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Luka Magnotta

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Luka Magnotta

25.10.2012 um 20:53

also ich finde es nicht so gut, etwas von Luka rein zustellen ohne ein Kommentar dazu abzugeben.
Hier wird immer irgend ein englischer Artikel reingestellt und man muss sich immer die Mühe machen alles zu übersetzen. Und meistens merkt man schnell, das es in Wirklichkeit nichts neues ist, sondern mal wieder nur eine der üblichen Zusammenfassungen !!


Luka Magnotta

26.10.2012 um 14:38

So ein Pech aber auch!!! Man muss sich nicht extra die Mühe machen, man kann es auch sein lassen!


Luka Magnotta

30.11.2012 um 14:08
Guckt mal, heute kommt eine neue Doku über Luka.

Watch the fifth estate's documentary, Hunting Magnotta, on Friday. It airs on CBC TV at 9 p.m. (9:30 in Newfoundland and Labrador).


Luka Magnotta

30.11.2012 um 14:12
Luka Magnotta had sparked worries among Toronto police

WARNING: This story contains disturbing content

By Tarannum Kamlani, CBC News
Posted: Nov 29, 2012 12:58 PM ET
Last Updated: Nov 29, 2012 8:52 PM ET

An online group tracked alleged killer Luka Rocco Magnotta and notified authorities in early 2011, more than a year before the grisly killing of a student in Montreal that he is charged withEarly Magnotta warnings4:11

Play iconThis is a preview of the fifth estate documentary that reveals details of how an online group called the Animal Beta Project tracked down details about Luka Magnotta. They came to believe he was the person in an online video posted in 2010 depicting a man who killed two kittens by suffocating them using a vacuum.Hunting Magnotta1:35

Toronto police saw alleged killer Luka Rocco Magnotta as a growing danger to society months before the grisly slaying of Chinese student Jun Lin in late May, according to correspondence obtained by CBC's the fifth estate.

Magnotta has been charged with first-degree murder in the killing and dismemberment of the Concordia University student in a case that drew international attention. The Toronto-born man pleaded not guilty. His preliminary hearing is slated to begin in March 2013.

Correspondence between the Toronto police and an online group investigating Magnotta, and later obtained by CBC's the fifth estate, shows that a detective expressed concerns about Magnotta nearly three months before Lin's death in Montreal.

"I want to find this guy more than anyone out there," a Toronto police detective told the online activists in one email dated March 9, 2012. "Trust me, I want to bring him before the courts even if just to get him psychiatric help."
Luka Magnotta Timeline of his troubled history: the fifth estate

Magnotta was never found or questioned by police, until he was arrested in a Berlin cafe on June 4 following a massive global manhunt.

The fifth estate also obtained exclusive interviews with members of the anonymous online group who were tracking Magnotta in late 2010 and notified authorities in early 2011 — more than a year before Lin's death — about their concerns regarding Magnotta.

The Animal Beta Project, an 11-member group of activists who pursue animal abusers, told the fifth estate and Radio-Canada's investigative program Enquete that they began investigating Magnotta in late 2010 after a video was posted on YouTube of someone killing two kittens by putting them in a sealed bag and sucking the air out with a vacuum.

Watch the fifth estate's documentary Hunting Magnotta on CBC-TV Friday

Though the video was quickly removed, word about it spread and soon a hunt began for the man they dubbed the Vacuum Kitten Killer.

One member of the Animal Beta Project, who goes by the online alias Baudi Moovan, saw a post about the video in her Facebook news feed and was spurred to help try to find the killer. She joined a 4,000-strong Facebook group called "Find the Kitten Vacuumer … For Great Justice."

"I saw somebody with a complete lack of empathy," Moovan told the fifth estate's Mark Kelley about the person in the video. "And I saw somebody who wanted attention immediately."
Cat-and-mouse game

Moovan and the other Animal Beta Project members — who conceal their real names and locations because they are still in pursuit of online animal abusers — came to the conclusion that the kitten killer was Magnotta.
Jun Lin was a computer engineering student studying at Montreal's Concordia University when he was killed in late May.Jun Lin was a computer engineering student studying at Montreal's Concordia University when he was killed in late May. (Facebook/Canadian Press)

The group believes that Magnotta himself tipped off the online group by planting comments on message boards that he knew they frequented using a variety of online aliases or "sockpuppet" accounts.

"To him, this was a game," another Animal Beta Project member, who goes by the online alias John Green, told the fifth estate.

"When he initially posted the videos of the kittens in the vacuum bag, the YouTube profile name had ‘liked’ a video which was the opening credits to the [movie] Catch Me If You Can, which is about a person who is running away from the authorities," said Green. "And so to us, this was a cat-and-mouse game with him."

Green, Moovan and their colleagues began delving into the online trail left by Magnotta. The group was stunned to find dozens of profiles on Facebook, Myspace and Twitter, plus scores of blogs by the alleged killer painting himself as an international playboy escort and porn star. A vast number of aliases were used by Magnotta to act solely as online "fans" of Magnotta, the group says.

In seemingly desperate attempts to achieve fame and recognition, Magnotta auditioned for two reality TV shows, appeared on Naked News and was profiled in the gay bi-weekly Fab magazine. Magnotta had a clear fascination with serial killers, creating rumours he was dating Karla Homolka and then denying them.

Numerous posts appeared in online magazines and diaries about his dysfunctional childhood and struggles with mental illness.
Photo IDs location

The online sleuths suspect Magnotta joined the Facebook group "For Great Justice" under an alias, keeping an eye on the group as members tried to track him down.

The group scrutinized thousands of pictures Magnotta had uploaded to the web.

In early 2011, members of the Animal Beta Project believed they had finally caught a break with a photograph that showed Magnotta holding a cup of coffee inside a shop.

Because the cellphone picture was stamped with GPS locator data, the group was able to identify the location as Toronto's Eaton Centre and the date as Oct. 31, 2010, about a month before the kitten killing video was uploaded to YouTube.

Armed with reams of information about Magnotta and the latest find, the group contacted the Ontario Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals (OSPCA), which reached out to the Toronto police.

In February 2011, Toronto police opened a file on Magnotta.

Though initially glad their concerns were taken seriously, the online sleuths quickly became frustrated when authorities seemed unable to find Magnotta.

"In our minds, why is it so difficult to find this person?" asked Moovan. "All they have to do is go to their system, type in the name and find them. It boggled us at times."
Authorities contacted again

Then, in late 2011, the kitten killer struck again, posting two new videos: one that showed a person feeding a live kitten to a python and another of a kitten duct-taped to a broom handle and drowned in a bathtub.
Details in this photo helped Animal Beta Project members track Magnotta to Montreal. Details in this photo helped Animal Beta Project members track Magnotta to Montreal. (Flickr)

The new videos provoked a crisis of conscience among the online group investigating Magnotta.

"When the second set of videos came out again and I turned it on and I watched it, the first thing that came to my mind was 'Catch me if you can.' He was taunting us personally with these videos," says Moovan.

By early 2012, the online investigators had been tracking Magnotta for over a year and had become convinced he would move onto something much worse than killing kittens.

"We were having a conversation with what we believe was a Luka sockpuppet account on a website where videos are hosted," said Moovan. "He said, 'You guys better back off, this guy can snap on a dime and start killing humans.' "

By this spring, the online sleuths had honed their skills in tracking Magnotta down.

Using a recent photo that showed Magnotta posing outside near concrete steps below some distinct street lights, and acting on a tip that Magnotta was in Montreal, the investigators meticulously sifted through Google Street View images of the city's intersections.

The group managed to find the matching intersection in southwest Montreal.

The sleuths again contacted Montreal SPCA and police, pleading with them to act.

CBC News has also learned that the Toronto detective investigating Magnotta warned Montreal police about him months before his arrest in the Lin case.

"I still have the email I sent Montreal PD [police department] stating that yes he was only killing cats right now but that the next would be a human," the detective wrote in an email obtained by the fifth estate.
'Bigger' problem needs change

But in mid-May, someone on the web began promoting and asking questions about a new video called "1 lunatic 1 icepick." There's no evidence the video actually existed at that time.

Watch the fifth estate's documentary, Hunting Magnotta, on Friday. It airs on CBC TV at 9 p.m. (9:30 in Newfoundland and Labrador).

By May 25, a video with that title appeared on an online gore site. Days later, packages containing a foot and hand arrived at the Conservative and Liberal parties' headquarters in Ottawa. Other body parts later arrived at Vancouver schools and were discovered in Montreal.

Moovan recalled her reaction to the discovery that the online video depicting the murder of Lin was real.

"When I came to the realization it was real, I was utterly devastated,” she says.

An international manhunt for Magnotta led police on June 4 to an internet café in Berlin.

Members of the online group wonder if they could've done more to alert authorities, but they also worry about the future.

"When you look at the whole picture of what Luka had done, it's not just that he sucked the air out of a bag, he played with people, he manipulated his image, he was terrorizing people and he was killing defenceless creatures," says Moovan.

"It’s not just some person on the internet calling the police and saying, 'Somebody killed a cat.' There's a bigger picture here that I don’t think the system itself takes into consideration here and that needs to be changed."

Watch the fifth estate documentary, Hunting Magnotta, Friday. It airs on CBC-TV at 9 p.m. (9:30 in Newfoundland and Labrador).


Luka Magnotta

01.12.2012 um 19:38
Hier hat jemand zu ''Hunting Magnotta'' in die Kommentarbox was interessantes geschrieben!


There's no-one in Toronto who knows Luka better than I do, and I can guarantee that this show is a fraudulent, assumptive, tawdry and sensational piece of journalistic garbage. The Fifth Estate did contact me for participation, but I declined. Thus, all they have for witnesses are the the usual self-promoting attention whores who we've seen blathering their mendacities and judgmental nonsense countless times since this story broke. You people are going to be shocked when the truth comes out at the trial. Utterly shameful and unprofessional for the CBC.

.....und diese barbie auch =/

Barbie Swallows:

I'm Barbie, the Transsexual x-lover of Luka Magnotta. I enjoyed watching this but I regret wearing those big false eyelashes, cause u can hardly see my eyes for gods sake, lol. Anyways, I'm disappointed they didn't post the picture of us standing outside the Limo together, and my interview was cut short less then 2 mins air time. It wasn't bad really, but I just wished the camera was filming me on the left side on my face instead which is better half. Now I know why alot of celebrities look so anorexia in real life, cause the camera adds 10-15 pounds, on tv. Oh well, I'll know better for the next time im being interviewed in the near future. I had a good time with cbc the fifth estate people that I met, they were all very nice to me. I just wished they had a makeup artist there to help me out on what looks good before being filmed on tv. The story was well put together and I'm happy I done this interview, even though I don't think i looked my best. (Archiv-Version vom 04.12.2012)


Luka Magnotta

01.12.2012 um 22:46
Keiner seiner Familie will den Medien irgendwas sagen bis die Verhandlung vorüber ist!

Da bin ich ja mal gespannt, ob sie's danach tun? (Archiv-Version vom 04.12.2012)


Luka Magnotta

01.12.2012 um 23:07
AB Group Investigation

WARNING: This document may contain disturbing images and content

The Animal Beta Project compiled the following document during the course of their investigation into Luka Rocco Magnotta, the man they believed posted three online videos showing cats being killed. They produced this document in the hope that it would help authorities catch Magnotta.

External link: (pdf, 3.74 MB) (Archiv-Version vom 06.12.2012)


Luka Magnotta

10.12.2012 um 09:51
Hier die Facebookseite von seiner Schwester Mellisa Newman/Salter:

Und hier von seinem Bruder Conrad Shane Newman:

In deren Freundeslisten kann man den Rest der Familie Newman/Yourkin finden.


Luka Magnotta

10.01.2013 um 09:50
Endlich geht es weiter!!!!!

Luka Rocco Magnotta preliminary hearing set to go March 11
Wednesday, January 09, 2013 4:54 PM

MONTREAL - A shackled Luka Rocco Magnotta remained impassive as he made his first court appearance since last June on a first-degree murder charge in the gruesome slaying of a Montreal university student.

Magnotta kept his eyes on the ground when not looking at the Crown or the judge as lawyers set the stage on Wednesday for a preliminary hearing that will begin March 11.

The hearing, which will determine whether the 30-year-old Ontario native is sent to trial, is scheduled to last at least two weeks and possibly resume in June.

Magnotta is charged with first-degree murder in the slaying and dismemberment of Chinese engineering student Jun Lin last May.

Most of the contents of Wednesday's 35-minute hearing cannot be revealed because of a publication ban.

The proceedings took place in a high-security courtroom where Magnotta sat throughout in a large prisoner's box. At the end, he used an intercom phone to speak briefly to his lawyer before being whisked away.

Magnotta faces other charges related to Lin's death: committing an indignity to a body; publishing obscene material; criminally harassing Prime Minister Stephen Harper and other members of Parliament; and mailing obscene and indecent material.

Quebec court Judge Lori-Renee Weitzman will preside over the preliminary hearing. Any eventual trial would be held in Quebec Superior Court.

Magnotta has previously pleaded not guilty and chosen trial by judge and jury. He is represented by Luc Leclair, an Ontario-based lawyer who has been granted leave by the Quebec bar to represent Magnotta. He is also represented by Pierre Panaccio, a Montreal defence attorney.

Neither man spoke to reporters on Wednesday.

Magnotta became the subject of an international manhunt after parts of Lin's body began turning up across the country.

He is accused of mailing body parts to different places including the Ottawa offices of the Conservative Party of Canada, the Liberal Party of Canada and two Vancouver schools.

Crown prosecutor Louis Bouthillier will be trying the case on his own for now. His counterpart, Helene Di Salvo, was recently named a Quebec Superior Court justice.

© The Canadian Press, 2013

Read it on Global News: Global News | Luka Rocco Magnotta preliminary hearing set to go March 11


Luka Magnotta

10.01.2013 um 10:01
However, as per the rules of the court, any new evidence uncovered during ongoing investigations will be divulged to Magnotta and his lawyer, Bouthillier said.

Bouthillier told Weitzman he had originally planned on calling about 15 witnesses, including witnesses in Paris and Berlin and experts, among them a pathologist, a forensic biologist, a forensic toxicologist and a dental expert.

Read more:


Luka Magnotta

10.01.2013 um 10:05
But he now believes he will have to call more witnesses because Magnotta’s defence lawyer, Toronto-based Luc Leclair, will not make any admissions on behalf of his client to speed the process along.

Leclair will not make an admission as to the identity of the victim, the identity of the accused, or the time and date of the infraction.?????????????

Read more:

The inquiry will be held March 11-23, and, if need be, will continue June 3.


Luka Magnotta

10.01.2013 um 17:16

gibt es auch deutsche berichte? hast du da etwas gefunden?



Luka Magnotta

10.01.2013 um 20:18

habe ich gar nicht nach gesucht, schaue später aber mal nach, ob ich was finde, dann poste ich es


Luka Magnotta

11.01.2013 um 15:59
oha geht es endlich weiter.....

wurde auch Zeit :)

mhhh finde auch nur auf Englisch News, wenn auf deutsch .. den Kram den wir schon kennen, die Blöd ähm Bild hat noch ein Jahresrückblick.


Luka Magnotta

11.01.2013 um 16:33
habe bis jetzt keine Berichte aus Deutschland gefunden


Luka Magnotta

11.03.2013 um 08:14
Jun Lin's friend awaits answers in Luka Magnotta case

MONTREAL — Sitting at a cafe in this city, Benjamin says he will never forget his friend Jun Lin. And he will never be able to shake how gruesome his death was. Sometimes, he says, he has nightmares.

"What happened in (Luka) Magnotta's apartment?" He asks. "Was my friend drugged? Did he call for help? I'm not a member of the family, so I don't have that information."

In an exclusive interview with QMI Agency, Benjamin, who didn't want his last name published, agreed to speak.

He wishes to remind the public — whose eyes have largely been on the accused killer Magnotta — that his innocent friend lost his life. But Benjamin said he hopes that the preliminary hearing, scheduled to begin Monday in Montreal, will provide answers.

Benjamin was there the first time Magnotta appeared at a Montreal courthouse. He was wanted to look into the eyes of his friend's alleged killer.

But, strangely, he says, he felt nothing.

"It's not a pleasant feeling that the names of Jun Lin and Magnotta are now intertwined," he said. "Through Magnotta, we think Jun Lin."


Luka Magnotta

11.03.2013 um 08:19
Prozess gegen kanadischen Pornodarsteller nach grausamem Mord

In Montréal beginnt am Montag der Prozess um den spektakulärsten Kriminalfall der vergangenen Jahre in Kanada (16.30 MEZ).

Vor Gericht steht der 30-jährige Luka Rocco Magnotta, der seinen Freund mit einem Eispickel ermordet und die Leiche zerstückelt haben soll. Mehrere Leichenteile des Opfers soll der kanadische Pornodarsteller und Prostituierte anschließend an politische Parteien in Ottawa sowie Schulen in Vancouver geschickt haben.
Prozess gegen kanadischen Pornodarsteller nach grausamem Mord

Zudem soll er die Tat gefilmt und das Video ins Internet gestellt haben. Magnotta flüchtete nach der Tat nach Frankreich und von dort nach Berlin. Anfang Juni vergangenen Jahres wurde der Kanadier vom Betreiber eines Internetcafés im Stadtteil Neukölln erkannt und von der Polizei festgenommen.

Psychiatrische Untersuchung Magnottas geplant

Magnotta, dem unter anderem Mord und die Zerstückelung der Leiche vorgeworfen werden, hat in allen fünf Punkten auf unschuldig plädiert, sagte Staatsanwalt Louis Bouthilliers im Juni 2012. Aus Sicherheitsgründen wurde der 29-Jährige demnach per Videokonferenz zu der zehnminütigen Anhörung zugeschaltet.
Magnotta soll Mann getötet und zerstückelt haben

Der in Berlin gefasste und von Deutschland ausgelieferte Magnotta wird verdächtigt, Ende Mai in Montréal einen 33-jährigen Chinesen mit einem Eispickel getötet und die Leiche zerstückelt zu haben. Mehrere Leichenteile des Opfers soll der Kanadier an politische Parteien in Ottawa sowie zwei Schulen in Vancouver geschickt haben. Zudem soll er die Tat gefilmt und das Video ins Internet gestellt haben. afp/AZ
Prozess gegen kanadischen Pornodarsteller nach grausamem Mord - weiter lesen auf Augsburger-Allgemeine:


Luka Magnotta

11.03.2013 um 08:26
Luka Magnotta, accused in infamous body-parts case, faces preliminary inquiry Monday


MONTREAL — The Canadian Press

Published Sunday, Mar. 10 2013, 5:58 PM EDT

Luka Rocco Magnotta, the man charged in connection with the infamous body-parts case that dominated headlines for the better part of 2012, is set to begin his preliminary inquiry on Monday.

But if Magnotta’s lawyers have their way, the only people in the Montreal courtroom to hear the sordid details will be the prosecutors, the judge and a court clerk.

Magnotta is charged with first-degree murder in the slaying and dismemberment of Chinese-born student Jun Lin last May.

The 30-year-old low-budget porn actor and stripper, who crafted an online personality for himself over several years, became known worldwide after an international manhunt.

Authorities began looking for him after the severed remains of Lin, a Montreal engineering student, began showing up all over Canada.

Preliminary hearings, which determine if there is enough evidence to send a case to trial, are generally covered by a publication ban on that evidence.

But Magnotta’s legal team announced at the end of last month that it would seek to have the public and media barred from attending altogether.

In a motion filed at the end of February, the request for the closed courtroom stems from an unspecified reason related to Magnotta’s personal and medical history, details of which are not disclosed in the document.

The written motion from Magnotta’s lawyers says that “the ends of justice will be best served by doing so.”

Magnotta is accused of videotaping himself stabbing and dismembering Lin.

There is tremendous intrigue surrounding the case. Magnotta has kept quiet since being arrested in Germany and returned to Canada. His lawyers have kept their comments to the courtroom. The Crown has not said much about what they believed happened last May.

It began with the discovery of a torso in a suitcase outside a Montreal apartment and body parts in Ottawa on the same day. Those grisly discoveries triggered a police investigation that would spread right across the globe.

Magnotta is also accused of mailing body parts to different places including the Ottawa offices of the Conservative Party of Canada, the Liberal Party of Canada, and two Vancouver schools. More remains were found at a Montreal park.

In addition to the first-degree murder charge, Magnotta is also charged with committing an indignity to a body; publishing obscene material; criminally harassing Prime Minister Stephen Harper and other members of Parliament; and mailing obscene and indecent material.

Magnotta has previously pleaded not guilty to all charges and chosen trial by judge and jury.

One Montreal criminal attorney says that Magnotta’s legal team, led by Toronto-based lawyer Luc Leclair, will face an uphill battle in keeping the public barred.

Lawyer Steven Slimovitch, who is not connected to the case, said Magnotta’s attorneys must prove their client’s right to a fair trial is put in jeopardy by the public being allowed in the courtroom. Several media outlets will contest the attempt.

“They have a high burden of proof because the rule in Canada is open court,” Slimovitch said.

A publication ban at the preliminary inquiry stage is “almost automatic,” with evidence heard kept under wraps until either the charges are dropped or a criminal trial is complete.

The case has usually been heard in an secured courtroom at the Montreal courthouse – with lengthy lineups, limited seating and heavy security the norm. An overflow room set up elsewhere in the courthouse is also usually packed.

Lin’s family has previously said they would attend court dates this spring, but it isn’t clear whether they were back in town.

The curiosity surrounding Magnotta in part has to do with his voluminous online presence.

Magnotta legally had his name changed from Eric Clinton Kirk Newman on Aug. 12, 2006, while he still lived in Ontario where he was born and raised.

Various pages and sites, some allegedly authored by Magnotta, revealed numerous aliases he kept over the years. His online musings suggested he had a longtime fascination with identity change and escape. He had multiple social media accounts under these various aliases.

The case captured international media attention and organizations dubbed Magnotta as the “Canadian Psycho” and the “Canadian Cannibal,” among other names.

He was named Canadian newsmaker of the year and news story of the year by editors across the country in the annual poll of newsrooms by The Canadian Press.

Quebec Court judge Lori-Renee Weitzman will hear the case over the next two weeks. It could be extended if need be. An eventual trial would be heard by a different judge in Quebec Superior Court.


Luka Magnotta

11.03.2013 um 13:41
Preliminary hearing begins for Luka Magnotta, accused in dismemberment case
