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Luka Magnotta

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Luka Magnotta

01.08.2012 um 08:41
Debate over interview material could be key to Lin Jun murder trial

Amid all the forensic material gathered in the case of murdered Chinese university student Lin Jun, an interview with a research subject known as “Jimmy” may seem insignificant.

But the motions to keep that interview confidential — introduced Friday by accused killer Luka Magnotta on the one hand, and the researchers on the other — is garnering attention across the country as it brings into direct opposition the desire to prosecute a heinous murder by all means available and the public interest in safeguarding the confidentiality promised to research subjects like Jimmy who would otherwise remain silent.

If a judge quashes the motions and allows the interview to be included with other evidence, it will be a first in Canada, says Simon Fraser University criminologist John Lowman.

“I can’t imagine what they think is in that interview that would be relevant, which doesn’t meant there isn’t something,” Lowman said Tuesday. “But one has to ask what is in the other set of scales from the desire to prosecute this heinous crime … If criminologists are turned into (police) informers we cannot do our work. We would be left studying only convicted criminals — the failures — and it’s precisely the research we do with unconvicted criminals that is so important.”

Most of Magnotta’s case file is sealed pending his trial for first-degree murder, including the search warrant executed at the law offices of Lex Canada in Toronto on June 22, where police got hold of the interview, three weeks after Magnotta was arrested at an Internet café in Berlin.

Magnotta’s Toronto lawyer, Luc Leclair, has declined to comment on why his client is trying to keep the interview out of the public domain. Magnotta often used the pseudonym Jimmy when seeking work as an escort or in pornographic films.

But the two researchers, University of Ottawa criminologists Christine Bruckert and Colette Parent whose work centres on the sex industry, are challenging the search warrant on the basis of “confidentiality privilege.” Like lawyers to clients, doctors to patients, journalists to sources, researchers must be able to promise their subjects strict confidentiality, Lowman argues — and defend that relationship in court.

In dozens of cases in the U.S., researchers have fought subpoenas and the courts have overwhelmingly upheld the confidentiality of their research. In only two cases have scholars gone to jail for contempt of court: Samuel Popkin of Harvard University went to jail for seven days for not divulging the source of the Pentagon Papers and Rik Scarce of Washington State University went to jail for 157 days when he refused to divulge his sources when studying animal rights activists, accused of blowing up a research facility.

But in Canada there has only been one previous case of a researcher being asked by the courts to identify a subject, former SFU criminologist Russell Ogden, who studied people who had assisted in the suicides of persons with AIDS.

When the Vancouver coroner in 1994 subpoenaed him to give evidence at an inquest, he refused. He argued that his research met the Wigmore criteria — a common law test administered to establish privilege: in short, that confidentiality was promised, essential to the relationship, used for a public good, and that breaking that confidence would produce more harm than benefit. The coroner agreed and no charges were brought against Ogden.

This second case, to be argued Aug. 31 in Quebec Superior Court, shows the need for Canada to come up with a framework similar to that of the “confidentiality certificates” granted in the U.S. by the Secretary of Health and Human Services where research on sensitive topics is protected from legal challenge, Lowman said.

Not all research in the U.S. is immune to legal challenge, however, as evidenced by the ongoing case of Boston College’s Belfast Project — an oral history of the Troubles in Northern Ireland based on 26 interviews with Irish Republican and Loyalist paramilitaries gathered between 2001-2006.

The British Government has subpoenaed two of the interviews in particular, and “any and all interviews containing information about the abduction and death of Mrs. Jean McConville” — a woman from Northern Ireland who, in 1972, was abducted and killed by the Provisional IRA. The case is still before the courts, but while senators and congressmen in the U.S. press for the subpoenas to be withdrawn, Irish parliamentarians warn the matter could derail the Northern Ireland peace process.

“When you ask about the horrendous crime against Lin Jun, yes it is,” Lowman said. “But that’s what’s in the other pan on the scales of justice.” (Archiv-Version vom 08.08.2012)


Luka Magnotta

01.08.2012 um 12:30
Fand das heute auf tumblr:

I just found this today and it’s disturbing on several levels. The most disturbing thing for me is that Luka told his last landlord that he moved to Montreal to be closer to his son. Yet in this video, he says the child died.

I believe there was a child at one point because Nina Arsenault mentioned it, and mentioned the child’s mother. But if the child died, why are you mentioning it to your landlord 5 years later, as if it’s still alive? Or did the child not die? Or was there no child to begin with?
- Carmen George

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Luka's Sohn - Thomas Newman 2001 - 2006 - ????


Luka Magnotta

01.08.2012 um 16:52
was ein Sohn, da hat er ja noch nie darüber gesprochen


Luka Magnotta

01.08.2012 um 18:43
Jetzt hat er einen Sohn,ha wird ja immer besser.Soll der tot sein?Weil da 2001-2006 steht? hat der das Kind mit der/die/das Nina?


Luka Magnotta

03.08.2012 um 09:51
die nina is doch eig n´mann, denk nicht das die ein kind bekommen kann


Luka Magnotta

03.08.2012 um 13:06
Ja vllt adoptiert.Aber das glaub ich kaum.Ebend sie ist ein Mann.:)


Luka Magnotta

03.08.2012 um 17:05
dass die 2 ein kind adoptieren hätten dürfen bezweifle ich auch sehr


Luka Magnotta

03.08.2012 um 18:33
Ich würd dem Rechtspfleger ne fan Post schreiben weil der tausendmal besser aussieht als diser Batman Kino Killer.
Einfach nur krank die leute.Und noch was ein deutscher Professor in America hat versucht ein Massaker anzurichten er wollt sich für den Selbstmord seines 14 jahren alten Sohnes rächen.Krank einfach.Aber nicht aus diesem Grund wurde er verurteilt,sonder wegen Brandstiftung.


Luka Magnotta

04.08.2012 um 10:56
Guckt euch das hier mal an:


Luka Magnotta

04.08.2012 um 14:27
was meint er genau damit?
Scheiss englisch immer -.-


Luka Magnotta

04.08.2012 um 14:32
Mir ist aufgefallen, auf dem foto das einige tage vor dem video gepostet wurde, wo er den lila hoodie trägt mit dem pickel in der hand, ist irgendwie das selbe gesichtsausdruck wie das von den katzenvideos. die spitze nase und die langen hervorhängenden haare.

luka hatte ausserdem bei seiner festnahme kurze haare..


Luka Magnotta

04.08.2012 um 14:42
wahnsinn über den beavis butthead ist dann sogar noch in den SUN News berichtet worden...


Luka Magnotta

05.08.2012 um 08:40
CJAD Radio Interview with Todd VanderHayden - re Luka Magnotta - June 2, 2012


Luka Magnotta

05.08.2012 um 12:57
Das kann ne Perücke gewesen sein.Denn es gibt noch genug andere Bilder worrauf er diese langen Haare hat.


Luka Magnotta

09.08.2012 um 07:42
Luka Magnotta - My Stepmom - Aug.21, 2008

Luka Magnotta - Incest With his Sister - Aug. 25, 2008


Luka Magnotta

11.08.2012 um 12:37
Mystery interview with 'Jimmy' creates twist in Magnotta case

Both accused killer and researchers want potential evidence kept confidential

By Bt Catherine Solyom, Postmedia NewsAugust 2, 2012

Read more:


Luka Magnotta

11.08.2012 um 14:00
versteh leider so gut wie nix :(


Luka Magnotta

12.08.2012 um 11:47
Ich auch nicht,aber ich glaub hier wird von seinem Imaginären Freund gesprochen.Der nur in seinem Kopf existiert.


Luka Magnotta

12.08.2012 um 13:44
Showing Tag: "may24-25 luka magnotta robertta9892 scaminformer "ripoff report"" (Show all posts)
Posted May 24, 2012 the day of the murder - Luka Magnotta Bisexual Male Model and Porn Star Psychotic Behavior and Psychopathic Tendencies
Posted by T on Saturday, June 16, 2012, In : Clue
I think the posts that occured on May 24, 2012 the day of the murder are very important some how. The one HERE is from Robertta9892 posted to (Archiv-Version vom 22.08.2012)
