are not necessarily direct links to the documented webpages I mention, which may have been removed by the websites hosting the content. I have highlighted in red type suspected aliases and sockpuppets allegedly used by Luka Magnotta to create articles and postings about himself.

Some of the webpages featured may contain explicit content, so be advised to view with caution although I have not including links to sites containing gore imagery. The 1 Lunatic 1 Ice Pick video is NOT linked anywhere on this site, you will have to find 'a dramatic encyclopedia' (yes I know it is not spelt that way) to view it, if you must!

June 2005 - LM was convicted on three counts of fraud (against Sears Canada, The Brick, and 2001 Audio Video) after coercing a vulnerable 21-year-old woman to purchase $16,900 of goods for him and fraudulently obtaining a credit card in her name. During the Trial proceedings LM's lawyer Peter B. Scully wrote to Toronto Police expressing his concerns that his client might be in danger of violent reprisals from the victim's irate father who was a powerful man in the Greek community. I have written a recent blog about the Fraud trial or you can read the full story in The Globe and Mail.

17th July 2006 - Eric Clinton Kirk Newman legally changes his name to become known as Luka Rocco Magnotta...and thus beginneth his life's work as he sets about creating a legend for himself as an iconic "Internet sensation"! Official notification of LM's name change was published in The Ontario Gazette on 12th August 2006.
[Full Size JPEG 1.97Mb]

March 2007 - 24-year-old Luka Rocco Magnotta files for bankruptcy in Mississauga, Ontario, with a list of debts at around $17,000. He cites "illness, lack of employment and insufficient income to pay off debts" as reasons for his bankruptcy, with $200 monthly expenditure on medication for an unspecified medical condition. Read the story here on Ottawa Citizen.

Luka Magnotta at the Toronto Sun
September 2007 - Toronto Sun - After appearing on a radio phone-in show on Toronto's AM640, LM gives an interview to Joe Warmington of the Toronto Sun to deny "rumours" he was dating serial-killer Karla Homolka. It is widely speculated that LM himself was the source of many of these internet rumours.

27th January 2008 – Wikipedia – A Wikipedia page created in 2007 by Luka Magnotta about himself is deleted after lengthy discussion by Wiki contributors and Admins concluded that LM was a non-notable model/porn actor. During the discussion thread it is pointed out that numerous contributions by sock-puppet identities supportive of LM's Wiki entry flooded the discussion in an attempt to retain the page.
[PDF of Wiki deletion thread]

I personally believe that LM's desperation to receive recognition and notability, particularly on Wikipedia, is a highly significant factor in this case. Somewhat ironic that he ultimately got what he wanted after the murder of Jun Lin, but then LM undoubtedly realised that such a crime would give him notoriety and notability.

1st March 2008 - YouTube - megaman999megaman - Throughout 2008 LM decides to wage war against the satirical cartoon series Family Guy on YouTube - for reasons I suspect known only to himself - in an attempt to get the series banned by posting several video broadcasts airing his grievances. He follows a familiar pattern of setting up accounts then multiple sockpuppet accounts to post supportive comments, ending up with his own accounts being banned in the process. The YouTube link is to a video uploaded on 1st March 2008 by LtGradient parodying Luka's YouTube activities.
Screen Capture [JPEG 1.63Mb]

Having never seen the series myself I have no idea what all the fuss was about, but it certainly gained LM an army of detractors it would appear.

22nd July 2008 – Wikipedia – An attempt by Luka Magnotta to resurrect his Wikipedia entry is also deleted after discussion, again because he failed to meet notability criteria. [PDF of Wiki deletion thread]

16th May 2009 - Luka Magnotta Facebook page is created. The first of 70 Facebook accounts it is claimed that he created. There is a good article on Luka Magnotta's Facebook activities on It would appear that the bulk of these Facebook pages were created from 2011 onwards.

1st June 2009 - Digital Journal - Rocco Magnotta - LM posts an article entitled "How to Completely Disappear and Never Be Found". This article is widely acknowledged to be have been largely plagiarised by LM.[PDF 651Kb]

4th January 2011-25th January 2011 – – Luka Magnotta - Whilst living in New York during January 2011, LM contacts lawyer Romeo Salta to seek legal advice about groups of animal rights activists he claims are persecuting him and seeking to bring him to justice in connection with alleged animal rights abuse claims. LM also details in his emails to Mr. Salta incidents of serious abuse against him by someone he referred to as 'Manny', alleging that he was kidnapped by 'Manny' and taken to Miami where he was abused and repeatedly raped. NYC and Miami Police Departments were purportedly informed by LM but failed to act and LM says he was briefly admitted to the psyche ward of a Florida hospital as a result of his injuries. The story was covered with a PDF of LM's emails to Rome Salta on, 13th June 2012. [PDF 1.18Mb]
Screen Capture [JPEG 2.9Mb] Rome Salta emails [PDF 234Kb]

N.B. It is worth noting that LM's allegations of rape and abuse by 'Manny' comes less than a month after a LM sockpuppet posted a thread on SMplace looking to meet "dominant sadistic thinking men" into BDSM. However LM subsequently makes reference to the rape allegations in a post he made on PsycheCentral on 1st September 2011. See Luka's Web
'Rocco' by Paul Mason

1st May 2011 - Montreal Photographer Paul Mason meets LM at his apartment after he responded to an advertisement on Craiglist in April 2011. LM calls himself 'Rocco' and throughout the photoshoot speaks with an Eastern European accent citing his Russian and Italian heritage. Very insightful interview with Paul Mason on, 7th June 2012, about his encounter with Luka 'Rocco' Magnotta during this unpaid photoshoot.
[PDF 714Kb]

21st July 2011 - - LM sets up a personal website and registers the domain name, posting articles on Cyber Stalking, the Judicial System and Media Propaganda. Just in case these pages are ever deleted I have screen captured them in their entirety.
[PDF Homepage 172Kb] [PDF Cyber Stalking 3.8Mb]
[PDF Judicial System 1.7Mb ] [PDF Magnotta Photos 10.5Mb]

17th October 2011 – Fanpop Versace40 – Versace40 – Question from Versace40 asking “Who played Hannibal Lecter better, Luka Magnotta or Gaspard Ulliel?”
Screen Capture [JPEG 696Kb] [PDF 406 Kb]

8th December 2011 - LM is on vacation in England when he is confronted by Sun reporter Alex West at his B&B, The Fusilier Pub in Wembley, London.
During a 20-minute face-to-face interview with Alex West LM denies any involvement in the notorious kitten killing videos uploaded to YouTube during 2010-2011.

Shortly after the interview with Alex West officers from the Metropolitan Police arrive and escort LM off of the premises for not paying his £40 per night room rental.

Click to view full size image
10th December 2011 - The Sun Newsdesk receives an email from someone calling themselves 'John Kilbride' (a twisted reference to a victim of the Moors Murderers) clearly intimating at the meeting with Alex West on 8th December and glibly admitting involvement in the kitten killing videos.

12th December 2011 - Sun reporter Alex West contacts the Metropolitan Police and is referred to the malicious communications unit at Islington Police Station where he hands over the evidence of the email from 'John Kilbride' plus copies of the intelligence he has gathered on Luka Magnotta and his alleged animal cruelty.

I have written more about the Alex West story in a recent blog

21st December 2011 – – cutelittlenemo1 – Posting asking which kind of sedative works best.
Screen Capture [JPEG 76Kb] [PDF 507Kb]

21st December 2011 – – cutelittlenemo1 – Posting under the name Vlad located in Phoenix, Arizona seeking males interested in rape, coprophillia and SM scenarios.
Screen Capture [JPEG 481Kb]

21st December 2011 – – cutelittlenemo1– The second posting from “Vlad” again seeking males or females on the West Coast for a range of BDSM activities. Interestingly in this one the poster claims to already have “a few dominant masters”.
Screen Capture [JPEG 173Kb]

25th December 2011 – – cutelittlenemo1 – Posting seeking dominant males to use, abuse and rape him in BDSM scenarios, in response to a posting about people with crucifixion interests.
Screen Capture [JPEG 491Kb] [PDF 123Kb]

25th December 2011 – – cutelittlenemo1 – Posting seeking “Dom Young Masters in Arizona or Los Angeles” for a variety of BDSM activities.
Screen Capture [JPEG 526Kb] [PDF 184Kb]

25th December 2011 – – cutelittlenemo1 – Post looking for males to rape him in Florida, where he claims to be a frequent visitor and planning a trip to Florida for a few days early in the New Year (2012).
Screen Capture [JPEG 402Kb]

17th January 2012 - Someone going by the name of Eric C. Newman was stopped by police in Payson, Arizona and was issued with a traffic ticket under Case Number: M-0447-SP-2012001076. It could just be coincidence, of course, as there is no mention of nationality, date of birth, residential address or the middle names (which should read as Eric C. K. Newman, surely?). Nonetheless it is intriguing that the case was dismissed and closed on 7th June 2012 (3 days after LM's arrest).

I personally do not believe that the person mentioned in this citation is Luka Magnotta. There is no credible evidence that he ever travelled to Arizona, indeed recent news reports place him in Montreal around this time.

22nd January 2012 - - LukaMagnotta LukaMagnotta - LM creates a blogspot page with pictures of himself and a video link to a German news report covering the kitten killing story. The blog is tagged with LM alleged alias 'cutelittlenemo1'.[PDF 244Kb]

22nd February 2012 – – LukaMagnotta LukaMagnotta – A very detailed and explicit story covering a wide range of sexual depravities and deviance. It is not clear whether this blog entry was written by LM himself or copied from someone else's (more likely), but it does give a very personal insight into LM's psycho-sexuality and sexual proclivities. Even I couldn't read this one right through, but I read more than enough I'm sorry to say.
Screen Capture [JPEG (Part I) 7.04Mb]
[JPEG (Part II) 7.3Mb] [PDF 474Kb]

16th March 2012 – Necrophilia Serial Killer Luka Magnotta – Anonymous - Necrophilia Serial Killer Luka Magnotta – Two lengthy blog postings allegedly written and posted by LM on 16th March 2012 making an intellectual argument supporting necrophiliac practises. The original blog entry has long-since been deleted, however the text and images used in this blog have been preserved and I have painstakingly re-created this blog entry in a PDF file using copies I saved of the full text and images before it was deleted.
[PDF 402Kb] [Word .doc 822Kb]

22nd April 2012 - YouTube - Rita VanVolkenberg - A video is uploaded entitled 'Cannibal Serial Killer - Luka Magnotta' featuring a slideshow of LM pics (many fake and photoshopped) with the track "True Faith" by New Order accompanying, which is the same track featured in 1 Luatic1 Ice Pick.

15th May 2012 – – Angela Downs – A short “promotional” video is uploaded depicting a person in a purple hoodie with fist clench holding an ice pick, referencing the 1 Lunatic 1 Ice Pick video and asking if anyone knows the “guy” in the video.
Screen Capture [JPEG 430Kb]

15th May 2012 – – babymaggie11 – Forum posting claiming there is a video circulating on TOR (Deep Web) depicting a real life snuff movie with necrophilia and cannibalism.
Screen Capture [JPEG 435Kb] [PDF 1.47Mb]

15th May 2012 – – Aiden_V - A question is posted asking “Where can I watch the 1 Lunatic 1 Ice Pick Video”? A subsequent reply is posted on 25th May 2012 stating Best Gore!
Screen Capture [JPEG 396Kb] [PDF 222Kb]

15th May 2012 – – briankinney556 – Another forum posting claiming there is a video circulating on TOR called 1 Lunatic 1 Ice Pick.
Screen Capture [JPEG 360K]

15th May 2012 – Yahoo!Answers – ? - A question asked by “?” asking does “Anyone know where I can watch the 1 Lunatic 1 Ice Pick video”?
[PDF 185Kb] Screen Capture [JPEG 422Kb]

16th May 2012 – PsychForums – anonymousgirl4 – A forum posting to the Anti-Social Personality Disorder board mentioning the 1 Lunatic 1 Ice Pick video and speculating about the mental health condition of a person involved in snuff, cannibalism and necrophilia.
[PDF 951Kb] Screen Capture [JPEG 264Kb]

24th May 2012 – Last confirmed sighting of 33-year-old Chinese student Jun Lin alive. His mobile phone becomes unobtainable after 9pm.

24th May 2012 – At some point on the evening of 24th-25th May, Jun Lin is brutally murdered and his body dismembered.

24th May 2012 – RipOffReport – Ft. Lauderdale, Florida – A lengthy complaint report is filed on RipOff Report in the modelling, talent agencies thread describing LM as a “dangerous sick psychopath...who is incapable of feeling remorse” and citing a long list of webpages about Magnotta's alleged activities. A subsequent comment left on 25th May 2012 by Tony Luciforia - who is an alleged LM sockpuppet - continues the prose of the report, writing in detail about the definition of psychopathy and sociopathy.
[PDF 1.1Mb] Screen Capture [JPEG 3.33Mb]

24th May 2012 – RipOffReport – Mario Fucatti – Almost identical complaint report about LM posted to RipOffReport under the bars, lounges and clubs thread at some point on the 24th May 2012. There are four comments associated with this report, two of which were posted on 24th May 2012 including a large section of quotes copied from LM's website and two by Tony Luciforia that were posted on 25th May 2012. It is highly probable that the author of all four comments is one and the same as the author of the report.
[PDF 2.2Mb] ScreenCapture [JPEG 6.9Mb]

24th May 2012 – Scam Informer – robertta9892 – Another 'known' LM sockpuppet reporting LM's alleged kitten killing activities and listing links to news websites reports. However, Robertta9892 leaves a detailed comment with an in-depth psychoanalysis of the features of psychopathy, which appears to me to have been almost entirely plagiarised from a professional source.
[PDF 184Kb] Screen Capture [JPEG 3.97Mb]

24th May 2012 – RipOffReport – Chris Toronto – This is possibly the most curious complaint report that is assumed to have been made by LM on RipOff Report, about a Toronto fitness instructor called Nader Eid. For those not familiar with the name, Nader Eid was a good? friend of LM back in 2006 and according to LM's transsexual ex-girlfriend, Barbie Swallows, Nader and LM were flatmates and Nader Eid had an emotional attachment to LM which was not reciprocated. Again in this report there is a follow up comment from Tony Luciforia posted on 25th May 2012, however it would appear on this occasion that Tony Luciforia is claiming to be Barbie Swallows! Barbie Swallows has since refuted this claim on the Trial Blog website. Pics of LM and Nader Eid below.
[PDF 1.05Mb] ScreenCapture [JPEG 2.18Mb]

N.B. It should be noted that the three RipOff Reports and the Scam Informer Report were filed at some point on the day Jun Lin was murdered and the follow up comments were posted sometime on 25th May 2012 after the murder and dismemberment of Jun Lin's body had taken place!

You would think that the perpetrator of Jun Lin's murder would be somewhat preoccupied with editing and disseminating his 'materpiece' - the 1 Lunatic 1 Ice Pick video - and disposing of the body parts before making good his escape plan! And, that is not taking into account the psychological dynamics of a person having planned and just committed such a heinous crime.

It should be noted that the RipOff Report website does not remove reports once they are filed.

25th May 2012 – BestGore – A video circulating on TOR is posted to Best Gore by website owner Mark Marek entitled 1 Lunatic 1 Ice Pick, which depicts a young male bound on a bed, initially alive, and then lifeless as a person repeatedly stabs the corpse with an ice pick and then dismembers the body with a knife and performs simulated acts of necrophilia and cannibalism.

26th May 2012 – Luka Magnotta flies out of Montreal, Canada onboard Air Transat Flight 610 to Paris, France. Fellow passengers on the flight with Luka describe him as behaving strangely during the flight and in an interview a passenger that was seated next to Luka, said: "he stank of sweat...and was seen crying at the rear of the plane."

27th May 2012 – BestGore – Luka Magnotta is named by members on Best Gore as the perpetrator in the 1 Lunatic 1 Ice Pick video. American lawyer Roger Renville contacts the FBI and the Toronto Police to advise them of the 1 Lunatic 1 Ice Pick on Best Gore, but neither law enforcement agency takes the claims seriously.

29th May 2012 – A package containing a severed left foot is delivered to Conservative Party Headquarters in Ottawa and a package containing a left hand is intercepted by Post Office staff in Ottawa, addressed to Liberal Party HQ. A note enclosed with the package sent to Tory HQ claims there are 6 packages in total and a statement that the killer would strike again. A note was also included in the package sent to Liberal Party HQ. Montreal Police investigators subsequently obtained video CCTV footage of a suspect believed to be mailing the body parts at a Post Office in Cote-des-Neiges district of Montreal.

Eric Schorer showing Police
29th May 2012 – Jun Lin is reported missing by relatives. Mike Nadeau, a resident at 5720 Decarie Blvd, Montreal, reports the gruesome discovery of Jun Lin's torso in a suitcase outside the apartment block. The building manager, Eric Schorer, later confirms that he first saw the suitcase left outside with the rubbish on 25th May.

Inside Apt 208, Decarie Place
Montreal Police (SPVM) obtain CCTV video surveillance from cameras at the apartment block with complete footage of the comings and goings on 24th & 25th May 2012. When Police investigators ask Eric Schorer to identify a male seen on CCTV dragging the suitcase through the lobby, he does not hesitate to name a resident, Luka Magnotta, whom he knew as "Rocco". Full article here on Paris Match (in French).

A disturbing message written by Luka
At 23.33 Montreal Police enter Apt. 208, 5720 Decarie, where they discover a blood stained mattress and other evidence. It is later confirmed that Apt. 208, 5720 Decarie Blvd, had been rented by Luka Magnotta for nearly four months, with the lease due for renewal on 1st June 2012.
[Google English Translation JPEG 3.2Mb]

Note: The Google English translation gives the gist of the article, but the translation has mixed up the grammar and tense in some cases, i.e. translating "she" instead of "he".

30th May 2012 - Wikipedia - LM finally gets what he has craved since 2007 and that had been denied him because of a lack of notability: his own Luka Magnotta Wikipedia portal!

30th May 2012 – LukaMagnotta is named by police in connection with the torso and body parts case after evidence is found at his address, Apartment 208, linking him to the case. A Canada-wide manhunt begins to find Luka Magnotta.

30th May 2012 – (Archiv-Version vom 03.06.2012) – b1UNJBxK – A lengthy discussion thread on 4Chan is started on the Magnotta case. In a blog entry by Kitty LeClaw on Mascara&Murder dated 18th June 2012 it is alleged that LM himself participated in the discussions on this thread whilst on the run, admitting to the killing of Jun Lin and details about the murder etc.. Snippets of the alleged comments by LM are on the Mascara&Murder blog entry for 18th June 2012. As far as I am aware there is no credible independent verification that LM posted these comments on 4chan, but the prose is remarkably similar to LM's style.
[PDF 4Chan 1.33Mb] [PDF M&M 323Kb]
Screen Capture [M&M JPEG 1.8Mb]

31st May 2012 – Montreal Police issue an Interpol warrant for Luka Magnotta's arrest on suspicion of first-degree murder and four other charges.

He is briefly featured on the front page of the Interpol Most Wanted list with a red notice issued for his arrest and detention in any member state.

4th June 2012 – NewYork Observer – An article linking LM to The Hollywood Sign murder cites suspicious activities on Youtube, including a Youtube channel set up on 1st June 2012 called HollywoodLoveLetters with a video montage of LM pics including some in LA entitled “The James Dean Killer – Luka Rocco Magnotta” uploaded to this account - with clear references in the activity on this account to The Hollywood Sign murder.
[PDF 361Kb] ScreenCapture [JPEG 3.2Mb]

Kadir Anlayisli, Internet Cafe, Berlin
4th June 2012 – After 10 days evading a global manhunt Luka Magnotta is arrested at an Internet Cafe in Berlin, Germany after travelling there from Paris by bus under the name K. Trammel.

Luka is reported to have been surfing webpages about himself, when the Cafe Manager, Kadir Anlayisli, recognised him from news reports and flagged down passing Police Cadets and an Instructor.

After initially giving a false identity Luka Magnotta tells the officers, "Ok you got me". He does not resist arrest.

St. Georges School, Vancouver BC
5th June 2012 - A package containing a right foot was delivered to St. Georges School, Vancouver, British Columbia, and a package containing a right hand was delivered to False Creek Elementary School also in Vancouver. It was subsequently confirmed that both body parts belonged to Jun Lin and that the packages were sent from Montreal and contained notes.

It was reported on CBC that Luka Magnotta rented a condo in Vancouver under one of his aliases, although details of exactly where and when and for how long have not been publicly confirmed as of yet. Luka Magnotta was known to have been in Vancouver during 2003 where he made the Street Bait: Luka porn video.

Bankruptcy records also show that Luka Magnotta owed $10,000 to Travelers Auto Leasing in the Burnaby suburb of Vancouver.

I would be truly amazed if sending these body parts to two schools right across the other side of Canada is considered a random occurrence in this crime. I strongly believe that there has to be a link between the perpetrator and these schools, however tenuous it may appear!

6th June 2012 – NewYork Observer – Animal rights activists from an organisation called Last Chance for Animals (LCA) admit to NYO it was their “special investigations unit” that set up the HollywoodLoveLetters Youtube account and posted videos to Youtube with images of LM and referencing the Hollywood Sign Killing in an attempt to “lure in” LM while he was on the run.
[PDF 698Kb] Screen Capture [JPEG 1.6Mb]

9th June 2012 - 16x9 Global News - Very interesting and insightful video broadcast giving an in-depth analysis of the psychology behind LM's 'Borderline' personality and alleged criminality.

Luka Magnotta back in Canada
18th June 2012 - Luka Magnotta is extradited back to Canada from Germany landing at Quebec's Mirabel Airport, aboard a specially chartered Royal Canadian Air Force CC-150 Polaris. He chose not to challenge extradition proceedings. The flight is reputed to have cost the Canadian taxpayer $375,000 because it was felt too much of a risk to fly him home aboard a commercial Airline - assuming one would carry him.

Artist impression of Luka's Court appearance
19th June 2012 - Luka Magnotta appears via live video link from Riviere des Prairies Detention Centre, Montreal, to answer five charges against him and enters a plea of not guilty. He continues to be detained in solitary confinement at Riviere des Prairies.

21st June 2012 - Luka Magnotta makes a surprise personal appearance at a high security courtroom in Montreal, where he elects for a Trial by Judge and Jury and declines a psychological assessment. No application for bail is made and the preliminary Trial hearing is set for March 2013. He is returned to custody at Riviere des Prairies.

Parc Angrignon, Montreal
1st July 2012 - Jun Lin's head is recovered from a small lake in Angrignon Park, Montreal, following an anonymous tip-off to Montreal Police. It has not been confirmed who gave this information to the Police.

You would think that if this tip-off came from a member of the public who discovered Jun Lin's head but wished to remain anonymous, that the Police would simply have said so? Conversely if this information came from Luka Magnotta himself then surely that fact alone compromises his 'not guilty' plea? Curious indeed!

10th July 2012 – CBC – During January 2011 former porn star turned porn director Ron Jeremy discloses that he was approached by associates connected to animal rights groups seeking his participation in setting up a “sting operation” to lure LM to Los Angeles with a phoney offer of work in Jeremy's porn productions. The ploy was the mastermind of New York based animal rights activists Rescue Ink, whose membership comprises police officers and military personnel, to bring LM to “justice” for animal rights abuses allegedly depicting LM killing kittens in several videos uploaded to the internet during 2010-2011. Jeremy got cold feet and the sting operation was shelved.
[PDF 625Kb] ScreenCapture [JPEG 2.29Mb]

16th July 2012 – Globeand Mail – New York lawyer Romeo Salta is told by LM's lead defence counsel Luc Leclair not to divulge further information on his dealings with LM during 2010-2011, a move seen as a preparation for Mr. Salta being called by the defence to give testimony about LM's claims of abuse during his 'relationship' with the mysterious 'Manny' character.
ScreenCapture [JPEG 2.3Mb]

Diran Lin clutching Jun's ashes at Mount Royal
26th July 2012 - Toronto Sun - The remains of Jun Lin are laid to rest in a funeral service at Mount Royal, Montreal. During the 20-minute service Jun Lin's emotionally distraught father Diran Lin clutched the urn containing his son's ashes. His mother Zhi Gui Du was too overcome to attend, but the family's priest Father Henry Rodrigues gave a statement on her behalf which included compassionate comments about LM: "Initially I considered my son's killer to be a 'devil'...then...I shockingly discovered my other self, who has started to develop sympathy for this person".

R.I.P. Jun Lin, 1978-2012 (Archiv-Version vom 29.01.2016)


Luka Magnotta

30.08.2012 um 21:26
Luka's Lifestory

Don and Anna Newman and baby Eric Newman
Eric Clinton Kirk Newman was born on 24th July 1982 in Scarborough, Ontario, Canada to Don Newman and Anna Yourkin.

He has two younger siblings, a brother Shane? Newman and sister Melissa Newman, as well as two younger half-siblings.

Anecdotal information about Eric's early homelife suggest he grew up in a highly dysfunctional family unit, which in my view undoubtedly influenced his personality profile and psychological development during his formative years.

Eric Clinton Kirk Newman, Aged 11
However, since many of the accounts are written by LM himself at various points in his life - with some poignant contradictions in what he says about family members - it is somewhat difficult to extrapolate fact from fiction. See Luka's Web.

At some point in his childhood the young Eric went to live with his maternal grandmother, Phyllis Yourkin in Lindsay, Ontario. An aunt described Phyllis Yourkin as: “the typical matriach of the family...she is very domineering, controlling and if you have a submissive personality she will beat you up and do what she wants”.

His aunt also claimed that Eric, as the eldest of the three Newman children, bore the brunt of his grandmother's beatings.

He attended Charlottetown Junior School in the Toronto suburb of Scarborough, where classmates who remember him say they used to laugh at the constant stream of tall tales he told, embellishing his life to cover up difficult home circumstances.

He went on to attend I. E. Weldon Secondary School during Grades 10 & 11. His classmates at I.E. Weldon recall Eric Newman as a kid who constantly switched his hair colour from jet-black to peroxide blond.

Luka, his Mum and Sister Melissa
There is a distinct lack of biographical information about what happened in the intervening years after Eric Newman left I.E. Weldon Secondary School, but at some point in 2002 aged 18-years-old he turns his back on his family in Scarborough and heads for Toronto.

Nina Arsenault
2002 - After moving to Toronto, 18-year-old Eric Clinton Kirk Newman (LM) meets transexual Nina Arsenault at a Toronto nightclub, Remington's - whilst working as a stripper by the stage name "Angel" and calling himself "Luka" or "Rocco". Nina Arsenault claims she and LM dated briefly before she ended the relationship with him. In recent interviews she describes Luka as a “manipulative pathological liar", claiming he had volatile unstable mood and would punch himself in the face in the shower and quotes him as saying: “I'm afraid that when you look into my eyes...that you will see nothing inside of me”. Daily Mail story Citytv report

N.B. In an article on QueerPlanet, a spokesperson for Remington's said they had no recollection that Luka Magnotta worked there.

During 2002-2003, Eric/Luka/Rocco, now going by the pseudonym of 'Jimmy', branches out from stripping to embark on a modelling career and works as a male escort offering his services to a male clientèle; describing himself as being either bisexual or heterosexual and strictly 'gay for pay'.

Street Bait 996: Luka
2003 - now calling himself Luka, the 20-year-old Eric Newman features in his first gay pornographic video, Street Bait 996:Luka.

2004 - He continues with his modelling and escorting career and appears in a second gay pornographic film called Son of Posedon.

The year doesn't end quite so well for Eric when he is charged in connection with a $16,900 fraud.

27th January 2005 - Eric appears in Issue 260 of Fab Boy gay scene magazine calling himself 'Jimmy' a "22-year-old soccer fan born in Russia...who hopes to train to become a police officer".

2005 - Luka makes a further three gay pornographic films, His First Huge Cock: Luka, His First Huge Cock: Jimmy and a solo J/O video with accompanying photoset.

Creative edit by (c) Anne de Haas
(c) Anne de Hass.
2005 - Flickr - Luka Magnotta poses for a paid photoshoot with Toronto Photographer Anne de Haas telling her that he needed actor headshots.

She did a creative edit of one of the shots with flames coming out of Luka's head. Somewhat prophetic don't you think?

June 2005 - Luka Magnotta was convicted on three counts of fraud (against Sears Canada, The Brick, and 2001 Audio Video) after coercing a vulnerable 21-year-old woman to purchase $16,900 of goods for him and fraudulently obtaining a credit card in her name. His co-accused and neighbourhood associate, Antonio Minakakis (known as Tony), had all charges against him dropped, similarly an accusation of sexual assault of a female against Luka was dropped. He spent 16 days in custody during pre-trial and received a nine-month conditional sentence with 12 months of probation on the condition he adheres to a treatment program for undisclosed mental health issues. During the Trial proceedings LM's lawyer Peter B. Scully wrote to Toronto Police expressing his concerns that his client might be in danger of violent reprisals from the victim's irate father who was a powerful man in the Greek community. I have also written a recent blog about the Fraud trial or you can read the full story in The Globe and Mail.

January 2006 - Luka Magnotta is introduced to transgirl Barbie Swallows by his flatmate Nader Eid. After what she described as a whirlwind romance Barbie says she moved into Luka's new apartment. There is an article and response from Barbie Swallows on The Trial Blog website. The full kiss-and-tell story about their "dark romance" is in the Daily Mail

2006 - Luka makes a comeback by featuring in another gay pornographic film, Adorable.

17th July 2006 - Eric Clinton Kirk Newman legally changes his name to become known as Luka Rocco Magnotta.

Luka Fab Boy
2007 - Luka Magnotta appears in Issue 320 of Fab Boy gay scene magazine. “You can’t enjoy yourself in porn videos, there are too many people around!” Luka also states that he is seeking a loyal man who will take him for a long drive, “and have sex while doing so.”

March 2007 - 24-year-old Luka Rocco Magnotta files for bankruptcy in Mississauga, Ontario, with a list of debts at around $17,000. He cites "illness, lack of employment and insufficient income to pay off debts" as reasons for his bankruptcy, with $200 monthly expenditure on medication for an unspecified medical condition. Read the story here on Ottawa Citizen.

2007 - Luka Magnotta makes a breakthrough into the world of reality television shows, firstly giving an interview with Naked News. Calling himself 'Jimmy', Luka gives a lengthy interview about his life as a 'high class' escort and stripper.

Then, after apparently having plastic surgery to look more like his idol James Dean, he auditions for Cover Guy hoping to win the prize of further plastic surgery but is not put through to the next round as judges feel he is too skinny. Luka nonetheless relishes the opportunity to talk on camera about his favourite subject: himself! It is worth noting one of the Judges was Nina Arsenault, Luka's ex-lover! The audition interview is below.

Luka Magnotta at Toronto Sun Offices
September 2007 - Toronto Sun - After appearing on a radio phone-in show on Toronto's AM640, LM gives an interview to Joe Warmington of the Toronto Sun to deny "rumours" he was dating notorious serial-killer Karla Homolka. It is widely speculated that LM himself was the source of many of these internet rumours.

December 2007 - The bankruptcy against Luka Magnotta is fully discharged

2008 - Into the New Year and Luka Magnotta's online activities start to take on an increasingly dark and twisted edge.

Throughout 2008 he sets up multiple accounts on YouTube to wage war against the Family Guy tv show as he tries to get it banned, earning him considerable derision and a legion of haters on YouTube. He also posts several disturbing blogs about incestuous relationships.

27th January 2008 – Wikipedia – A Wikipedia shell page created in July 2007 by Luka Magnotta about himself is deleted after lengthy discussion by Wiki contributors and Admins concluded that LM was a non-notable model/porn actor. See Timeline

February 2008 - Luka Magnotta auditions for another reality television show 'Plastic Makes Perfect' hoping to win more plastic surgery. Again he is unsuccessful. Below is the 20 minute audition tape, which psychologists recently have cited as revealing insights into Luka's masochist tendencies and possible body dismorphic disorder.

Luka in NYC (c) Nicholas Monaco
Sometime during 2008 - Luka Magnotta is in New York City where meets Miami-based Photographer Nicholas Monaco at Madison Square Garden, to take shots of him around the City. During the 45-minute photoshoot Luka tells Nicholas Monaco he is a model and pays him $100 for digital copies of the pictures. In an interview with The Ottawa Citizen on 30th May 2012, Nicholas Monaco is quoted as saying of Luka Magnotta, "He is a creepy kind of person, you know."

April 2009 - After a two-year gap Luka Magnotta features in a gay pornographic video called 'Monster Cock Jocks 25'.

16th May 2009 - Luka Magnotta Facebook page is created. The first of 70 Facebook accounts it is claimed that he created. There is a good article on Luka Magnotta's Facebook profiles and activities on
It would appear that the bulk of these pages were created from 2011 onwards.

23rd June 2009 to 1st July 2009 - - lukamagnotta - LM sets up a journal page and posts 44 articles about himself and his life in the space of just over a week! I feel this is significant because after these postings LM appears to vanish for nearly a year. I have written more about this in a separate blog entry. I decided not to post links to all these journal entries here, but I have created a PDF with links to all 44 articles with accompanying PDF screenshots. [PDF 56Kb]

4th June 2010 - Luka Magnotta enrols as a student at Orea Real Estate College in Toronto, Ontario, presumably to retrain as an estate agent (Realtor). Whether he actually attended the College and commenced the study programme is uncertain but a copy of his enrolment contract is in the Romeo Salta PDF.

Sometime during 2010 - The final gay pornographic video listed as featuring Luka Magnotta on the Internet Adult Film Directory, Daddy Mugs Fucks Justin 2, is released with Luka as 'Justin'. This porn film is a marked departure from the type of video work Luka had done previously, not least because his 'co-star' was considerably older than him.

Unless anyone knows otherwise this appears to be the end of Luka Magnotta's adult film making career. In the course of compiling this page I have been unable to find any evidence of a professional modelling portfolio, i.e. publications he featured in, or fashion houses/branded products he modelled for, or notable paid modelling assignments.

It would appear that the bulk of Luka's portfolio of professional photographs were taken by photographers on an amateur modelling/gratis basis or where he paid for the shoot.

Autumn 2010 - Luka Magnotta takes a trip to Europe. There is a lack of information about his itinerary and whether he travelled alone or with a companion, but he posted this blog on 26th October 2010 claiming to be in Paris with his "husband"!

January 2011 - Luka is living in Manhattan, New York City, when he contacts lawyer Romeo Salta to seek legal advice about groups of animal rights activists he claims are persecuting him and seeking to bring him to justice in connection with alleged animal rights abuse claims. Luka also details in his emails to Mr. Salta incidents of serious abuse against him by someone he referred to as 'Manny'. Full details in the Timeline.

"Rocco" by Paul Mason
1st May 2011 - Montreal photographer Paul Mason, 48, goes to Luka Magnotta's apartment to photograph him after Luka responded to his advertisement on Craigslist in April 2011. Luka calls himself 'Rocco' and speaks with a Slavic accent throughout the photoshoot, telling Paul Mason he is of Russian-Italian heritage. There is a detailed account of Paul Mason's photoshoot meeting with Luka 'Rocco' Magnotta on and a selection of images taken of Luka by Paul Mason during the unpaid photoshoot.

December 2011 - Luka Magnotta travels to England presumably on vacation, where he stays at The Fusilier Pub in Wembley, London and possibly in Islington.

8th December 2011 - Whilst staying at The Fusilier Pub Sun journalist Alex West confronts Luka about his alleged involvement in the notorious kitten killing videos on YouTube, which of course Luka denied. Full story in Timeline and blog. After leaving London it is believed Luka Magnotta had a brief stopover in Amsterdam, The Netherlands, before flying back to North America.

December 2011 - After returning to Canada, Luka Magnotta rents a 2nd Floor bachelor apartment in the Point St. Charles district of Montreal, for $550 per month. He makes a favourable impression on the building superintendent who described him as an "ordinary Joe Blow". Luka speaks with a Slavic accent throughout his stay at Point St. Charles.

New Year 2012 - Following his skirmish with a Sun reporter in London a reward of $5,000 is offered by The Sun and OSPCA (Ontario Society for Prevention of Cruelty to Animals) for information leading to the location of Luka Magnotta.

New York based animal charity Last Chance for Animals also puts up a $7,500 reward for information about Luka's whereabouts and the internet campaigns intensify on Facebook and social media websites to track Luka down and bring him to justice for alleged animal cruelty offences.

Feburary 2012 - With the heat on him, Luka gives his landlord just a week's notice that he is moving out of his Point St. Charles apartment, telling the building superintendent he is moving to Toronto. In fact he only moves a mile or so down the road to the Cote-des-Neiges area of Montreal where he rents Apt. 208 at 5720 Decarie Place, going by the name 'Rocco'.

March 2012 - An Ontario Police force investigation - following up on a complaint from the OSPCA, originally made in February 2011 - tracks Luka to the Point St. Charles apartments, but misses him by two weeks. The building superintendent tells the police officer that Luka moved to Toronto.
Full story in The Huffington Post.

The information contained herein comprises a basic biographical personal history for Eric Clinton Kirk Newman/Luka Rocco Magnotta, More contemporary events are detailed in the Timeline. (Archiv-Version vom 10.11.2016)
